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I wasted my youth locked up, and with the screen as the only company. it's not something I wanted or chose, but that's how things were. I knew I could never make up for lost time, and I thought that by sorting out my financial life and earning a lifetime income at an early age, I could achieve freedom and live once and for all.
I started this when I was 16, it was supposed to be a 5 year plan, investing, and saving everything. Now that time has passed and I have 3 months to go before turning 22, I was unable to achieve my goals. I only got a third of the way to achieve them due to my indiscipline. I have the ability and the means to be a great businessman, but the determination and discipline of a child.

The sad part is that you realize that the most important capital is not in the land, money or a vehicle, a man's most important capital is his knowledge, something I don't have, living in agonizing ignorance. There really is no better feeling than coming home with a wad of cash, and seeing your entire house slowly fill up with boxes and more boxes. When you see what you have built, And even though in reality everything remains the same, there is a really nice feeling of growth.


>I wasted my youth
>I have 3 months to go before turning 22


I am interested in the recommendation. There is a lot of criticism of self-help books, but I once read Seneca and it is basically a guide and moral support in difficult situations.

>access to crucial information is almost impossible to come by. Success its exponential

I have tried to look for information on how to make money or how to get out of isolation many times, and most of it was pure crap. Especially about money. What I mean is that answers adapted to a context far removed from yours are of no use. That is why everyone has to find their own way and do things in the way that is most convenient for them.


From the age of 13 to 19 I was just a teenager. And even though sometimes my determination may be low, behind this child's face, there is someone strong willing to do anything.


Time is not measured in weeks, months or years, a person's time is measured by the memories and experiences lived.


You need to socialize. The isolated genius is a fantasy. Any rich person who says they did it by themselves is a self-centered liar. To succeed you need to go out and make connections. healthy socialization causes your brain will work better, you will magically find more motivation, and you will learn far easier than on your own.


can you explain "healthy socialization"? what does that even look like?
honestly when i think of the average normalfag interaction, it's disgusting to me and if that's what "healthy" means, then i'd rather be sick.


It is just interacting with people for the sake of interacting with them. It doesnt have to be whatever you think "normalfag interaction" is. You said you have goals. Well, look for groups and clubs and classes that align with those goals. Talk to people with sharted interests, get familiar with them and then things should naturally flow from there.

Just dont use people as a means to an end. Connecting with people is the end that you are seeking with socialization.


Socialize with engineers, clients, suppliers and vendors, but it's all business and nothing friendly. But it was a year, a year and a half ago.

The day before yesterday I spoke to an old man in a square, the guy owned a lift company, and the truth is that he was quite curious. Although I really find it difficult to socialise, as I don't know where to do it or where to start, I know that sports and classes are good alternatives, but I have spent so much time without socializing that it is a bit difficult


I don't know how to start casual conversations.


I could have lost my youth but not money.


Success is measured by freedom. A free man is more successful than someone enslaved by ignorance, poverty, and his impulses.
Sex only gives pleasure, and keeps you handcuffed to succubi.



Socialization appearing difficult after a long dry spell is pretty common. You are lucky to be your age in a time where health professionals are considering this a big problem and it has become quite well documented for all ages. Just google social isolation treatment plans for young adults to get an idea of what you can do. The US surgeon general also put out an advisory titled "our epidemic of loneliness and isolation." I would recommend reading it if you want to know exactly how the lack of socialization affects your health.


Isolation is slowly killing me. Everything is the same, but every year that passes is harder than the previous one. I am not the same since I was 16 until today. Before I had money, I had projects, and I spent time on the computer, but you are happy, now everything feels more and more dull.

I came to the conclusion that a course, a sport, or school are the way to meet someone. Even so, I reached a point where I think it is easier to make a living without working than to socialize with someone my age, and that's not even talking about friends or similar things.


it is all in your head. It is just what social isolation does. Just push through those feelings and do what you need to do to make those connections that you need. If you have the resources then absolutely do find a therapist to help you with this transition.

I would also advise to drop the concept of socializing with people in your age group. There are many reasons why you want to socialize with people your age, but when it comes to health, age doesn't matter that much. Volunteer at the local old folks' home if you want. Old people are the most vulnerable group for loneliness and isolation so you will likely be helping them more than yourself. Volunteering may even help with a sense of purpose if you are struggling with that. That is why socialization is so important, it has the tendency to compound into other things.


Just having a friend would have prevented a young successful normalniggard from coming here


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every time I look for people who share my fate to not feel alone and also maybe get some hope from people who managed to turn their life around from that spot I relate to them until they say they are in their 20s every time


I don't have any kind of network of contacts. I haven't had any friends for over 9 years, and I don't really know how to form any.

Having a little more money than average does not make me successful or normal. I have been visiting all kinds of alternative chans since I was 15, now they have all closed and only this one and the succubi's forum remain. But they are dead and decaying sites. I used to be able to create many threads, it was fun and entertaining. I never used these sites as a personal blog like now.
I think that even with all my life, my bad life, once you go out on the street I realize that I am above the average normal person, whether young or adult, because of money, and being able to deal with rejection in a better way.


Dead men tell no tales. This is a real, harsh reality to accept.


If you are a person without a high school education, without money, who spends his day in front of a screen and locked up at home with parents who support him, then you can do it. As long as you can increase capital. It's not about keeping money in a box, it's about using every bit of money you have to generate income.
If you live with your parents it is more than feasible, if not it is more complicated but living like a rat is better than being a slave for the rest of your life.

In terms of "difficulty" talking to the elderly and people my age is the same. But even if it sounds a bit selfish, seeing someone my age, regardless of their condition or background, who He has a good physique, academically better, or having a good income, makes me want to be a better person in some way, and when I see people in a worse situation, they help me understand that even with all the bad times in my situation, not everything is so bad.
Pragmatism is important in these cases, because until I know what the company is, I don't think I can give it the necessary importance.


I'm 23 and still work at a warehouse, planning to go to college to do medical shit though and earn more. What should I do until then? Is stocks and crypto a meme or what?


I can't tell you, as what works in one country doesn't work in all countries. But things like buying and selling are universal, I started buying and selling supermarket deals. I bought sodas, beers, etc., and sold them to other retail businesses. I did this until I found a distributor.
Resale applies to everything, but it is better to sell things with a short useful life. But above all, they should adapt to where you live, since the ways of doing business vary wildly.


It is best to focus on the things you have in common with others. You can always find something that is different and distance yourself that way, but this habit is what perpetuates the cycle.


Why are we being raided by normalfags all of the sudden?
Did some jewtuber made a video about this site or something?


So people in this thread suggest to socialize and make friends as a general solution to all your problems. In reality socializing is just exhausting and a constant burden.


I remember a kid like that in school. He was obsessed with Pink Floyd and the Beatles. He would wear like a brown leather jacket with jeans and blonde long hair with shades. I tried to talk to him but he literally ignored me because I wasn't a huge fan of those bands. Never felt more insulted in my life.


You are relatively successful and I meant only to say that real friendships would make you a normalnigger. I dropped out of school in 15 and was lurking on 8ch and might have posted much too, if I weren't a retarded ESL'er. I couldn't get to anything else than a silly hobby besides entertainment in your years Humanities (hobbies, some personal philosophy) definitely beat money and keep you sane, but only if they are real and not silly. You are not retarded and you have time for a lot of things. You have wasted nothing, you just was in social isolation which you are going to end now.


I fucking sometimes hate anti-social fags because they would be dicks for no reason at all. Granted they have that right, I don't like it when they complain about their lives being lonely and miserable when they push everyone away.


If you are under 30 you are living life on tutorial trial mode where everything is forgiven and you can find yourself
when you enter doom difficulty which increases after 30 years of age and immensely damages your already destroyed psyche, you will know the true meaning of pain


Projecting, lying piece of fear-mongering filth


Just because you are an older guy, who had a lot of misfortunes in his life, doesn't mean that young people can't live a bad life.


Disagree, anyone's life can become "hellish" at any age, it depends on an individual's circumstances.


This is true.
This is also true.

For me at least, before 30 I always felt sad. But I also felt a vague glimmer of hope. Like, "I can still turn it around," and "things can still get better." But after 30, it hit different. I'm nearing 34 now, and I finally found a path (career wise) but all the people in my training program are in their late teens and early 20s. It feels like shit, man.


When I was 6 years old, I lived so badly, in such a terrible environment, that I told my parents that if they didn't stop screaming I would jump out of the moving car, opening the vehicle door. Time passed, and something like committing suicide never happened to me again.


Getting really sick of these doom and gloom zoomers posting here


I have a car that I can't drive, many boxes of merchandise that I don't feel like selling. I used to be motivated by making money, then I asked myself why, and I realized that fixing my financial life would just keep it the same as it is now, and it wouldn't change my life.


Nah he's right. After 30

>Family stop caring to try and help make you better, they accept you're basically Chris Chan

>If you turn up to your family's place with your problems, you'll be slowly cut out of their life
>People on the street start treating you like you're a disgusting hobo instead of a delinquent teen
>You don't bounce back from mental illness like you used to. You start actually accumulating health problems

Even if you don't change mentally, shit gets a lot worse just based on how you're seen and treated.


I've been seen and treated like that my whole life.

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