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What do you think is their plan with recents studies and articles showcasing the way men are starting to approach succubi less? Besides obviously adding fuel to the fire to the gender war between normalniggers, how far does it go? Is monkeypox involved in all of this? Creating awareness of single men at the same time a sexually transmited disease appears? Set things up to re-establish a lesser version of homophobia to keep an eye on non-compliant normies? What are its intended purposes, and, how long will it take them to finally mention in mainstream media sexual demoralization being the cause of degeneracy altogether? I personally believe they have a long way to go, two years or so before they start to quote current statistics and connect the dots.


They aren't allowed to push the sexual demoralization angle in mainstream media yet because it'll backlash against the troons, how long 'til they're given the green light?


It's happening just like in Universe 25.

Do you really think that the elites literally have influence in such way? They play with manking but only as much as their corruption already allows them to do so… because what does really make a succubus grow as a radical feminist? Issues w dad. Which type of dad is more probable to raise one of those succubi? All these answers the elites know, and they nail plans within plans to lure and seal the paths of a humanity that does not acknowledge, not even a bit, that taxation is theft.

There are no behavioural sinks without taxes or without limitations on free natural resources.




File: 1728964297324.jpg (60.88 KB, 900x675, 4:3, big-brother-is-watching-yo….jpg) ImgOps iqdb

it's about collapsing birthrates and further solidifying succubi's status as consumers.

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