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anyone else pretend in their heads to be in the same or similar position as a nation's dictator, such as putin?

everyone around you must treat you with respect, you have total command over much of the world that surrounds you, only have to keep up high power public appearances - but beyond that you can retreat into social solitude, can experience unmatched luxury without thinking of costs

i sometimes walk around my house handshaking the air

i dont talk to anyone irl or online


my fantasies are mostly apolitical



Putin's not a dictator. He won the vote by majority and continues to do so by varying margins.


Dictator != Fake elections


The elections are real.


Reread the comment. Dictator does not equal fake elections.


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Read this


Must be extremely stressful to think about losing power 24/7 and being always in the eyes of media


russia has been under jewish control since (((they))) collapsed the monarchy under the guise of bolshevism/communism. the financing for this "communist" revolution came from jewish super-capitalists whose main base of operations was nyc/london. the cold war was a masonic deception. perestroika was a masonic deception. the jews simply changed masks, but they never left. russia is ZOG just like usa, uk, all of western europe, etc. holocaust denial is punishable with jail time in modern russia. they went along with the covid hoax just like usa, uk, china. this would plainly suggest that all such countries answer to the same hidden authority despite outward appearances of hostility. putin is jewish on his mother's side (shelemova). he is not a dictator, but rather just an actor that fronts the power of hidden jewish financial interests. further he is constantly pictured with members of the extremist chabad religious cult. though i don't even think that that putin whom you have pictured in the topmost post is the same putin who was photographed in the early 90s. fsb revolves duplicate puppets just as cia revolves duplicate "president bidens". the portrayal of russia as some sort of big evil enemy has been an important part of jewish propaganda since the end of WW2. this is done so to sow confusion and prevent the understanding that the same group actually controls all countries. there are no independent nations left.


What if someone else does?


I don't want political positions, titles or status. I just want anonymous Gatsby-tier wealth to insulate myself completely from this shit world and create a new one for myself for a few decades.


This resonated with me. If I became extremely wealthy tomorrow, I would buy some anonymous home in a landlocked suburb and just ride out the next few decades quietly until I died. Maybe I'd paint.


I daydream a lot but not about that, I pretend being a musician or an artist, even though I never even tried to learn how to play an instrument.


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my fantasy is being the toughest man alive


All the time, I even think of what laws I want to enact and how I am going to design my capital city and the country's infrastructure. Nothing wrong with being a dictator so long as you are a good dictator and the people are happy, the problem is there are rarely good dictators. I don't think I would be a good dictator, I hate people too much in general, but that doesn't stop me fantasizing.


My greatest fantasy is to have a loving family that takes care of me


I've felt this feel before. You can either roll the dice on getting close to a nice succubus and becoming part of her family, or convince yourself that any love received from others is superficial and adopt a self-righteous sour grapes attitude toward all affection.


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one of my day dreams is that out of nowhere people start developing super powers like x men style.

also i have cool psychic powers and am probably the strongest mutant in the universe


Yeah that's a good one. Other ones I like is fantasizing about being an electrical engineer or being able to get a physics degree, summa cum laude. Or maybe just graduating would be good enough. I also fantasize about being a skilled amateur astronomer and finding a star or planetoid nobody saw before. That's easier than you might think, if you have good equipment and know how to use it.


I fantasize about starting my life again with all the knowledge I have, and just making all the right decisions. And of course investing in Bitcoin and Tesla back in 2010.


I mined dozens of btc in 2010 on a cheap gpu.

The problem as a poorwiz is you will never ever have the willpower to hold until one is worth tens of thousands.

I was ecstatic to sell them at 45$ a piece. I didn't even dream of holding them.
When you're poor you can't afford to pass up a few thousand dollars. You need them now, instantly.

There is no option to wait for 10 years and starve hoping the price rockets.


I've created a country in my own head where I'm a Putin like leader.


There's a good game on Steam called Suzerain where you get to play as the president of a country which I found pretty fun. In the DLC you get to play as a king.


I'd probably fuck things up really badly one day and everyone would realize fast how I shouldn't be in charge


Not as such. I would welcome the wealth but not the social status. I think losing your anonymity in this era is one of the worst things that could happen to a man.


true, the next richest man alive will be someone anonymous


oh another fantasy i have is getting lost on a mysterious island


my fantasies are mostly apolitical too. i ride motorcycles and do kung fu and beat people's asses.


I always pretend I'm Hitler or Goebbels giving volk speeches about our great race


My fantasies tend to be criminal and violent but not necessarily evil


nice stable people usually avoid people that are too weird or mentally unwell


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I occasionally like to imagine myself as sort of a Super-Hitler
A world conquering Superman-expy


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A golden god cleansing the world in thunder and fury and ushering in an aryan golden age under a new empire.

Is it a power fantasy, yes
Do I care, no


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My fantasy is to be a normal person who people don't think is creepy or scary. I want to be like one of those extras you see in the background of a tv commercial.


Red hair looks so jarring.


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Currently Im fantasizing about dying to save people from a knife terror attack


why would you want to sacrifice yourself for normalfags who see you as subhuman


Because they have the potential to live a much better life than me.


but they deserve to suffer like we do


Remember they are experts hiding things.

Sadistically laughable


Good excuse to die while looking like a hero


>normalfags who see you as subhuman
They don't. Blackpill retard trying to bring wizards down.


Yeah, this is the only way I would have been able to stay optimistic in life. Being able to go pretty much anywhere and meld with the populace and remain in good graces seems like a superpower.


Feel the opposite, I fantasize about doing the killing.

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