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If you have absolutely nothing to strive for, no goal to work towards, no future you can imagine yourself in. If you know that you will never get anything you desire and that you will never be happy or fulfilled.
How is anyone expected to function like this? I can't kill myself because I don't have the balls. So I still have to work and go through life. But how?

Some people have different ways to cope with their situation, but I don't have any. One of the most powerful copes seems to be religion, but I simply can't believe. I know it's all made up and can't convince myself otherwise.


I forgot to add that I don't have any ways to cope with my situation. No hobbies. Nothing is fun, nothing interests me. I just rot away. I thought about picking up hobbies like drawing, but I don't have the energy/motivation to start. I have everything I need to start drawing, and I want to draw. But I don't start.


i guess you should get a goal and force yourself to do it even if you dont enjoy it. probably youll atleast develop an obligation to keep doing that thing everyday out of habit. you arent going to magically enjoy doing things again after depression so you have to force it.


and stop seeking pleasure/fulfillment, that is a bottomless pit that leads nowhere.


>How do you deal with the meaninglessness?
By doing what every man has done for the past 600,000 years: making my own meaning.

>[pleasure / fulfillment] is a bottomless pit that leads nowhere.
Are you an upside-down Chinese person? Self fulfillment is the topless ladder of which every rung takes a man further away from the bottomless pit of despair. He may never reach the top, but any height gained is going to be a hell of a lot better than being in the pit.


Isolation 📦
Distraction 🖥
Anchoring ⚓
Sublimation 🖼


religion will never make sense in this state anyway anon, just work on what you like and only then, will religion make sense. i mean, if God created you and you hate yourself this much or at least doesn't even bother to take care of yourself, God will feel like that kind of "friend" who has interest in one thing while you have different interests, a pointless friendship


Do you guys literally believe in "eternal oblivion after death"?


seems to be becoming the default belief in western culture.


Forced to play Oblivion forever…


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>be eternaloblivion believer
>work 8 hours a day+ up to 3 extra (commute, winding down, preparing, lunch break, etc)
>pay taxes
>never gonna retire, nor own a home, nor (if United Statian) have all needs covered to the point being homeless isn't an option ie; homelessness IS only one major accident away
>have to pay ambulance rides , can't sleep under a tree in the park at night, boomers live like petty kings and shit on you 24\7
>estranged from blood relatives- can't get a real spouse - can't afford pet
if it was ME whom believe in that shit of oblivion and eternal or, rather, non-temporal nothingness and cessation of all Qali…well. I wouldn't be so tame let's say.


I really should replay Oblivion


>I can't kill myself because I don't have the balls.

This is my problem. I don't even want to get better at this point, I literally just want to die. All I want is to either not be so fucking deformed or to be able to just die. I pray for cancer every day.

I've tried hanging myself, I've tried it so many times. I hope burning myself alive in my bedroom will be the way. Simply douse myself in petrol and just light myself up. I'll scream for a few minutes, collapse, and then the fire around me will consume me within minutes.

I thought about doing it in the forest but the idea of cats and rats munching on my still alive body terrifies me. I have a strong survival instinct, it's hard, but I'm just going to suffer staying alive.


you DO know cancer will, most probably, contribute significantly to your deformity, right?
You will weight like 30 kilos and be full of surgery scars and be bald -and not in the cholo gangster way, the ugly way-
Do you have a lot of cash for painkillers and\or a great healthcare plan? cancer isn't an instakill and it hurts much more than you ever felt pain.
>t. knows a bit about cancer

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