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are Brahmin-caste Naga Sadhus the gigagest chads on the Planet?
>can enter all Temples of Dharma ;ram, shiva, ganesha, vishnu etc
>legal permit to smoke Hash ,even dature seeds or opium, etc 24\7
>legal permit to go naked
>they don't work -just beg-
>know ancient martial arts, even weapon based ones such as sword, trident, maze etc. Partake in intense grappling, and stick fighting, matches
>untrimmed beard and dreadlocks, some dreaded hair-masses reach meters of length.
>just sleep on the side of the road, or temple shrine, or river side. no ta*es, no house own*rship or any other bureaucratic LSC bulls*
>can hang out with hundreds of ashram cows (cows are much more cooler than humans), never have to bathe ,legally dead as per Indian State registers also. can walk 100s of KM per month and just go chill in a cave system in the himalayas for a couple ov decades


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I bet being White disqualifies me


they look unkept and dirty


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They're not kings of anything. To command respect from Indians is to be an empire of manure.

>can enter all Temples of Dharma ;ram, shiva, ganesha, vishnu etc

Temples that worship and encourage sex, and obedience to the "higher castes"
>>legal permit to smoke Hash ,even dature seeds or opium, etc 24\7
Drugs are for fags
>legal permit to go naked
Exhibitionism is the most comically normalfag fetish
>they don't work -just beg-
So do methheads in Santa Monica
>know ancient martial arts, even weapon based ones such as sword, trident, maze etc. Partake in intense grappling, and stick fighting, matches
They -know- them or -know about- them? Because none of these gross idiots look like they can even lift a blade let alone competently wield one
>>untrimmed beard and dreadlocks, some dreaded hair-masses reach meters of length.
n i g g a r d l y
>>just sleep on the side of the road, or temple shrine, or river side. no ta*es, no house own*rship or any other bureaucratic LSC bulls*
(you will own nothing and you will be happy, don't question why the HIGHER CASTES get a bed it's bad karma or something)
>>can hang out with hundreds of ashram cows (cows are much more cooler than humans), never have to bathe ,legally dead as per Indian State registers also. can walk 100s of KM per month and just go chill in a cave system in the himalayas for a couple ov decades
We can do this in America without being beaten to death by a higher caste


being uknpet is masculine


People here are misled.
Portraying upper castes as tyrannical is wrong imo.
I say this as a mid caste Hindu, someone who has the surname (also jaati in this case as Verma (my ancestors were jewellers) and Varna as Vaishya. And member of OBC category according to new law.

The fact of the matter is the way upper castes are treated in the country is quite disgusting. In All India Exams, if upper caste males get into All India Examinations or Jobs and do well (we're talking 99%+ percentile) their vacancy is given to a low ranking 60% percentile scoring Dalit, because he's a Dalit.

This by law is known as reservation system. Basically India was founded by cucked men (I could write more about these cucks), but one of the cuck was known as Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, this cuck proposed that there ought to be reverse caste system by law to oppose the evils of caste system. But only for 10 years, but since India is a democracy people kept voting for increase in the duration and now it is permanent.

The condition of upper-caste people is hellish. Especially men. Because upper-caste succubi get reservations as well. And I say this as an OBC whose seat was stolen by a Dalit in a medical college but then again as an OBC I got some reservation as well so I would've stolen some other candidate's seat.

It's a big and convoluted topic that would require a lot of knowledge about how Indian society truly functions, but thanks to media that likes to demonise India all over the world, this has now become a topic where you can't debate. Much like people's perception of rape in India. No matter what you do now, you can't change people's mind.

People believe that whoever disagrees about reservation system is a castiest. And whoever says that rapes are not common in India is a liar.

You hear bad about India because unlike rest of the world our people love drying out dirty laundry so that they feel relieved of the burden they are carrying.

The reality is that stats show that rape in India is way way way lower than rest of the world, especially compared to countries like Muslims infested ones, Africa, and South American Footballbros. But people don't believe the statistics and just say "it's underreported" so even if it were lower people won't believe it. It's over for India's PR.

Anyways, this was by no means a defence of caste system, needless to say that it was evil. What truly remains of the caste system is that people marry within their castes, but even that is not the case anymore. As arranged marriages are no different then normal marriages (and arranged marriages 99% of the times weren't forced marriages), that is to say, that succubus are free to reject proposals, based upon genetics and money to some extent. And marry a guy who they like in arranged marriage, which is basically where families meet each other first, and then reject or accept


kek based


>It's a big and convoluted topic that would require a lot of knowledge about how Indian society truly functions,
they shit in the street and then literally rape the shit out of little boys
That's all there is to learn about "Indian society"


Ok Cucknadian.


That matters for colleges and the education, but aren't Dalits pretty abused in the rural villages, facing de-facto segregation? I imagine it's like affirmative action in the United States where only like the top 10% of blacks benefit from it, it hurts the lower class whites, and it doesn't even help the average blacks working in some Amazon factory.

I've heard the cities have basically westernized to a large degree but in the rural areas a lot of that backwards stuff still takes place. I also remember reading about the construction of a hindu temple in America, where they imported dalit construction workers, and the Brahmins would refer to them as "worms".


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>NOOO my poor rich pampered everything-given-to-them brats!!!
I'm sure having the chance of not NEEDING college \parents gifted you car 1t 18\ paid for 3-weeks long holiday in (((paris))), etc is so much more horrible than having to scavenge cow shit since being a toddler to have a chance at not starving to death, amerite, Mr Brahmin Sir?


Are you able to fucking read? I am not a Brahmin. Do you think all Brahmins live a life of luxury? As a matter of fact Brahmins are the ones involved in cleaning cowshit, and since they were ostracised by Kshatriyas they have to resort to begging, but they worked their way up during British Raj, as Brahmins and the British found something in common and that was affinity for education. So did other castes, my ancestors were Vaishyas, below Kshatriyas in varna "ranking" system as prescribed by the West.


In some rural areas what you're describing does happen, however, in most rural areas it can't happen because most villages either belong to one caste or another, or adjacent castes. As for castism, it does exist, it's not completely eradicated, and it will never be completely eradicated, as with racism. People are always going to be fighting each other, so it does exist but it is hugely overblown. I have personally seen reverse castism more then I have seen from Upper Castes, as they tend to be Westernised, they also tend to be liberal, and more "self-hating", but my point still stands the reason why we can't and we never will develop like China is because of inherent appeasement done by the Indian State towards "minorities", completely destroying any sense of meritocracy like what exists in China.


Ban Indians already.


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>be liberal
human waste literally.imagine simping for the (((w*st))) when you have glorious Vedic Theocracy as a possible group-shared goal if you join an extremist hindutva faction or whatever

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