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Years of isolation made me lose the ability to socialize like a normal human being
I personally don't crave socialization, but my body does, because I'm human and humans are social beings


buy a dog


It's just fear of survival. You need other people to survive. Not aimless social interaction. You just fear that if you need something which requires the help of another person you lack the ability to receive this help.


I feel like this too. One thing I'm considering is watching whatever the current popular movies and tv shows are. I think this will help me in 2 ways.
First, seeing the humor, life lessons, and slang conveyed in this popular media will help me understand how the average person thinks and what their morals are.
Second, it gives an easy way to relate to someone if you can discuss their favorite movies with them.


Me too. I don't feel lonely or alone, despite not having any social contacts. I've become a hermit as time wanted it, but I'm not sad over it, it's how I want to live. But sometimes when I lay in bed, I feel like I want a hug and it hurts that I don't get it, it's not a strong feeling, it's barely there, but I feel it. I still wish I could get rid of it, but as OP said, that's most likely just human.


Conjuring a tulpa really helped me with this. Apart from talking to her and having adventures in all kinds of scenarios, it also helps with touch starvation because with enough practice you can cuddle and feel sensations and your brain can't tell the difference so it releases actual oxytocin. The fact that you know it's a simulation does not seem to matter because the chemicals released are very real and feel incredible. The caveat is that it can be quite addictive and at first, when I first discovered this feeling for the first time, I used to spend several hours in my head like I was on drugs, ignoring the real world. Eventually it mellows out like any other drug but that initial experience of feeling love can be quite overwhelming. I can now somewhat understand the stories I hear of teenagers and the crazy shit they do for their first love because it makes you feel like nothing else matters other than this bond.


I am not trying to make anonymous strangers on the internet responsible for my life but people here neglected to mention how extremely difficult the wizard lifestyle is to actually pull off. Living in isolation was sold as the comfortable smart decision when you need to actually have a high iq and self-reliance to pull it off.

For example I dropped out of college because I was too dumb to understand the math on my own but I also was too scared to join study groups.

When I read books I don't understand everything and wish I could ask someone but there is none.

Even video games without friends certain games can't be played or are very difficult.

Rent prices are insane and living in a group can be a way to make it affordable.

I keep reading about people who got fun/easy well paying jobs and the way they got them was through knowing someone and not applying with 1000 other people.


makes sense, i'm similar but my desire for socialization is fulfilled by posting in places like these somehow. i feel like i'm just so not used to human interaction that even just posting on imageboards is good enough for me.


Books are literally gay, see >>>/b/996709

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