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I mean, what can you really say?
Why not? Why not stop the fucking charade if you're really ready? Because some cunt on the internet types to you "it gets bedder bro!" But what if it doesn't.
It may not get better. It may only get worse. You may only grow in your perception of life's falsity, it's vanity, it's total fucking bushtit. And really, who cares? Every life, every person is a small fry. One fucker offing himself does nothing to the global balance, it only improves his being and eases his burden of bearing of the cross of life's woes.
So why not? Why not end it?
I don't because my life is easy enough and replete with enough worthless time wasters to keep myself interested a little bit longer. But what happens if and when those run out? What happens when the well of whiskey and other distractions fails me?
A rope, a running car in the garage, a 357. to the skull, whatever. Just make it quick and easy to clean up.
Any what's the loss anyways? Nothing, there was nothing to begin with.


well fear of death buddy
honestly i am been thinking about doing it and finally ending it all but i still have unfinished business here on this rock that i have to finish once it done i guess a bullet to the brain would not be that bad for me


but what happens after death
some-kinda of afterlife you get send to heaven or hell maybe reincaration or just nothingless these questions made me afraid to do it but all living beings meet their end sooner or later maybe some dont if immorality becomes a thing by 2030 who knows


OK but what is the most painless way to die (genuine question)


a shotgun to the face
maybe pilloverdosing
or paying for euthanasia


How much fentanyl to OD? Snorted, swallowed, or injected?


Pill-overdosing is the most painful thing you listed.


I'm unable to sleep due to my health issues, I will die from sleep deprivation(so probably a heart attack) if I don't kill myself


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Objectively speaking, suicide advocates are all inherently hypocrites because if they followed their own teachings they wouldn't be alive to spread them.


Everyone should have access to a painless suicide method, awaiting "natural" death is torture


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