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/dep/ - Depression

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File: 1731371784579.jpg (1.19 MB, 1402x2007, 1402:2007, IMG_5366.JPG) ImgOps iqdb


i have strange urges when i watch lights flicker on the screen. they do it so smoothly and nicely. i feel like i want to flicker with them but i can't. what the fuck, jesus christ


You were a firefly in a past life


you should stop abusing substances


File: 1734573368928.mp4 (39.2 KB, 640x640, 1:1, svg2z63xwq8b1.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

I don't abuse substances. It is childish and naive to assume only those on drugs can feel this way. What a tiny little life you must lead.


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