No.52879[View All]
I now consider researching conspiracy theories to be a hobby of mine. Of course, as a hikki, this information is of literally no use to me whatsoever, and I do not have the charisma to "educate" others. It is simply a pastime.
Many people act like simply researching these very alternative ideas is damaging in and of itself. Popular on wizchan youtuber named "K9 Aversion" recently announced she will no longer be creating content simply because people among her fanbase were discussing 5G towers and anti-vaxx ideas within her communities. Discussion alone is so offensive? Why? I do not even believe many of the ideas proposed myself and just enjoy thinking about them.
Because of these extreme reactions, I feel it necessary to give this disclaimer. Again, I do not necessarily believe the things proposed in this thread but rather enjoy thinking about it.
Please do not discuss theories that are political in nature in this thread. I don't want it to be deleted, although I find them interesting as well.
Some examples I've been thinking about lately:
- Alien abductions are real, however they differ from the normalfag idea of an alien abduction in that real abductions occur spiritually and not physically. And these abductions are NEVER to your benefit and you leave very unhealthy and emotionally damaged. They happen during the sleep normally, however sometimes they can happen while awake and when this happens it's similar to a date rape drug– you have a 2-5 hour blank spot in your memory when you "wake up" and have a feeling of general unease.
- The extension of the flat earth theory which claims the entire sky is a hologram, and sometimes that no planets except Earth exist. There are many youtube videos that document sky hologram "glitches".
- Alternatively (not flat earth related), that the sky is itself a giant living organism and that it sometimes sends shards of itself down to attack or observe people (they look like blue blankets and fly at great speeds.)
- You can fall through the ground like a video game glitch and get stuck in an infinite void on certain parts of the planet.
- Dinosaurs existed up until the early 1900's as evidenced by dinosaur tracks on the top layer of the earth that are way too well preserved to be from 60,000,000 years ago.
- Some gnostic wizards think that if they become spiritually elevated enough that they can cease ingesting food of any kind and live healthily off of sunlight, positive thoughts and positive vibrations sent from other people alone, and never have to eat a physical meal ever again.
Just some examples of non-political theories, you do not have to discuss these in particular.
86 posts and 18 image replies omitted. Click reply to view. No.63214
To see how much unnamed actors are bothered by the Intercept's DHS streamlined social media takedown exposure
>>63136 https://theintercept.com/2022/10/31/social-media-disinformation-dhs/ take the case of 28chan.org. The story is a technology news story so it was posted on the technology board. The board's standard for relevance, from its catalog: (a) "this is a cute succubus" 29/05/22 (b) "Fuck fuck" 28/05/22. The DHS story was put up on 11/09/22 (Wed)
>>63136 and deleted and permabanned with reason "bot" on the 16th. To judge for yourself whether they believe their own reason, the librivox JSless browsing script
https://28chan.org/board/g/res/111.html#593 is posted from the same IP, and this is available in the IP history to the mod. Naturally,
the standard smears against that IP will follow like clockwork – you can't expect anything else.
So the sliding behavior mentioned by this Anon
>>63202 is sometimes ramped up to overt suppression, even if it outs the site. Basically if you want to check how fed or how free a site is, you can post the DHS exposure in a relevant section in a disciplined tone and check the reaction: no suppression / slide and distract / overt suppression.
The conspiracy theory that this post is relevant to, just to be extra clear, is that fringe, slower-than-wizchan sites are no longer allowed to pass under the fed radar. Inconvenient information is removed even from fringe sites when they happen to be fed sites, even when this outs the site in the process.
>>63200Yeah it's a multitude. Gangstalking, drugs, electronic imagery
>>63213>>63213FUCK. where else can i download pdfs for free?
>>63214>Using the DHS story as a canary-in-the-coal-mine to determine whether a forum is fed controlled.…this piques my interest anon.
I also use forum sliding as one example. They have a whole host of techniques. Speaking of which…IS SOMEONE GOING TO POST THE GENTLEFORUM GUIDE TO SPOOKS ALREADY OR WHAT?!
>>63213>>63226The TOR site is still working:
http://bookszlibb74ugqojhzhg2a63w5i2atv5bqarulgczawnbmsb6s6qead.onion/If you don't want to bother with TOR, just use the Libgen site. That was the source for most of Zlibrary material anyway.
http://libgen.is/ No.63230
>>63202If you're not going to put a single example of other experiments why talk about them? Is like you just said nothing.
>>63230ntayrt but some other mk ultra experiments were basically crude gitmo experiments: sleep deprivation, trauma induced side effects and personality control, obviously drugs stuff, they attempted to do remote viewing and telekinesis, they did truman show type shit to junkies and hippies in SF, notably they gave uncle ted a bunch of acid, trapped him a room and had CIA operatives yell mean stuff at him
i remember having to use an irc client to download books in the past. i dont remember the name but it was fun
>Google doesn't track you anyway after you explicitly opt out of tracking! You're just paranoid!https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2022/nov/14/google-settlement-40-states-user-location-tracking>Google will pay $392m to 40 states in largest ever US privacy settlement>Case is a historic win for consumers after an investigation found the tech company tracked users’ location even after they opted out>Mon 14 Nov 2022 20.49 GMTOf course since the state is a Good Boy™ they made them pay peanuts: less than $10 million per state. Meanwhile:
>Location tracking can help tech companies sell digital ads to marketers looking to connect with consumers within their vicinity. It is another tool in a data-gathering toolkit that generates more than $200bn in annual ad revenue for Google, accounting for most of the profits pouring into the coffers of its corporate parent, Alphabet, which has a market value of $1.2tn.Of course since the Guardian is a Good Boy™ they cannot be allowed to say a single word about less than $10 million per state being peanuts.
>>63136 having a streamlined process to take down stories [
https://theintercept.com/2022/10/31/social-media-disinformation-dhs/ ] from social media
* the government
>>63175 is also not shy [
https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2017/07/state-department-concocting-fake-intellectual-property-twitter-feud/ ] about manufacturing
>>52879Global Voice-to-skull (V2K) technology is deployed today.
>>63243Has there been literally anything done at all to make google stop tracking without consent or is this "historic win" literally just states getting paid free bux to stop talking about this?
>>63294Why would any state force them to stop rather than just force them to share what they’re spying? There’s too much power here for anyone to just throw it away.
I'm confident most of the Antifa doxes that happened in the past half decade were actually just leaks from the FBI/NSA.
>>63293Not true, it was developed in the 1920-1940s and first deployed domestically in the 40s.
>Apple doesn't track you anyway after you explicitly opt out of tracking! You're just paranoid! >>63243https://gizmodo.com/apple-iphone-analytics-tracking-even-when-off-app-store-1849757558> Apple Is Tracking You Even When Its Own Privacy Settings Say It’s Not, New Research Says> An independent test suggests Apple collects data about you and your phone when its own settings promise to “disable the sharing of Device Analytics altogether.”> November 8, 2022
> For all of Apple’s talk about how private your iPhone is, the company vacuums up a lot of data about you. iPhones do have a privacy setting that is supposed to turn off that tracking. According to a new report by independent researchers, though, Apple collects extremely detailed information on you with its own apps even when you turn off tracking, an apparent direct contradiction of Apple’s own description of how the privacy protection works.
> The iPhone Analytics setting makes an explicit promise. Turn it off, and Apple says that it will “disable the sharing of Device Analytics altogether.” However, Tommy Mysk and Talal Haj Bakry, two app developers and security researchers at the software company Mysk, took a look at the data collected by a number of Apple iPhone apps—the App Store, Apple Music, Apple TV, Books, and Stocks. They found the analytics control and other privacy settings had no obvious effect on Apple’s data collection—the tracking remained the same whether iPhone Analytics was switched on or off.——————————————————
>>63136 having a streamlined process to take down stories [
https://theintercept.com/2022/10/31/social-media-disinformation-dhs/ ] from social media
* the government
>>63175 is also not shy [
https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2017/07/state-department-concocting-fake-intellectual-property-twitter-feud/ ] about manufacturing
>>63295If I were a spy, and forced to reveal information, one can sabotage.
>>63379final nail in the coffin for privacyfags. There's still pinephone thank god
>>63385it's pozzed as well? seriously?
>>63386There's no conceivable way to make a privacy-respecting cell phone. It's just the nature of the beast.
>>63387this isn't evidence that pinephone is compromised
>>63388Yeah,I may have inadvertently sprent FUD. I tried to find a source to post and it appears the Linux Sunxi project is concerned with deblobbing the firmwares. Not 100% on that
>>63387yeah sad. you could make a dial phone easy enough. the issue even with that however is all signals are tapped and recorded
that is as simple as possible for a phone and even that is impossible in the end
> Fracking is safe! Why won't you believe us? It will definitely not poison your groundwater! You're just a luddite opposing progress!https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/11/30/finally-some-justice-fracking-company-pay-millions-poisoning-towns-water'Finally, Some Justice': Fracking Company to Pay Millions for Poisoning Town's Water
"This case proves once and for all that drilling and fracking contaminated our drinking water," said one Dimock, Pennsylvania resident.
November 30, 2022
Environmental justice advocates celebrated Tuesday when a fracking company accepted responsibility for poisoning drinking water supplies in Dimock, Pennsylvania. "Dimock residents have known for 14 years that Cabot Oil & Gas is guilty of contaminating our water."
Nearly 14 years after a well explosion on New Year's Day 2009 revealed to Dimock residents that methane had percolated into their groundwater, Cabot Oil & Gas
pleaded no contest to 15 criminal charges, including nine felonies. The notorious driller, now owned by Coterra Energy, was featured in the 2010 HBO documentary Gasland.
In addition to taking full responsibility for destroying the small rural town's drinking water supplies for the first time—following more than a decade of denial and alleged harassment of residents—the Houston-based company agreed to
pay $16.3 million to build new public water infrastructure and to cover the costs of delivering clean water to those who have been harmed for the next 75 years.
https://stateimpact.npr.org/pennsylvania/2022/11/29/gasland-driller-pleads-guilty-will-pay-millions-for-new-water-system-in-dimock/‘Gasland’ driller will pay millions for new water system in Dimock
Cabot Oil and Gas admits responsibility for contaminating drinking water wells
November 29, 2022
It began with an explosion on New Year’s Day 2009. Soon, residents of the tiny rural community of Dimock discovered dangerous levels of methane gas had seeped into their private water wells.
Almost 14 years later, after setting off a series of events that would make the village synonymous with anti-fracking campaigns worldwide, Cabot Oil and Gas
pleaded no contest to 15 criminal charges, including nine felonies. It marks the first time Cabot took responsibility for destroying drinking water supplies.
The company agreed to
pay $16.29 million to Pennsylvania American Water to build a public water system that will provide clean water to the impacted people, along with a pledge the company will
cover water bills for 75 years. In the meantime, the funds will
pay for individual filtration systems and bottled water.
https://archive.fo/sicfCUdo Ulfkotte, who blew the whistle that the CIA was forcing european journalists who print their content. This guy wrote a book on it, and died the exactly same year. The book was stopped from being printed and now is practically unheard of in the english speaking world. Interesting stuff
A lot of conspiracy literature is dreck put out by the conspirators themselves. If you want to read the really good shit, find one of the crazy Marxist types. They love a good conspiracy theory once you figure out their wonky thinking and manage not to go crazy.
CIA used the term "conspiracy theory" to refer to any criticism of eugenics, including things that were common knowledge. It's a "conspiracy" to acknowledge things that are right in front of you, that are publicly accessible, like the names of old money families in the oligarchy.
>>64157>2nd imageThis must be the most retarded connection I've ever seen
>>53624>None of you wizards are real, just fragments of my mind posting itself.I can confirm to you that I am real, wizzie.
AGW's a fuccccckkin hoax…. I have the science
If gravity is real, why can't it be weighed?
>>64168It is measured every time you step on a scale.
>>64173so how much does it weigh?
gosh right right
>>68349A YouTube embed isn't a contribution. If CTRL+V is your only opinion, then don't bother posting it.
There is a reason why intelligence agencies almost everywhere are such sinister faceless entities? I know that espionage and counter-espionage is nothing like the 007 novels, but it is mandatory that their high and invisible commanders all have links to mind control programs and satanism?
>>68363They are groups of people Specifically sought out because they are amoral, honorless, ends justify means monsters who are also generally speaking competent and very well trained.
Them doing evil shit was too be expected. It is just hoped that they direct their evil outward to their country's enemies and loyalty can be maintained somewhat so they don't lash out.
>Them doing evil shit was too be expected.So why should they do evil against their own citizens, stories of the CIA poisoning villages with black majorities, kidnapping people for experiments, bribing people who are willing to talk, and if they don't sell out, killing them. The one who could have revealed the JFK assassination died mysteriously in a jail cell, there are testimonies of child services trafficking and delivering children to known pedophiles, secret societies pulling the strings of politics and when someone tries to bring light to the matter, they are silenced.
I recently heard someone say that intelligence services all over the world sell out to some pretty powerful people all over the world. The anarchists are right, the state is evil.
>>68366>So why should they do evil against their own citizensThe CIA specifically has a massive lack of oversight and accountability. That is the main reason.
Ideally such organizations should be kept on a very short leash with a very narrow mission scope. That has unfortunately never been the case for the CIA.
>>68389What's the point of hiding gigants? What the "elites" would gain with that? Those stupid gigants theory come from stupdi christian trying to prove that the bible is real somehow, get a grip, you're being grifted.
>According to Aztec legends the Quinametzin are giants that inhabited Mesoamerica and Mexico in archaic time.
>The Quinametzin and other humanoid giants are mentioned in Aztec and Mesoamerican mythology and in Spanish chronicles.
>These mysterious beings stood over 10 feet tall and weighed around 600 pounds.
>They lived in a time known as the Era of the Fourth Sun and it is said that they built the pyramids of Teotihuacán and the Great Pyramid of Cholula.
> These mythological beings are associated with the narrative of the Five Suns of the Aztecs, which is about the existence of five eras with five different races in the remote past of America.
>They were created by the Gods in the Age of the Fourth Sun: that of Atltonatiuh (Sun of Water).
>The Ríos Codex or Vatican Codex A, which focuses on the Toltec-Chichimeca people, shows the Aztecs battling and capturing one of these giants.
>The name of the giant that appears in the codex is Quinametzin. The word comes from ” quinametli “, which means giant.
Aztec mythology says that these beings inhabited Mexico and Central America and that the native peoples fought against them.
>They were annihilated by the Aztec gods through a Universal Flood or flood, due to their sins or evils (similar to the Nephilim).
>Four of these Quinametzin were Cuauhtémoc, Izcoalt, Izcaqlli, and Tenexuche, who mysteriously supported or carried the sky or the firmament at the beginning of the Era of the Fifth Sun.
>In Aztec accounts, there is Tzilacatzin, a giant Otomi warrior from Mexico-Tlatelolco, who arrived to be a hero during the taking of Tenochtitlán (Spanish invasion). No.68397
>>68396>Many chroniclers and scribe priests knew of the giant legends told by the aborigines of ancient Mexico.
>The Bernardino de Sahagun fray even stated that the builders of the pyramids of Teotihuacan and Cholula were these colossal humanoids:
>And the burial mounds that they made to the sun and the moon are like great mountains built by hand, which seems to be natural mountains and they are not, and it can still be an incredible thing to say that they are built by hand, and it is true, because those who They were made then, they were gigantic and even this is clear on the hill or mount of Chollullan, which is clear to be made by hand, because it has adobe and whitewashed (Sahagún, 1956, vol. III, p. 209).
>The Friar Diego Duran also mentioned the presence of giants in the region of Puebla-Tlaxcala: “The other people who say they found those of Tlaxcala and Cholula and Huejotzingo, say they were giants. – extracted from Durán, 1951, P. 14.
>Durán stipulated that long and large bones were found in that region of Puebla that he himself saw when they were being extracted. He also spoke of battles between the giants and the Cholultecs.
>In addition, Fray Andrés Olmos reported the collection of gigantic standing bones in the palace of Antonio de Mendoza, viceroy of New Spain.
>the Aztec constructions of the pyramids of Teotihuacán and the Great Pyramid of Cholula are among the most amazing and megalithic in America.
>The Great Pyramid of Cholula has been called the largest in the world, with 65 meters high and 450 meters x 450 meters base. [View All]