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Let's go full schizo for a minute.

Over the last two weeks there was a big increase of posts and threads with a user activity that is unusual for wizchan. Some threads are always based on the same topic and the replies are very frequent and always with a similar amount of characters. Very often it just looks like there is an AI involved. Somehow it feels off.


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Anon´s law: What i can´t acknowledge = some Shizo´s ramblings.. a.k.a crazy AI turning out sentient!


post examples



Someone should create a character on character AI called "wizchan poster" and see what it says in response to the posts here.


Example threads that have a unusual amount of posters in am unrealistic time frame. It's either a raid or AI. Also note that on all new threads there are way more posts that have more than average characters.





Good notes.

By the way, use three ">" and then /lounge/ and then the post number to cite other boards. For example:


Wizchan isn't immune to robotic spam. Sometimes a thread will appear at 3AM that's not at all relevant to the board. After a few minutes it gets replies that look like honest interaction but without any of the particular language, attitude, or nuances one would expect from an imageboard. Logging in to the mod panel reveals all the posts to be made from the same IP, so we chalk it up as a spambot. We get the same SEO / Grow You Website / CSCAM spam that similarly shaped boards get.

I say similarly shaped because it's quite literally the layout of the board's interface that determines if we're going to be robospammed or not. Boards that are using the same software, generating the same familiar pages, and are all meant to replicate 4chan, are going to be easy targets for anyone who wants to code a bot. If all the boardnav, post input, and error messages are the same across multiple sites that don't require signup and are reputable for allowing all kinds of topics, programming a bot for one of these sites will give the miscreant a bot that can spam many other boards. There are even prepackaged web browser and extensions designed to allow users to navigate and post on several boards in the shortest amount of time.

Te point I'm trying to make is that yes, we do get spammed and it is likely a piece of software dishing out the posts, but it's not easy for these bots to hide among the wizards.

The conversations in those threads aren't ingenuine or even a far step from what arguments normally look like here. Snooping at the belligerents' histories shows them to be common users who don't show any signs of being spambots or here to troll. These three subjects have historically been capable of generating a lot of steam. No board is too slow in general to be free from arguments that a couple people decide to sit down and involve themselves in over the course of a few hours or even days.


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I feel bad for schizos who have to live in the modern era. It must be hell. There are emerging technologies that make all sorts of things possible.


So what? Let robots do their thing.
As long as they don't scam you into crypto, booze or pr0n, they are mostly wasting efforts.


as long as the robots arent having sex


And now we are back to the same old opposite problem: slow activity

I prefer it this way.


The "while x, it's important to y" is an easy tell of chatgpt as part of its morality limiter.


is anyone here a target/competition shooter ?
i debated putting this in hobbies but i notice that that board is less than the others in posters/response, it looks as tho such a thread would get lost in the crowd…
i have been a shooter since i was old enough to safely operate a pistol or revolver…
i have owned guns in calibers from 22lr to 70ML…
just curious…


how did this end up here instead of in the lounge ?


celebrate the Ai take over


This imageboard always gets a massive boost in activity wherever I am away. Long, seemingly well-thought out replies and contributions are the norm. When I'm around it's just one liners and insults. Why. When did I offend the AI gods?

There is nothing "schizo" about believing malicious agents are artifically increasing activity in order to bait replies out of "crabs" and "shooters" or however mainstram media and 'researchers' see the average imageboard dweller. It's not fair, why are they poking the bear? Was it not enough to be driven out of real life that they now feel the need to drive us to a premature death?

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