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I can't tell if modern technology has just awful quality control or if I'm unlucky or pedantic. Every time I buy something there is like a 80% chance that's something is wrong with it but not in an immediately obvious way.

For example I bought a laptop and the trackpad would be laggy but when I uninstalled the trackpad drivers it would be smooth but lacking multitouch features making me think it's not a hardware issue. Yet re-installing windows didn't fix it. I asked on the internet forums for advice and got ignored despite describing my problem in detail that I thought would give a knowledgeable person hints to what could be the issue. I sent the laptop for repair and got it back unchanged. I was so exhausted by this all that I kept it since I got a deal good enough on it to ignore this issue.

I got a new monitor that got good review scores and it flickers in certain situations.

I got a new GPU and it has crashes and graphic glitches but only in certain games and situations despite normal temps and me trying out all the possible drivers.

Also often when I buy something new it ends up having scratches or dents that are just enough to annoy me but not bad enough to go through the trouble of returning the item leaving me in a state of regret once the warranty runs out and I keep noticing the fault every time.

Also it's depressing how useless customer support is and how useless people on tech issue help forums are with anything but the most simple problems. I would think they would be intrigued by strange tech problems but nope I just get ignored.

It's all so exhausting man. Consoooming should be fun but every time I buy something instead of felling excitement I just feel anxiety when opening the product to a point where I stopped looking carefully for flaws.


Had the same problems. Mostly faulty motherboard problems, faulty soundcard, etc.

Hard to diagnose these things without other parts laying around.


You get what you pay for.
You still buy soundcards?


>You still buy soundcards?

Yeah. Why wouldn't I?


Yeah, there's awful quality control now with most products, companies found that they can make more money selling mediocre quality and the customer would either put up with it or would just replace it with a new product after a few years. Either way, win-win for the company.


yes, after 2000's most stuff is made poorly… if you want to have cool stuff pay for custom made stuff or do it yourself… I am also boycotting most stuff made today… I don't even have a phone because I refuse to support planned obsolescence…


smartphones (the hardware at least) are perfectly fine. mine is 8 years old, the battery is original, it's pretty fine. i don't even use a case. the cover for the camera lens came off a few years ago but it still takes functions

the problem is solely with the software. apps suddenly stop working because your android version is out of date. it should be illegal for your banking app to just stop working

unrelated, but this is something that made me realize 'website apps' are actually useful, at least for this reason. the browser becoems the OS, that is all you need to keep updated, in order to access all your important apps.


oses these days are just bootscreens for the web browser


It's like Jim Cornette said that nothing works, people who are supposed to know don't know why it doesn't work and if it starts working, the people who are supposed to know don't know why it's working.


My EV car died just one day after warranty. What the hell!?!

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