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I had a thought today about how what the world's most important priorities are in a general sense and first and foremost existential threats. These didn't really exist until recently, the first real existential threat that came into the public consciousness was the threat of global nuclear war. Others like global warming and resource over-exploitation came into the public consciousness later. We mostly seem to have forgotten about the threat of nuclear armageddon as a possibility in this day and age, but it got me thinking about the psychology of the Boomers and how it would have been influenced by growing up in a world where the threat of nuclear annihilation existed. They were in a sense, the first generation that had to grow up with the threat of the entire world just ending one day. They had the duck and cover drills which of course wouldn't save them from the nuclear blast or the fallout.

Many people have, rightfully I think, accused the boomers of being the generation that fucked up the world with short term thinking and greed and selfishness. I wonder if this way of being and thinking was influenced by the thought that the world could end at any time so they should just try and get it while the getting is good and enjoy their lives to the max. They became wholly focused on themselves and the pleasures of capitalist consumer society as a way to stave off the existential dread from this threat constantly hanging over their heads. Now that I hear the term boomer another meaning comes to mind, specifically the boom from a nuclear bomb. I think that must have influenced them somehow and caused them to be as twisted as they are.

It would be incredibly ironic if this were true, because ultimately a nuclear war would not be as bad as the problems that they have created. What do you guys think about this?


I like 'splosions :)

so pretty :3


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It's still funny to see young guys discovering the "Boomers" meme and excitedly writing multiple threads and posts about it threads as if they've cracked Da The Vinci Code

>These didn't really exist until recently, the first real existential threat that came into the public consciousness was the threat of global nuclear war.

Global conventional war has been taught as a threat to humanity since the bronze age.
>the first generation that had to grow up with the threat of the entire world just ending one day
The world-ending potential of volcanic eruptions, meteors, and plagues has been documented by many ancient civilizations. South Americans set dates for when they were sure the world would end, and volcel'd themselves out of existence beforehand as a countermeasure to having to witness it. Biblical and Satanical religions all preach the threat of destruction at the hand of a deity's wrath.
>We mostly seem to have forgotten about the threat of nuclear Armageddon as a possibility in this day and age
No, tune in to any mainstream news program since 1989 and there's always been two heads babbling about how Russia, China, North Korea, Iceland, and Israel are three days away from enacting mutually assured destruction.
>I think that must have influenced them somehow and caused them to be as twisted as they are.
Well then buckle up, the latest generation was raised to believe that going outside without a mask on was going to kill them and their family.
>They had the duck and cover drills which of course wouldn't save them from the nuclear blast or the fallout.
It would prevent harm from failing debris. Also, the radiation ejected from a nuclear explosion travels much slower than light, so ducking after seeing the initial flash can indeed reduce radiation exposure. It only takes a bit to stop the ions / protons / photons whatever so just getting out of direct view of the blast point and behind a bit of dirt or below the windowsil can be a lifesaving choice. The drills were never meant to teach kids that they can survive immediate nuclear hellfire, and really, teaching kids proper discipline for responding to a general emergency is good in any threat scenario so to mention these drills as if they were misguided or disingenuous is kind of silly.
>Many people have, rightfully I think, accused the boomers of being the generation that fucked up the world with short term thinking and greed and selfishness
All "boomers" did was live their lives in accordance with "The American Dream", flourishing in post-war prosperity where repopulating incentives were policy. It would take "The Boomers" (Born in The Baby Boom, 1945-1955) to be at least 30 until they generally have enough education to coordinate any political influence, so the provocateurs of the Cold War and its nuclear crises were the same, now aged creeps who were involved in the previous 2.
>They became wholly focused on themselves and the pleasures of capitalist consumer society as a way to stave off the existential dread from this threat constantly hanging over their heads
Those with their finger on the launch button are "wholly focused on themselves". Those who invade countries, create a slave population, and steal natural resources at gunpoint are those who are "wholly focused on themselves" and reaping the benefits of Communist Doctine "as a way to stave off the existential dread from this threat constantly" resting under their thumb.

Your conclusions are what one would get after browsing Redditchan Anarchy Anti-Amerikkka subforums while trying to develop an understanding of anything related to the great wars, their causes, and the effects they had on the following generations.

College Commies telling you it's the "Boomer Capitalists" who are a threat when in reality it's:
- Jewish and Korean Communists who are threatening actual factual nuclear destruction on national television.
- Chinese Communists who are dumping nuclear waste in to the sea while using nuclear subs to plant fertility suppression devices on the sea floor to control the amount of sealife available (to control its sale) like something straight out of Half Life
- Russian communists who are lapping up the luxury of expansion and destruction while starving out its own citizens and those in nearby "capitalist" nations

I'm not even trying to fill your mouth with Redbulls. When all of the countries that had a Baby Boom agree to dismantle their nuclear arsenals while all Communist countries and Israel actively threaten nuclear Armageddon, it's really hard to make a case that baby boomers are responsible for this looming threat. They even went to war in foreign lands several times to protect against Communists gaining a nuclear foothold, resulting in the largest suicide, mental health, disability, and trauma epidemic ever known. Don't blame them for losing those wars either. When 300,000,000 Chinaman with AKs land on the ground 20 clicks from the front, it's better to go home than try to stop it. They fought in their wars, and you'll fight in yours. And when you're knee deep in the dead, you'll be praying for atomic salvation.


Nukes aren't real. The (((Capitalists))) and the (((Communists))) are one and the same group, using different disguises.

No-one has "nukes" because they don't even exist. They were always a psychological ploy, meant to hold the goyim in a state of perpetual fear while upholding an artificial state of peace between fake enemies. The great fabulous threat of "mutual assured destruction" was the selling-point designed to discourage any further warfare.

Also: nobody is fighting in any more Judeo-Masonic wars! ever! All wars of the last 400 years (possibly longer) have been triggered by Jews, and were "managed" by Jews or puppets of Jews on both sides. They have been getting innocent and deeply naive goyim to slaughter each other for centuries. That is coming to an end.



>if i pretend to be a deranged schizophrenic, maybe someone will pretend to be angry in response and it will be fun :)

^ you


Not even, friend.

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