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Any other wizards given up talking to anyone irl?
I want to just stop speaking to anyone, even family members or cashiers. If I ever get a job again I have decided that I will just nod or shake my head. Only problem is sometimes my family members will hust randomly say stuff and act like I need to respond, and I like them so I would feel bad to never say anything.


It sounds nice, but unless you're special you will eventually have a breaking point. I know one old wiz did it for a month or something and his mom thought it was funny.

Instead of talking significantly less, how about talking better? Only speaking when there's something worth saying. No smalltalk or chitchat, just facts, warnings, and more tendie orders. You get to talk to your pets anyway you want still.


I did it for about 6 months. I lived alone and got groceries delivered. It was fine, I felt good. However, my speaking skills noticeably deteriorated


I'd like to but my existence requires I verbally communicate.


Eh,vows of silence seem to be immense.
I just choose not to save them from themselves…

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