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lets say i want to move to Australia from USA, is there a life hack to avoid homelessness?

like the all night cyber cafes of japan for example?

maybe just buying a cheap car and living in that u think?


Having a job offer ahead of time, or marketable in demand skills where finding employment isn't a issue.

Having a build up of money so you can pay for 6 months worth of rent.


I assume you love with parents and are neet? paying for your rent and such is much harder in the US than Australia. Not sure why you’d want to go there


Temp menial job agencies atleast in Europe provide cheap housing.



here is what you do. Earn Money. And, do your International Travels.


I know Australia has a lot of demand for temp labourers out in the middle of nowhere. There's plenty of work for young men willing to fly out to the middle of the most horrid deserts, spent 2 weeks working 12 hour days with 40 C heat and then fly back to the nearest big city for a week of rest. You would probably need to be reasonably fit to be able to handle those conditions, installing the anti-Emu fence around the Wonggarronggarrong Cobalt Mine is not for everybody.


Similar work in Northern Canada is available, but you must have the body and equipment to handle the cold and wet.

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