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Some seriously evil people in this world, what do you gain out of purposefully shitting on people's lives? Your life is not better than ours, quite the opposite if you're going to harass wizards…


People love shitting on other people, it's nothing new. Especially when it's a safe group like online virgins that have all kinds of connotations attached to them like being unhygienic, bad social skills, misogynist etc. easier to imagine they're bad people and they deserve it, so there's no guilt in making them more miserable.

Seriously though, you can't even shit on terrorists, there's going to be someone defending them and giving them a narrative on why they do bad things - but white virgin men? Literally the lowest scum in this world for some reason.


>someone defending them
another terrorist or a bot or a pain entity or a braindead teenager. but yeah it's brutal that virgins are the lowest level


Regular people were defending Hamas terrorists 2 months ago, celebrating it even. In their mind, a person that flies into a festival and mows down a bunch of people is probably more defendable than a smelly asocial virgin that lives in his mom's basement. You don't get any social/political points for defending virgins. Trannies and nigger criminals have their own advocacy groups, but socially awkward virgins never will.


>a person that flies into a festival and mows down a bunch of people is probably more defendable
Jews aren't people.


Don't waste time trying to understand their motives and behaviors, there are people out there that are completely irrational, crazy and evil, just ignore and don't engage with them and avoid them, and that because you see them online, I've dealt with far worse people on real life because of old job on mental health facility, like literally unhinged psychopaths or borderline succubi that goes from zero to 100 in second and goes to full crazy, if you can just avoid and don't engage with those type, most likely they are mentally ill or just plan evil.


If socializing people were so loved they would make the normies at their Israel orgy party into heroes


Normgroids with social lives and part of groups come here to feel better about themselves, that's old news.


People are envious of virgins. They want to go back to days of when they were virgins because they regret being whores. Name me one whore who is happy with their prostitution. They'll all act like they're happy "lolol at least I'm not a virgin" but in truth, it's all envy.

OP, when you encounter people like that, remember this truth. Do not be harmed by their words or actions. Stick to your morals and be proud of your purity.

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