It's not about how hard you work. Or how much you study.
To win promotions and get better opportunities, you need to be promoted by others who already have opportunities and money.
Those are not awarded on merit - they are awarded by social relations.
As a neurodivergent, you will never forge alliances with those in power or those who can promote you beyond anything other than shift manager at Starbucks or McDonald's.
It's a prison made by normies - for normies. You cannot escape it as a non-NT unless you make massive amounts of money through investments, which is completely unrealistic for 99,99% of the population.
Being neurodivergent is almost the same as a death sentence, it's a poverty trap. In fact, 86% of autists can't even get hired at all let alone get promoted to better positions.
Only 14% have jobs at all! cards were always so massively stacked against you, it cannot be said it's your fault at all. You can only curse or blame your parents for giving you these genes.
This has nothing to do with crabs or succubi. This is about job opportunities, money and earning promotions through hard work (which is a non-sequitur because friendship with those who already have power is 100x more important than performance).
Oh, it gets worse than that OP.
Even if you get a basic ass job as a wiz or non neurotypical, NT's will bully you to oblivion.
The worst case is a boss withholding pay from you on "accident". If you make an issue out of it they threaten to fire you for not being 'a team player'.
The world is a hell for those who aren't normies. They are sadistic violent animals.
>>312484I don't want to believe this. That would only drive me deeper into defeat.
Try knowing what's your best way of doing things: This saved me from going on and on with a useless, desperate job search. I do NEET now! But the dread and anxiety are gone.
Know what you are.
>>312484Congratulation now you know that Jews have done a Societal shift into a more consumerist and materialist Society that alligns with their goal, They want more consumerist puppets and more "conglomerates" who they can leech off by their banks
>>312484You've hit the nail on the head OP. There is actually a studied phenomenon called the "Mathew Effect" which I believe also relates to this:, if you start out more socially adept naturally, you will have more people wanting to be around you and will then get more opportunities to become more socially fluent, which you can use to go on to draw in more people and get more experience etc. It's a big feedback loop that can be seen from very early on.
While other things play a big role in this (like being unattractive) being autistic is a major hindrance which causes you to get fewer opportunities to get good at interacting with people and therefore people are more likely choose to interact with other, more socially skilled people over you. The Mathew effect in reverse, accumulated disadvantage basically.
And to add to all of that when we were kids the people we were most likely to trust were our parents and they are pretty much guaranteed to be normalfags because they have been wanted by at least one other person. Those same parents then couldn’t really comprehend being completely unwanted wanted by others and therefore give shitty, inapplicable advice that doesn’t help at all (and often doesn’t even apply to modern times) and can often give you false hope that things get better when they don’t for people like us, who before the internet, would just disappear from society never to be heard from again and therefore wouldn’t be able to tell people of the alternatives.
To any of you out there that really tried to “make it” and do what you were supposed to, I want to say that if you did your best and still failed, the fault doesn't lie with you. You literally couldn't have done better after all.
I really don’t want to end this on a down note, so many posts here are born from pain and do nothing but aggravate the misery that so much of us have our thoughts clouded by, so I’ll just say that even though things may have been absolute shit for you, that doesn’t mean you should give up. Keep trying, in whatever form that takes, whether that be in the form of you working even just a little each day on something you want to achieve or just working up the motivation to get out of bed every morning. Keep trying. Even if everyone else doesn’t care, care about yourself because you’re worth caring about and it would be a damn shame if you had no-one to cheerlead for you at all. And if you can’t find it within you to do that for yourself, do it out of spite for all the assholes that treated you badly and wanted you to miserable over the years.
This world is and awful place, but that doesn’t mean we have to make ourselves suffer too.
>>313288>le evil jew Low IQ thinking, I guess you neve heard of Gaussian distribution in your life.
you've described the framework of corruption and conspiracy, the motor behind passive income and ownership, the social manifestation of war, the heritage of sadism, the thing to be uncovered beneath the money, the sequel to slavery, the deceptive theater of social status.
i resent that you frame this realization under the term autism, that's their narrative they use to keep all this theater alive. also i resent that after all you have understood you blame your genes instead of thinking on how to contribute to end the eternal injustice of the conspirators. your genes aren't negotiable.
is just people are fundamentally bad and i have no idea how Anne Frank in her book thought that she believes people are still basically good, when clearly they aren't.
>>312486>This is about job opportunities, moneymoney is just a trick to get you to do things and punish you.
there are no winners in money, this much i understand. it is a game without winners.
>>312489Pretty much this, I'm surprised at how ostracized you get with autism. I thought bullying was an issue of not standing up for yourself, but I don't actually have that problem.
We used to be hermits way back in the day, living in some cabin on the edge of the woods. There are still some older hermits left but they're a dying breed because normalfag government workers identify their cabin with satellites and go and evict them.
Feel bad for you, if you claim that all world evil has a single origins, without consider the world complexity, then you clearly are on the left said of the intelligence normal curve.
>>313307>Feel bad for you, if you claim that all world evil has a single origins, without consider the world complexity, then you clearly are on the left said of the intelligence normal curve.i would have agreed with you a few years ago but in essence you called him dumb because you he said something you don't like. you could have said something related but you reacted emotionally. there are far more intelligent ways you could have reacted, yet you criticize his intelligence. i think you criticize him of what you are guilty of. next up: you rob him while calling him a thief.
>>313308What he seems is clearly wrong, simple as, he believe the world is so simple that evil can be pointed to just one source, like a religious fanatic that thinks everything is the devil, he thinks Jew are the source of all evil, just a tell tale sign of someone with a simple mind that can't understand that the world is far more complex than his fantasy of trying to find meaning to his supposed wrong doing, he's a ignorant plain and simple.
The path to autistic riches:
The only viable way for high functioning autistics to escape our enslavement by society is through personal investment in volatile risky assets with your own capital.
Once you have around $50,000 (you can start investing with any amount, but investing with small amounts of capital is extremely difficult, considering profits are proportional to the amount of money you're investing) in capital to invest, it is then very possible to turn this $50,000 into $1,000,000 after taxes. Some patience, some skill and some luck is all you need to acquire $1,000,000 through market speculation/gambling and only then can you generate a modest $50,000 annually from dividends.
Once you have $1,000,000, you put it into high yield growth dividend indexes or into individual high yield dividend paying stocks like Coca-Cola Co (dividend for this stock is 3%, but it is considered low risk with yearly stock growth/appreciation) that pay a decent dividend and that also have stock price appreciate and growth.
REIT (REITs are real estate investment trusts or companies that own or finance income-producing real estate) indexes are decent high yield dividend paying indexes with considerable low risk growth and price appreciation. I have not done much research into indexes because I am not quite at this final stage of investing myself.
I consider $1,000,000 the bare minimum you need to free yourself from enslavement because it is only at this amount of capital that you can generate a decent dividend payment with minimal risk.
The time is ticking autistic bros, the window to escape our enslavement is quickly being pulled shut through the incompetent, shortsighted and evil genocidal plots the governments of European Western societies are openly engaged in and these governments are knowingly and intentionally fueling inflation, wage stagnation and oppressive tax laws. Our countries are doomed and we need to escape.
>>313310>What he seems is clearly wrong, simple as, he believe the world is so simple that evil can be pointed to just one source, like a religious fanatic that thinks everything is the devil, he thinks Jew are the source of all evil, just a tell tale sign of someone with a simple mind that can't understand that the world is far more complex than his fantasy of trying to find meaning to his supposed wrong doing, he's a ignorant plain and simple.your side has been explored and defended quite extensively. is there even a way for jews to be evil or are jews innocent no matter what they do? because if they are, then their privilege makes them unaccountable.
when i say "is there a way" what i am asking you is if jews have the option to commit evil because right now what it seems like is jews are a class of untouchable privileged permanent victims that there simply is not a way for them to be accountable for anything they do because when they do something, the person who minds is called anti-semite, which is a weaponized psychological concept that has been linked to the holocaust.
can jews even be at fault? or will nothing be their fault for ever?
i think your analysis is misguided. he tries to say jews did evil and then you, again with your nasty theater emotions, overfixate on your narrative that he things all the problems in the world are jews fault, completely missing his point. keep the theater on the stage.
>>313320The only viable way for high functioning autistics to escape our enslavement by society is through personal investment in volatile risky assets with your own capital.
this is factually wrong. investment is the reason this world is so fucked up. there are a few people who have the money and make the decisions and they force their vision on everyone else.
when you invest, you agree with this, you enslave others automatically because that is where your profit comes from. that's what interest rate is, it is stealing from slaves what would have been their wages in a fair system. trace any form of passive income back enough and you will feel like a slavemaster. and then you will hate yourself and then you did not escape enslavement because when you reach a certain point in your wealth accumulation, you will get personally handled.
so everything you said is wrong, i look down on you, and you will suffer from becoming the thing you hate, the most basic fate. if that is your life you will look at genuine homeless people like they are goods, your face will get red with anger and steam might come out of your ears. money sucks, passive income rots the soul, there is only poverty, what you describe is the path to hell, the saints have always known.
>>313336Good to know others also have a reasonable head on their shoulders.
>>313336>Pessimism has some legit usagesyeah but not for the pessimist, if you are a pessimist it is a helpful warning not to associate with you. that's legit useful (to me).
>>313320You are otherwise correct, but a net 3% yield isn't enough because current inflation is around 8-10%.
Putting the million into index funds or blue chip US stocks is the correct pathway to get away from the hellscape of life.
>>313343>Putting the million into index funds or blue chip US stocks is the correct pathway to get away from the hellscape of life.i guess you look at the pictures of rich idiots in Instagram and you really do believe this is the good life?
i have not one of you leeches justify your way of life once. you advocade for it, you pretend it is good, but that doesn't make it good. i have encountered nobody who was able to make a good case for you way of life. how do you deal with the guilt? just cut yourself off from feeling emotions alltogether, the way all actors and psychopaths do? well that's a form of poverty then and i would argue it adds to the hellscape. how is that an escape? it isn't.
>>313343If not into bitcoin, into this.
Do you people even know how to assure your stocks will be worth having thru time?
If there is any sort of autismbux where you live, fight tooth and nail to get it.
Get any help you can, damn the costs. Lawyers, whatever. The processes are usually obtuse as fuck, maybe even on purpose. It's not something you can do by yourself.
They will find any excuse they can to deny you autismbux. Lots of trick questions.
They do not have your interests in mind. Treat every interview as a police interview; demand to have whoever is helping you present during interviews, and shut the fuck up if possible.
>>313359Life unironically became heaven when I finally got autismbucks in 2018.
Now I know I'm getting a decent amount of money first day of each month and will never face starvation or homelessness. I can even save up a few hundred a month for entertainment or trips.
>>313382Even so, be sure you use some time to make preparations in case bux gets blown away because of some sudden crisis out of nowhere.
I managed to get promoted into a supervisory position at my job despite never socializing with anyone. I just knew more about the job than anyone else so there wasn't another realistic choice for the promotion; if they picked someone else my department wouldn't be able to function. So now I'm still an asocial weirdo but I'm in charge of other people and can order them around. It feels weird and it's annoying but my job is easier and I make more money so I can't complain too much. That being said I do think OP is correct in the majority of situations.
>>313509Most normies are too low IQ to do this and would rather go bankrupt than promote a "loner" who happens to be the most productive and skilled employee of the company.
That's how tribal and sad they are for the most part. They would rather take a huge financial loss themselves than reward a "weird guy".
Most of my ex-schoolmates and generally peers were low IQ barely functioning normies, most of them unemployed too, or working shitty jobs like bar tenders. Plus, they are also vaxxed NPC morons. Despite I'm not successful, I'm still in a OK position despite being asocial (& don't care for it). All this compensated being bullied and treated with huge cruelty.
because science is used to explain phenomena in the material world, while relition explains things in the immaterial world. the material world then, is the perfect medium for allegories and stories to explain abstraction in the same way you might teach a child basic arithmatic with physical apples, until thet grow old enough to understand more abstract math that doesn't necessarily have a physical equivalent but nonetheless are truths, like negative numbers, infinity and imagined numbers, calculus really
religion is at its core fundamental exploration AND application of truth in the world in how we are created, what we are to do, what is important etc.
science cannot ever explain any of these things, because that's not what science ever intended to do (which btw, was developed by Christians). science can describe properties and principles of the world, but can never answer WHY without just another material description, essentially chasing after wind. Only true understanding of truth beyond science can see things for as they really are
>>314351>science cannot ever explain any of these things"cannot ever" implies that you know what isn't possible; you don't. you're being arrogant.
>>314344>why is religion explained in allegories and stories instead of like a sciencethose who preach it often suck in communication and have never felt much of the benefits religion is pointing towards themselves. so they don't speak from experience, they merely repeat the dumb, unconscious way it was taught to them by equally inexperienced and unqualified people.
there are scientific paths into what religion tries to point at. for example meditation. meditation is a skill you can learn that makes you feel good. i could tell you about it, then teach it to you, you could then do experimentation and verify it and after your experiments come to the conclusion that it is real.
same with fasting. i could teach it to you, then you could practice it, have a struggle session with the microorganisms in your gi-tract for a few days and have them try to manipulate your emotions in order to break the fast so they don't starve and then after the fast you'd feel like a champion with clarity of mind you probably never felt before. same approach where you would do something and have real results from it which would serve as your scientific proof.
same with what christians call prayer. i could strip it from it's religious affiliation to it's social and psychological effects, then have you experience them and the results would be your verification.
religion has grown into a tumor trying to serve special interests around a few valid, powerful principles. ignore the theater around it, ignore the tribalism/team-building, the occupational therapy, the subjugation/domestication/enslavement, the brainwashing/gaslighting and you'll find nuggets of powerful information.
once you experience these nuggets, you'll see the tiny pieces of truth hidden inside this over the top lore and then you see the people who are lost in the religious system, who let themselves be trapped by the lore. there is no need to become like those lost people…
>>314353>"cannot ever" implies that you know what isn't possible; you don't. you're being arrogantno, it's not arrogance, just truth. Science is not a religion. It is a system designed to study the natural, material world. Using science to understand greater concepts of metaphysics, philosophy, etc. is just silly. It's like using a tape measurer for a job that needs a screwdriver, it doesn't make sense, it was never intended for that purpose, and any attempt otherwise is to try and elevate a system of study into something it's not. Read about the history of science and its origin and not what some new age stoner or atheist talking head. There are, by definition, limits to science if science is defined as an investigative system of studying the material world, namely that by definition, it cannot speak on fully immaterial properties.
People confuse science for formal logic, which is its own discipline, and similary for mathematics, its own thing, both of which are rooted closer to philosophy. Philosophy of course, has its roots in religion and faith, theology the father of all these things.
Stop worshipping science, it is worse than a false god, it's not even a god. It's just a tape measurer.
>Science and religion are one and the same.
>>314354to me it looks like your insistence of strict disambiguation and formally defined terms hinders more then it helps; assuming you are even interested in clearly communicating your thoughts.
words can never be more then signs pointing in a general direction. your ultimate belief in them looks misguided to me.
science and religion may as well be considered languages or habits. in science you publish results. in religion, you preach. you can use the one to express the other to some extend.
when looking at your statement
>science cannot ever explain any of these thingsin that light, science can easily be used to explain religion and vice versa. your belief in the validity of limits has limited you from understanding that your limits are invalid.
i still maintain that it is an arrogant assertion to claim that you know what isn't possible. it implies that you have all the information (you do not), ran all the simulations (you did not, how could you with incomplete information) and know all possible scenarios (you don't, it would require you to have run all the simulations). that's arrogant delusion. my guess is you have chosen a very weak definition of 'impossible' the same way teenager say "oh my god" to everything. somebody does a backflip and you cross your arms and croak "that's impossible" even though it clearly is possible.
i guess more generally your assertion that you know what is impossible represents your long relation with limitation.
>>314355define science and religion in your own words then
>>314359cease such nonsensical pseudo mysticism, that is the stuff if charlatans. i am certain you can at least agree that words have meaning, and definitions matter, otherwise this conversation in English is meaningless. Formal definitions don't hinder or help, they simply define. That is an apple. This is a chair. I am possibly replying to a troll, that is, someone who argued to get a rise out of people in bad faith online. Words. Definition. Clarity.
Science, if one takes the time to actually study its history, development, or even picking a dictionary, will find in actuality that it is indeed, nothing more than a tape measurer of things in the material world. That is, things that are tangible, and ideally, repeatable in a scientific experimental system. Again, by definition it does NOT explain the WHY behind things, only HOW things happen, and if you asked yet another why underneath that, you are only met with another scientific how answer of chemicals, reaction, PHYSICAL properties either observed or inferred. Absolutely and utterly nothing to do with anything spiritual or metaphysical, that is, above physics, the physics of physics itself, the realm of pure abstraction and reason.
Without this clarity of thought, confusing science and religion, yoi are simply lost. Up is down and down is up, it is just by definition nonsense spouted by cannibas-addled minds pretending to discuss a level of intellectial depth via an inflatable kiddy pool. Bah.
I urge to examine yourself, or at least stop smoking as much weed before posting. Next you will tell me the numbers 1 and 2 are the same thing, just uttet nonsensd
>>314363thoroughly uninteresting post, i can appreciate you bothered to write a lot, for some people writing does not come easy, your reluctance could be an indicator that you are among those who have difficulties but the foul aftertaste of your words remain. in that case despite me disagreeing heavily, i could still appreciate the effort.
regardless, you are certain in things you have no business being certain of. wise men are full of doubts, they leave room for error and the unforseen.
you can't really prove that something is impossible. you can prove things are possible by doing them. but there is no proof of things being impossible, you can only prove they are impossible for you with your current situation. people can't prove god but neither can they disprove god.
to me this represents a severe lack of humility. the humble wiseman would take the blame and say he did not succeed. but the bumbeling fool loudly and arrogantly declares that things he tried are impossible, like an elephant in a shop that sells fragile porcelain tea cups.
the human eye does not even see the full spectrum, the human ear can only hear limited frequencies and you mean to tell me that you with all your limitation (including the cornucopia of things you don't even know enough to understand how limited you are in even just perceiving them) detected something to be impossible? well that doesn't really say much given how limited you are, compared to possibility.
when i read your words, i don't get the feeling you are someone who has had his mind blown with possibility, i suspect the opposite: you had your mind imploded, collapsed in itself due to lack of utilization…