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It's not about how hard you work. Or how much you study.

To win promotions and get better opportunities, you need to be promoted by others who already have opportunities and money.

Those are not awarded on merit - they are awarded by social relations.
As a neurodivergent, you will never forge alliances with those in power or those who can promote you beyond anything other than shift manager at Starbucks or McDonald's.

It's a prison made by normies - for normies. You cannot escape it as a non-NT unless you make massive amounts of money through investments, which is completely unrealistic for 99,99% of the population.

Being neurodivergent is almost the same as a death sentence, it's a poverty trap. In fact, 86% of autists can't even get hired at all let alone get promoted to better positions.
Only 14% have jobs at all!

The cards were always so massively stacked against you, it cannot be said it's your fault at all. You can only curse or blame your parents for giving you these genes.


This has nothing to do with crabs or succubi. This is about job opportunities, money and earning promotions through hard work (which is a non-sequitur because friendship with those who already have power is 100x more important than performance).


Oh, it gets worse than that OP.

Even if you get a basic ass job as a wiz or non neurotypical, NT's will bully you to oblivion.

The worst case is a boss withholding pay from you on "accident". If you make an issue out of it they threaten to fire you for not being 'a team player'.
The world is a hell for those who aren't normies. They are sadistic violent animals.


I don't want to believe this. That would only drive me deeper into defeat.
Try knowing what's your best way of doing things: https://www.thesimply.ca/blog/human-design-basics
This saved me from going on and on with a useless, desperate job search. I do NEET now! But the dread and anxiety are gone.

Know what you are.

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