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do other wizards by chance have a good system they use to keep track of all the things they want to do? seems like such a trivial little obstacle but i've only gotten better at it slowly.

i notice that i keep wanting to do things and then forgetting about it and then when i am bored and could spend some time on stuff, i don't remember it. when i don't have time, i remember everything, when i do have time, i remember nothing.

to do lists also don't work because i don't check them. physical to do lists work better then digital ones.

calendars i have tried on and off again but i do believe the cons outweigh the pros. there has to be something better.

i've noticed other carpe diem wizards in this place, i'd very much appreciate your stories on what worked for you.

what kind of helped me since spring is the attempt to stop being so nocturnal and live throughout the day because sunlight is so healthy and i have been missing out on it most of my life. i wake up as rush hour traffic calms down and i am ready to go maybe around 09:00 or 10:00. during the first half of the day i try to accomplish stuff and eat and drink ridiculously healthy and light. then i try to be back around 16:00 because much later then that and i can't find a parking space anymore, this shit is severely limiting my spontaneity. living in the dense city was a mistake i am hoping to change soon. then after i come back i usually do stuff around the appartment, keep it well maintained because i do not have the space to let just a single dirty dish lay around for too long. once i neglect stuff and stuff starts to accumulate, everything in my place breaks down. stupid cramped situation.

long story short trying to be active during the day made me progress from being able to accomplish almost nothing in a day to accomplishing a few things. i still have days where i am just on strike and can't do anything but recently the days appear where i work on stuff from morning to evening and then fall asleep tired and satisfied. it is very hard to accomplish stuff when i go to bed at 4:00 and wake up around 12:00.

also just always planning the next day has been working wonders for me.


have you tried a bullet journal? get a nice high quality notebook like a moleskine and just keep it around you. there's videos on youtube about people's journals. you can go as fancy or simple as you want, although then it becomes an arts & craft project. the idea is to just have your plans and ideas in one place and to get into the habit of just having it around.

other alternative is obsidian if you prefer digital. i keep all my notes in one place and whenever i have an idea or something, i just write a note and throw it on the pile. obsidian is pretty cool since you can connect notes and you don't have to create a hierarchy, it's very flexible. i keep a separate note for every tv show, movie, anime that i watch and i can keep track which episode i last watched and when, so i can drop shows and pick them up any time. you can also write daily notes and treat it like a diary. or you could go deep into a subject, write down separate notes and then connect them with a hub note. if someone posts some wizdom in this thread and it lights up your neurons, you can save it in a note. when you have time, you can search for specific tags or names and explore your giant web of notes. it's pretty cool.


>wanting to do things
Oh boy. You have a computer but too lazy to open NOTES APP?

This goes hard, it seems.


>get a nice high quality notebook

heh i noticed the opposite in me. i prefer to make my lists on discarded envelopes that i fish out of the paper wastebasket.

the problem is not having a clear view of what i want to accomplish. i'm like a monkey traveling through a forest who gets distracted and lost a lot and then wants to climb a tree to find out where i am so i can go back on my path but then there are no trees around so i can't do it, that's how it feels.

>the habit of just having it around.

this is probably the biggest thing i am still missing.

>other alternative is obsidian if you prefer digital.

with digital i find it even harder to build habits and also i stopped trusting that computers will bring humans into a better future, given how they became tools for dystopian authoritarian centralization. age of digital colonization. i can't stand it, makes me sick just thinking about it.

>Oh boy. You have a computer but too lazy to open NOTES APP?

i tried it, generic dumb guy, it didn't work. i don't look into the textfiles i write. i just collect them, i never use them. it would never occur to me to check them.

what i need is something that is reliably available, not something that is always hidden in some folder that i have to navigate to to find it. digital is always buried inside an infinite closet.


How unrelatable! And I am not even an ISTJ nor ISFJ to feel this as unrelatable…



i didn't find those personalty types useful ever. i can somewhat agree with the basic premise of having the 4 categories but to imply that there are 16 different personalities seems ridiculously over the top.

there aren't 16 different types of people, have you been around people? there's no more then 5.

i consider normies and crazies much more useful personality descriptors:

>normies believe in normality, they want to be just like the people around them, imitate them, belong to them, seek safety in large groups and conspire with others to seek advantage over those who don't conspire. they want to study smart and successful people and imitate what they do without understanding it. they believe in normaliy, they order the videos on pornhub by top_rated or most_views. most people are normies. normies are boring, predictable, gullible and destined to become what they hate.

>crazy is everyone else.

another perspective i think is better is consumers and constructors and they largely match normies and crazies. most normies are consumers, a lot of crazies are constructors.

>constructors want to invent solutions to problems and they don't mind sharing the solutions for free.

>consumers want to throw money at problems, which turns them into humans who relate to other humans mostly monetarily. consumers love when they personally get something for free but hate when others get something for free, which is why they like to criminalize whenever there is something for free.


>but to imply that there are 16 different personalities seems ridiculously over the top.
Cognitive stacks, man. And lots of memes of detect common patterns, it is not so hard to learn that branch of psychology.

>there's no more then 5

Also agree, but due to having myself more labeling systems than you even tend to open yourself up to.


>Cognitive stacks, man. And lots of memes of detect common patterns, it is not so hard to learn that branch of psychology.

to me difficulty is downstream from usefulness. if it is useful then i'll learn it no problem. the problem with the Myers-Briggs stuff is that it is not useful.

do the memes explain you stuff that you had no other way of making sense of or do they best describe something complicated? from what i have seen are they aren't. the memes i have seen seem like useless empty modern clickbait attentionfarming content.

to put it into perspective: Myers-Briggs is more useful then astrology but less useful then the concept of identity.

>Also agree, but due to having myself more labeling systems than you even tend to open yourself up to.

no idea what you meant by this. i guess a better way to try to use the MB stuff is to focus on the one of the dimensions and find commonalities between all people who judge or all people who perceive. it also strikes me as odd that a balance between these dimensions does not seem to be part of it.

with the lawful-neutral-chaotic | good-neutral-evil at least you have neutral, how come there isn't neutral in MB? i conser this to be a genuine weakness in the system to pretend that everything is polarized and nothing is balanced.


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>mbti stuff is not useful
You do not need to insist me, I already know it is.
>more labeling systems
Being NEETs lets us quite of a whale to explore these data: ennegram, tempers, ayurvedic doshas, dsm clusters, human design's aura types….


>Being NEETs lets us quite of a whale to explore these data: ennegram, tempers, ayurvedic doshas, dsm clusters, human design's aura types….

post some infographics if you have some please.

generator, projector, manifestor, reflector was cool, i have never seen this before. i don't think i quite get most of it yet.

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