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File: 1714933240598.mp4 (2.34 MB, 960x720, 4:3, Mike Mentzer ,Tom Platz ,F….mp4) ImgOps iqdb


I am from a third world country and I have saved 21.5 dollars (in my local currency

What could I invest (buy something and resell it) to generate extra income?


You could invest in a job


Unfortunately, you will be better off having a job, good luck.


Print out 100 copies of your CV to hand out to local businesses and hope they hire you soon.


Your best bet is a job. Your second best bet is selling food in the streets but you need to be able to hold a conversation. Buy candy in bulk and seel it at a traffic liight


Resell products.


try shipping products from your country to america and selling them as a vendor. Some items are still kind of rare and there's good money in the flip business


With that amount of starting capital there isn't a lot you can do unless you have some marketable in demand skills and experence.

Legitimately your best option right now is to get a job or do gig work while saving money that you can potentially use as start up capital later, or to fund training to invest in yourself.
Use the time that you are earning income for someone else to plan your next move.

If all the stuff local pay's shit and is mainly hard labor then I would recomened low end online gig work.
While it pays like shit to a US perspective it might earn you more then what you can make locally for a lot less work. Allowing you to have more energy to put into your side projects that have potential to become your main independently run business.
For example you seem to have decent English skills. So doing transcriptions and translations might get you started.
You could also spend a week learning some skill for free like basic video editing or audio clean up. You got legions of American lazy idiots with more money than sense who want to be social media stars but don't want to put the work in. Instead they are willing to pay someone else to handle all the "technical stuff" that actually makes something not garbage.
Knew a Indian dude who used to do photo editing back in the 00s to eventually earn enough to start actually coming to the US where he eventually met a company that responded his visa. Now that dude earns more then I make in a year in a few months doing some corpo middle management bullshit for a ad agency.


Could you stop spreading false optimism?

He is never, ever going to make a living through video editing or translations. The market is already oversaturated with companies who have done it for decades.

He cannot start any kind of business anywhere in the world for 20 dollars.
He is screwed until he wageslaves for 5-10 years and gathers at least a few thousand to open a small food stall operation.


Could you stop spreading false pessimism?

There are plenty of gig workers who make livable (by 3rd world standards) incomes doing independent contract work doing video editing, translations, and other such serices. It is true the market is over saturated, which is why the pay is shit. Those companies cut cost by contracting out to gig workers, and there are still plenty of solo independents in the space making a living doing it.

>He cannot start any kind of business anywhere in the world for 20 dollars.

I didn't say he could. Though depending on skills and resources it's possible to throw together a hustle with that much. Not one you can live on, but one that will pull profit. I have personally done it when I was younger. I don't know his exact situation though so didn't recommend such a thing.

>He is screwed until he wageslaves for 5-10 years and gathers at least a few thousand to open a small food stall operation.

Needless false pessimism. Just crab in bucket mindset right there.


You need a very powerful computer to do video editing in 2024.

Nobody with zero connections in a third world country is going to be hired as a translator by anyone.


File: 1715087986018.jpg (197.43 KB, 1382x386, 691:193, translation.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

You need a very powerful computer to do video editing in 2024.

Nobody with zero connections in a third world country is going to be hired as a translator by anyone.
There are literally 10 million people for every OP trying to desperately squeeze $0.01 out of translating a line of text.



>You need a very powerful computer to do video editing in 2024.

Not as much as you would think, especially if you are doing simple shit like lining up audio to video, running the dialog through a noise filter, or moving clips around.
General computer intensive stuff is applying extensive digital filters and other high level features.
Even basic rendering can be done on a kinda shit computer now days.

>Nobody with zero connections in a third world country is going to be hired as a translator by anyone.

Objectively untrue.
>There are literally 10 million people for every OP trying to desperately squeeze $0.01 out of translating a line of text.
Litterally untrue.
>it's not stable
It's not meant to be. It's gig work. Gig work is inherently unstable.
This is just stuff to earn a bit of start up capital for something else.
It's better then doing farm labor or factory work in the third world for third world wages. That work leaves you too tired and poor to work on anything on the side.
Gig work for westerners isn't as demanding and offers relatively better pay. The trade off is less stablity, which isn't as much of a issue in this situation since down times will give the chance to work on stuff outside of gig work. Like building a proper business plan for your own independent business.

Regardless, you are just exaggerating to justify your defeatist pessimistic world view. Likely to make yourself feel better about giving up. So you want others to validate your choice of giving up and staying in your bucket of chosen helplessness.


People like you are funny with your cushy savings and i heritances.

Were you in a situation like OP you wouldn't earn a penny without hard farm or factory labor at $1 a day and you sure as hell wouldn't have a PC capable of rendering professional 4K footage.
You'd be posting here on the cheapest Android phone available using public wifi and crying yourself to sleep.


Now you are just spinning stories.

I actually went from homeless to a relatively comfortable life through hard work and self agency.
If I had your mindset I would have likely just given up and killed myself when things got hard.

Stop projecting your weakness on others.

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