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Do you wizards know anything about removing metals from and killing pathogens or viruses in the brain? I am interested in whether this is contributing to personal issues I have at the moment and would like to try such an approach. There are many sources talking about detoxification, but I've yet to see one specifically talking about the brain.

my current speculated stack is
Natto - kills spike protein
Black seed oil - kills toxoplasmosis, broad spectrum antiviral
ALA - chelates some metals
DMSA? - chelates more metals

but I don't know much more than that. Sources, thoughts?


regenerative detoxification. i found this when looking at desperate cases, that medicine had given up on. brain is also connected to the bodily fluid systems of lymph and blood with the notable difference that you don't have muscles that you can flex in the brain, which makes the brain a harder place to detoxify. but if the entire body is healthy, the brain will benefit from it. i'd do netipot, it helps to drain the head.

>Natto - kills spike protein

you probably have been looking at the first protocol against vaccine damage. i think it was natto (from soy) + bromeline (from pineapple) + curcumin (from the spice).


nettipot isn't going to chelate metals from my brain anon. Have you got any specific supplement recommendations? And yes, the vax protocol was on my reading list. I am concerned if spikes are still in my brain causing excitotoxicity. My goal here is to eliminate any sources of brain toxic load. Which can be metals, can be viruses, can be any kind of pathogen, possibly even parasitic.


"regenerative health" practitioner prescribes… grapes, and apple. Uh.


Yah, more pseudo science woo woo schizo retardation.


>nettipot isn't going to chelate metals from my brain anon.

i'd say it is certainly gonna help. you are in no position to decline something useful like netipot. also you have muscles in your jaw. exercising those will help to create a draw. when i exercise the jaw muscles, i get more dandruff. the jaw is also a big lymphatic pump servicing the head and the increased dandruff is the receipt of that.

>Have you got any specific supplement recommendations? And yes, the vax protocol was on my reading list. I am concerned if spikes are still in my brain causing excitotoxicity. My goal here is to eliminate any sources of brain toxic load. Which can be metals, can be viruses, can be any kind of pathogen, possibly even parasitic.

i do like the herbal protocols. tincutres, capsules and teas.


>"regenerative health" practitioner prescribes… grapes, and apple. Uh.

thas rite. keep watching the dude if you wanna be healthy. he is decades ahead.


I've used a neti pot. It's for getting rid of allergies in your sinuses.


File: 1715280348429.mp4 (578.09 KB, 640x360, 16:9, sinuses.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

>I've used a neti pot. It's for getting rid of allergies in your sinuses.

unless you live in some remote mountainous region with lush vegetation where the air is not filled with dust from industry, car-tires and car-breakpads you'd be wise to use it once a week anyway. aid that has been treated by heaters and AC can be so dry that it crusts up your nose, netipot also helps with that. can also help with headaches because those are often related to lymphatic congestion in the head, which netipot helps to drain. i've been using netipot for many years, i don't get colds or sniffles or shit like that. covid was a joke to me when i had it: sore throat for one day, maybe felt hot for half a day.

for your application it also helps since you are trying to get stuff out of your head. the stuff you try to get out has few pathways i can think of:

either through the skin through sweating and dandruff (that you can help to get going by exercising jaw muscles and wearing a warm hat).

or though internal lymphatic flow that you can then pee out (which requires you to have a functioning lymph system which i would assume you most likely don't have)

or through mucus flow in the sinuses. just because you currently don't have sinus infection doesn't mean your sinuses are healthy and your mucosa is functioning. if it is healthy, you smell better and you can hear better. many people have permanently congested sinus and netipot would make a world of difference to them.

for your application it is all about fluids, you try to make the shit in your head be drawn out with the few fluids you have. netipot it something you can do to help no matter how unintelligent you choose to live, the health of the lymphatic system is something holistic, it would require you to reorient your entire life around it. it is such a high priority, it would require for you to change your diet, how little you exercise and to stop whatever else you are doing that is making you sick.


my god i hate conspiracionists

i know a natural, good way from removing metals from the body, but i aint sharing with schizos like you who spread misinformation


Good call. CNN told me that there is no greater THREAT to our DEMOCRACY than CRABS spreading MISINFORMATION online


I actually have like a nose vacuum rig that creates a suction to drain the mucus out of your nose. What turned me off after a while was the water would always inadvertently run down your throat with some of the mucus


Is it drinking water and letting your normal bodily functions function normally to do it's best to remove or contain whatever isn't supposed to be there?


you get metal exposure from drinking tap water. Lowering toxic load every couple of years should be part of everybody's daily routine.


wizupdate: under the mere influence of black sneed oil (high dose), nattokinase (high dose), and fenbendiazole my urine has turned dark. And this isn't even the full flush stack


interesting. if you pee in a glass or bottle, you can also see if particles are swimming in the pee, which would be an excellent sign of your detox functioning. during a detox it can remind of a snowglobe.


what would the particles look like?


File: 1715583886766-0.jpg (30.5 KB, 600x600, 1:1, snowglobe.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

File: 1715583886766-1.jpg (83.27 KB, 746x788, 373:394, kidney filtration pee in a….JPG) ImgOps iqdb

>what would the particles look like?

first picture is a snowglobe. see how the particles are tiny, sharp, not-see-through and fall down easy in the fluid?

the ones you are looking for are:
>not as sharp with slightly less defined shapes
>slightly bigger
>more see through
>more floaty

second picture is an impressive example of someone's pee. it must have been full of cloud-like particles that swam that ended up settling at the bottom after a few minutes and you can still see particles floating above the sediment layer at the bottom.


Methylene blue feels good man, seems to have very high antiparasitic and antiviral action in a distributed fashion which will be absorbed into the entire brain - https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/02/180205195624.htm
I've tried shining a flashlight on urine a couple of times and am mostly noticing a bacteria presence in the shadows, sort of resembles chicken soup there are so many of them.


>Methylene blue feels good man

interesting, i don't think i have encountered this before. would love to hear a practitioner talk about experiences with it.

>I've tried shining a flashlight on urine a couple of times and am mostly noticing a bacteria presence in the shadows, sort of resembles chicken soup there are so many of them.

have you looked at it under a microscope or how did you detect what you suspect might be bacteria? if your urine is nasty and complex, that means the stuff is no longer inside you and your body has not lost the ability to detox, which seems to me what everything is hinging around in most people's health. good sign. if it was clear as filtered, pasteurized industrial apple juice from a carton, that would be cause to worry.


I can't see what else would produce long threadlike shadows when shined upon and would have a thick filmy appearance when observed normally. I don't have liver damage, I am concerned about pathogenic or excitotoxic presences in the brain. Chlorine Dioxide just came in the mail, I'll be trying to use the MMS formula next.

What sorts of detoxification programs are you thinking of when we have this discussion?


Fasting and alkalizing diet, while eating all your daily food within a narrow interval (from 8:00 am to 2:00pm)

Remember that your detox systems are constantly working if you swallow starches and heavy protein. Also a mouthful of turmeric enhances liver functions before going to bed.


Killing pathogens? Mostly garlic, onion and ginger. Then you might turn towards advanced shit, like ivermectin and typical drugs.


>I can't see what else would produce long threadlike shadows when shined upon and would have a thick filmy appearance when observed normally.

hmm i can't think of anything. many people have parasites and fungus problems inside them but i don't know in what way they would show up in the urine.

>I don't have liver damage,

congratulations, how do you know? i did a liver gallblader flush. i drank oil, grapefruit juice and epsomwalt dissolved in water. and yes, green stones did come out, i should make another one soon to see if there are still stones inside of me, or if my health ambitions have "melted" them all already.

>I am concerned about pathogenic or excitotoxic presences in the brain.

you must have some sophisticated detection mechanism i am not hip to. lol i can't imagine how you would detect that. maybe there is a smell coming out of your ear ^^, i dunno.

>Chlorine Dioxide just came in the mail, I'll be trying to use the MMS formula next.

i know literally nothing about what chemicals and pharmaceuticals can do.

What sorts of detoxification programs are you thinking of when we have this discussion?

naturopathic herbal essences and teas is what i have studied and used on myself. most sophisticated one i've done was a 1500€ 14 week herbal detoxification protocol. i ate nothing but fruit, drank healing tea all day and swallowed capsules filled with herbs and herbal extracts dissolved in water. first two weeks was mostly antiparasitic and antifungal and then the rest was mostly strengthening the lymphatic system while keeping the detox 'up'. the underlying idea is that the body can clean itself as long as the lymphatic system is kept well functioning and herbs do a little bit of helping. i do the work in exercises and foodchoice, herbal tea adds 30% extra, expensive herbal tinctures and capsules add an additional 15% extra.

i was throwing everything i had at this detox. i did the wim hof breathing exercises daily, i did running, skating, dancing, was creating stuff, was relaxing once a week with small dose of weed, which i do very much believe to be healthy.

i was harassed by females who could sense my energy daily, i would go to the supermarket as if i was a wanted fugitive because i could not handle the sexual harassment. this was discouraging, depressing and life-unaffirming. now i found complicated ways to prevent the unwanted attraction from occurring (i dress unattractive on purpose and try to conceal that i am full of energy. now when people see me they are just puzzled, which i like way more)


I have that book. Did you see improvement in health after trying the cleanse?

Anyways, for me personally I am trying to get at certain neurological problems which could conceivably be caused by excitotoxic or brain pathogenic substances. It's quite different than standard detox rationales, and I am starting to think that my immune response to covid may be at the heart of it all? Covid antibodies = spike proteins in your body for a long time. I am hoping it isn't permanent and the body does expel these things with time/loses immune system memory of the disease. But there doesn't seem much written on that particular topic.


>I have that book. Did you see improvement in health after trying the cleanse?

i can never be sure what does the difference and what doesn't because i do a lot of health related stuff and i already feel good by default.

having said that, i do suspect that i did feel a good chunk better from it. after i did it, it felt like a noticable curse was lifted (not a gigantic curse but also not a tiny curse). like some limiting barrier was removed. like the training wheels were taken off the bike and now i ride on a real bycicle while before i didn't. after i had done it i found all these new ways to keep momentum in movements going. my skating and dancing become more seamless, more flowing; the individual movements became connected into movements that waste less energy; though i had felt this lifting of limits before. when i first lost weight from bmi 21 to bmi 20 i could not believe how effortless moving my body was, how much faster i could get up from a chair.

i do believe it is among the more beneficial things. not as profoundly lifechanging as breathing exercise, maybe on the level as a netipot.

>Anyways, for me personally I am trying to get at certain neurological problems which could conceivably be caused by excitotoxic or brain pathogenic substances.

you probably mean get _rid off_ neurological problems? not sure what you mean by neurological problems. maybe like a feeling of slow response time from the brain, being forgetful, making mistakes.

my brain has been doing good lately because i stopped looking at memes so much. like a gambling addict in front of a slot machine i did not even notice that i was doomscrolling for hours every day. now i stopped looking at this nasty digital world so much and found the joy in tinkering, homeimprovement and using tools. i like it but because i am so inexperienced and slow, it makes me feel like i am 200 years old though lol. learning something useful is fun for a change. i make myself so busy, i can't even watch entertainment content anymore. i just wanna watch DIY stuff all day.

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