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Do you guys have 'em? I've been binge watching videos on it but normies are darn awkward handling them. What causes them? Is it some gradual accumulation of stuff or do they come for sudden reasons?


i don't have such problems, i take good care of myself and also i was lucky, when i was young and got vaccinated, they did not put so many different stuff in the injection as they do these days.


Vaccines have nothing to do with autism.

Why the fuck is pseudo-science and woo woo bullshit posted so much here lately.


>Vaccines have nothing to do with autism. leave the multibillion dollar industry alone.

how'd you know? you have not even understood how not to have meltdowns.


Ok fed


>how'd you know?
Because it's been extremely extensively studied, and the only "study" that claimed that it did was literally fraudulent.

> leave the multibillion dollar industry alone

Not a real argument.
The only thing I am defending is the true.

>you have not even understood how not to have meltdowns.

Insults aren't arguments.
Get fed dez nuts nigger.


>Because it's been extremely extensively studied, and the only "study" that claimed that it did was literally fraudulent.

they said the covid vaccine was safe and effective because it was extensively studied. that turned out to be a lie, they did not extensively studied it and the vaccine turned out to be neither safe nor effective. now in several countries (depending on the level of corruption) there are no legal covid vaccines.

when people who are above the law say something has been studied, this proves nothing, your argument is invalid. when proven liars come out with studies that are supposed to prove something, nothing has been proven.

you said
>Vaccines have nothing to do with autism

you have yet to prove that statement. just because a proven liar said something is one way, that doesn't mean shit. the opinion of known liars is excluded from truth seeking and say one more stupid and corrupted thing and you are excluded.

>Insults aren't arguments.

it is a fact unless you were lying, which is possible. obviously you have no allegiance to the truth. whether or not if offends you is meaningless, you admitted it in the op.

>Get fed dez nuts nigger.

you are certainly dumb, obedient and on the wrong side of history like a fed. you certainly don't mind lying because your boss told you so. you sound like you can tell every brand of shoe shine by the taste.


You are clearly and obiously just a troll who doesn't sincerly believe a single thing you just said.

Therefor I will not waste effort on your retardation.
Enjoy this documentary explaining in detail how autism is not caused by vax.


>You are clearly and obiously just a troll who doesn't sincerly believe a single thing you just said.

>Therefor I will not waste effort on your retardation.

you did waste effort though because i am not clicking on your stupid video. you did not adequately consider any of the points raised, you arrogantly dismissed them. i'll just go ahead and look down on you at this point and call you a shill. dishonor upon you.


It was crystal clear that the vax was gonna be a scam

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