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I don't know whether this has to do with me being a virgin bro, but I've always loved the trope in shows where a serious, angry female fighter, attacker, villain, or any upset and belligerent succubus blushes after being randomly kissed by the guy she is trying to physically hurt, or after receiving some form of affectionate treatment, whether by accident or on purpose.
I like that it shows more depth to the character, revealing that she is a vulnerable human, and has a softer feminine romantic side. It's also hilarious as well, seeing that a kiss can break her concentration and make her feel infatuated for a moment. I've enjoyed this trope ever since I was a kid. It’s a masculine idea that you can quell a succubus’s ire with a kiss, even if it's just for a mere second, and I think it works really well in fiction. It is a male fantasy I suppose but it is a funny and interesting one.

This thread is to share all those tropes that you like, virgin bros


i think is funny too, like their entire personality is the denial of the feminine and their deep insatiable craving for attention, unconditional love and tenderness from a man and in that moment it shines through how much they lie to themselves and spend their life in disgraceful, culturally pre-programmed dishonesty.

but i couldn't be bothered to watch shit like that. life is so short, don't waste it on fiction and entertainment. use tools, build stuff, repair stuff, go to the construction store, learn about all the shit they are selling and how it is used instead of watching anime.


>watching fiction and entertainment is a waste of time because life is so short
>build stuff, repair stuff, go to the construction store, learn about all the shit they are selling and how it is used instead of watching anime

The kings and nobility entertain themselves with art for they know life is too short to spend it in arduous work. The peasants build, repair, use tools, etc., and waste their lives away working for hours on end, because their fate is that of a laborer and they can even be persuaded to take pride in it, which benefits those in power.


>The kings and nobility entertain themselves with art for they know life is too short to spend it in arduous work. The peasants build, repair, use tools, etc., and waste their lives away working for hours on end, because their fate is that of a laborer and they can even be persuaded to take pride in it, which benefits those in power.

this might be the dumbest post i have seen on wiz ever. elites are nothing to look up to, they are passive income leeches enslaving those dumb enough to believe that "we" are in this together. psychopaths, liars, actors, scammers, blackmailers, murderers, informats, infiltrators, gaslighters, provocateurs, lobbyist, censors, propagandists are not wizard role models no matter how much money they have. there is no magic in scamming idiots. you look up to those people? then i assume you hate yourself because how could you not.

you know there are handbags that costs 50.000$ and my backpack cost like 80$. they do the same thing, they hold stuff. but why is one almost 50.000$ more expensive? is it the superior materials, durability and craftsmanship? no, they would only account for a slight piece of the pie of those 50.000$.

what would you call the piece of the pie that remains? the largest piece? bitch what would you call it? i call it illusion.

to be elite you have to reject reality often and engage in all kinds of illusions and pretend they are real. i tell you reality is better then the illusion of wealth. you think you make a good deal by securing passive income streams to yourself and watch the money come in as you do nothing but while that happens, there is something that is not coming in into your life and it is better then anything money can buy, that is why the only direction i could look at someone like you is down. i could only look down at someone who was seduced into accepting the shame of conflict and reap the profits from it because you had to lower yourself to view this as a legitimate way to spend a life.

>The peasants build, repair, use tools, etc., and waste their lives away working for hours on end, because their fate is that of a laborer and they can even be persuaded to take pride in it, which benefits those in power.

the peasants are idiots because they are being taken advantage of in this horrendous scheme of slavery but at least some of the workers have skills that are useful, helpful and fulfilling. they keep the system that sustains everyone running and many of them have engineering smarts about them. they are dumb in other ways. they watch sportsball, drink alcohol and eat poison so i am not pretending they aren't retards as well. i hope they run away from the proprietary culture and live like the people have lived hundreds of years ago while the elites kill each other with robots as they hide in their bunkers. that'd be the best outcome.

as i stated previously, the direction i look upon thee is downwards. the ground is thine true home.


saged by accident, i don't believe in saging.


>Cool it down with the neet hatred, for that is the lifestyle every smart wizard aspires to have.

you sure are simpleminded. you reduce everything to base emotions as if emotions were what everything is actually all about deep down but (although you are so low to the ground already) you don't seem to be able to look far into the depth.

i don't have hatreds for neets and having hatred is idiocy. why would i hate you, your life already sucks and whatever actions or inactions i could do to influence your abysmal life would add or subtract very little to the general direction of your life which is degenration.

>The life of a neet, of the wealthy who have no need to slave away or suffer the 9-5 drill, the soul crushing routine.

no working 9-5 that's idiocy. probably a rare moment where i agree with someone like you who prefers to stay low to the ground and eat the fruit that is easy to reach.

>You go keep working with your tools, building and repairing stuff for the sake of nothing

it improves the quality of my life though because i build my house so i can live in it better. it teaches me skill with tools, properties of materials, self-reliance, i improve my understanding of cause and effect, i learn about new possibilities. it is a creative act.

>calling all entertainment and watching anime a "waste of time",

it is because it is always the same. watch a few episodes if you like but in the end you are just listening to stories other people invented. you live life through others, not yourself. that's reactive. that's not creative at all, it is passive consumerism you have been deliberately brainwashed to accept as reality. staring at screens is not an actual human life, you are just being a mindless consumer.

>like endlessly doing construction job isn't.

it's not endless, once i have build the stuff i think is cool, i have it and use it and then it is over and i can do other stuff. AND I CAN DO OTHER STUFF BETTER BECAUSE MY LIVING SITUATION IS SO NICE. it is TAILORED to me and my way of life. you too would agree that a tailored suit fits better then a bought suit, doesn't that totally agree with your bitch sentiment on luxury? well i made my own luxury, not in clothes but in furniture. it does take a lot of time though because i am not good at it.

>Nice way of not addressing your low iq boomer tier argument against entertainment.

the idea of entertainment does not stand on it's own feet. there are precious pieces of art i am not ranting against. rare masterpieces, sure go ahead enjoy them. but don't watch stuff just to pass the time and you hate your life and want to escape it. do it so you don't hate your life instead.

>You are constrained to a life that you never chose and have deluded yourself.

no you are wrong i did choose to build these awesome furniture. it was i who came up with the idea to make this stupid shelve that is 10cm higher on one end then at the other and i have not understood why yet. there is no delusion involved, but don't talk about delusion, you escape your life though the screen and you believe the illusion of social status, so you are a big boy with a smooth thoroughly washed brain who has absolute no understanding on the topic whatsoever, damn sure not enough to determine who is deluded and who isn't.

you, the guy who lives life from the sitting in front of a screen position, does not get to be an expert on what is real because you don't know. you spend your energy denying reality, you don't understand it. so don't speak on it. speak on stuff you know, like how to make the best popcorn.


The only difference between a NEET and an idle aristocrat is one receives 600 dollars a month for doing nothing and the other receives 600,000 dollars a month doing nothing.


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and guess what? the NEET is being pressured by soceity to go working while the richfag is free to do at his please. one is implied entitled to soceity while the other one is free from soceity. it's unfair


>My life is amazing compared to the life of someone like you afflicted by neurosis. You can't even control your emotions

my guess is you are imagining things which is to be expected of someone whose basis for human interaction is consumerist fiction.

>in your posts whose only rationality is you being a mess that conflates simple facts and creates some straw man and makes some preposterous claims.

you focus to talk about talking about the subject, but not the actual subject, which is to be expected of someone who removes himself from life and prefers the glow of a screen displaying the ideas other men want you to have instead of realizing your own. you would probably prefer if i was talking to someone else pretending to be you and you would watch through a screen.

>because you can't understand a life different than your own.

so your life is actually difficult and hard to understand and i totally got it wrong and misunderstand you and you are actually not a bitch ostrich with the head in the sand and i got it all wrong because you don't like how this would make you look?

i think of you as a dumb guy who prefers illusion over reality who is bad at communicating. you don't make good points, you can't defend your way of life in the easiest setting possible, using words to some stranger over the internet with no time constraint. you're not real, you are clearly a passenger in your own life and you are a bad advertisement for your chosen lifestyle of illusion.


>and the other receives 600,000 dollars a month doing nothing.

you'd think that but the idle aristocrat has to do bitch things, appear in oppressive social gatherings, smile at people he hates, make friends with people he doesn't want to, obey those who are above him in the hierarchy, endure the constant influence of some deep state handler, you only imagine the good parts. what about the sexual humiliation stuff and blackmail, and dealings with criminals and coordinating corruption with fat disgusting greasy government people, being forced to go to the psychologist and stuff like that, being bullied by other slightly richer assholes. if i had to live like that, i couldn't even enjoy my pool and my big house, i'd feel too dirty to leave bed. i guess they are on all kinds of substances to keep them going. caffeine, steroids, anti-depressants.


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>while the richfag is free to do at his please. one is implied entitled to soceity while the other one is free from soceity.

i don't think you have all the information. if a rich person doesn't obey the even richer people, they get handled.


what are you trying to say?


>It's funny that you are so deluded in your own shit as a result of your mental disorder that you can't make a single convincing argument to save your life.

that is not enough, instead of pasting this copypasta that could literally post in response to anything you need to prove that you have read what i wrote and respond to it in substance. more reason to look down on you.

maybe you are unable to and that is why you watch screen all the time? because your reading and writing isn't up there? you should be good at reading though because many of the anime have english subtitles so they can be watched in original audio. unless you watch dubbed anime and you are beginning to seem like such a dumb person, it would not surprise me at this point.

>The vast majority of the upper class and land-owning nobility live better lives than you

no they keep trying to clumsily befriending me in public, just as clumsily, outclassed and inexperienced as your reading and writing skills and i want nothing to with impure dirty people who are part of the problem. i can actually do things, i have energy, they can only throw money at problems and complain about being tired all the time. i am never tired! they are below me. they have more money and bigger houses but they'd rather be real. i can see it in their eyes. when i walk past them while ghosting them i can tell they wished they had the balls to not give a fuck, be poor and thrive anyways. the flow of envy clearly favors me over the corrupt self-loathers.

>and don't have to come here to spout nonsensical shit about picking up a hammer and nails and build stuff or say

that entertainment is a waste of time

with entertainment you are trying to heal a wound that is not regenerating from it. i don't have the wound because i take good care of myself. entertainment is cope. yet another reason to look down on you. you don't sit at home watching anime for hours because your life is so nice. you want the anime to rescue you and distract you from what a catastrophe you have let your life become. you are lucky to talk to me, for me talking to you that is my benevolent belief in charity.

>and it's better to do construction job. You are clearly retarded and lying to yourself and see everything in black and white.

construction jobs i'd hate too. the working conditions are horrible and also they are whores who sell their labour to the highest bidder (which is morally bankrupt) but they seem to earn enough money to make really dumb decisions with it like buying new cars and luxury bullshit. some are smart though and build most their stuff themselves.

i probably shouldn't talk about smart people, besides overwhelming your limited reading/writing capability smart people are nothing you can relate to; unless you watch them through your screen while you sit in a chair probably eating industrially produced, efficiently plastic packaged snack food.

he was probably out of breath from having to walk one flight of stairs and got confused.



you have the emotion-centered, substance-less, empty provocative communication pattern of an ugly female. desperate and undignified, like someone who was never noticed and then decided to talk disturbingly loud.

obviously you are bothered by that i look down on your mentally unhealthy anime addiction but what you have not done is tell me how i am wrong and the reasons why.

but you don't function based on reason and experience, you function based on selfish emotions, like a bitch. anime is not healing you become a real person, pinoccio.


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I don't want to be anywhere near that world. I much prefer being a welfare neet browsing the internet all day in my cozy bedroom and ordering pizza.



>another post where you avoid to answer a simple question and are unable to defend your claims or current contradictory behavior. Instead, it's just another strawman and more adhoms, suddenly I am addicted to anime and other nonsense.

you have avoided every point i have made so far while calling me delusioned.

>One more chance:

it is not a chance to talk to you, you are bad at talking, it is a chore.

>What are you doing in an imageboard considering that you see both entertainment and anime as a waste of time?

go defend yourself on all the bitch behavior i have accused you of, go make your point first, say anything of substance that isn't an empty acusation first, defend anime, defend entertainment, defend your way of life, defend yourself as a person who craves social approval yet has no ability to earn it. it is not your turn to give me homework while you are so far behind. catch up to where i am first, you are trying to lead a conversation you are behind in.

>This isn't any imageboard, by the way, this IB is based around the wizard meme that originated from an anime and is heavily connected to the neet subculture which are avid anime watchers, and in general, big japanophiles

so if this place is really as much based on anime as you claim, you should not be this unable to defend it as you have demonstrated itt.

>I think you're lost, Bob, and you are not so spiritual or superior as you think you are, you are just an angry retard discontent with his life, not even a good troll because you are much too invested to be a troll :)

fake smiling is bitch behavior.

>When you stand with wizardry like I do, you can do nothing but win.

do you? you seem pretty impure, like a consumerist cattle who lives his life from the passenger seat who never even searched his own potential, thoroughly seduced and sedated by convenience.

>Bob the builder lost.

i'm not a builder you bitch, i am currently building because i challenge myself to do things i am bad at so i get better at them while you probably rip open industrialized candy and watch invented stories about drawn or computer animated people have a social life while you don't.

don't school me on anything until you have proven to me that you are more then the idiot who threw his life away watching puppet theater.


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I like the 6th ranger trope.
One thing I like about the trope is that when it's done properly they manage to make the 6th ranger feel like an ultimate badass while not stepping on the toes of the established leader of the group.
I guess it's kind of like the difference between an "alpha male" and a "sigma male" that people often talk about these days.


The Chessmaster, when a based character is influencing how things turn out and causing them as well through manipulation, they get what they want through meticulous planning, moving people like pieces on a chessboard.


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>The Chessmaster, when a based character is influencing how things turn out and causing them as well through manipulation, they get what they want through meticulous planning, moving people like pieces on a chessboard.

you like that? can you name every brand of shoe shine by the taste?


Death Note's Light Yagami is peak wiz


When referee tells heels, non-participants to leave the ring area after being caught cheating or under such an impression. Pointing at them and then showing their way to get out while all this gets a huge pop from the crowd. In pro wrestling.


When the impostor is sus


This looks like something made to mock anime


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America invented anime to weaken japan post-ww2





i've been enjoying this meme for years now, nice to see it posted. i never dived deeper into this. any ideas on what his reasons were for being sickened?

seeing how poorly habitual anime watchers itt were able to defend their habit made me consider that it may be way more degenerative then i had assumed. i've only watched and enjoyed a handful of animes and i liked them. i'm sure the famous creators of anime have things to say about it, having interfaced with the fans for decades.


I think he has no problem with children watching anime or animation movies, I bet he continue to make them bzcause he wants to show it to children but what he seems to hate is grown men still watching them and most of them are weirdos.
am I right or wrong?



and most of them are weirdos.
am I right or wrong?

>am I right or wrong?

i knew a cool dude who watched one piece. i stopped liking him because he became kind of a conformist and sponged some bad character traits from the normies. so i dunno if he is still cool. have not seen him in many years, not sure he is still alive.

i think anime people are weirdos but i'd pick a anime dude over a comicbook dude all day every day. these people who watch the same comic book movie get made over and over and over and talks about it with excitement. young guys watching spiderman is very strange to me. such a boring corporate conveyorbelt propaganda platform and some young people are into it. BITCH WHAT?! these comic book bitches don't even know when goku was still a child he swam half the planet to attend the martial arts tournament.

anime + overweight is a dangerous combination. a cool guy who is fat and watches anime i expect to be very rare if they happen to exist at all.



>I also think that normalniggers like you who hate on wizards who like anime and call them weirdos have no place here.

i did not hate on you, you were unable to defend against my valid concerns regarding your dangerous passion, revealing how shallow your thoughts about it must have been. you act like all i did was ad hominem, but ad hominem was merely one of the many things i did and apparently the only one you were able to respond to while all the other things i brought forth went over your head.

you have lost touch with reality. you don't care if something is real. you are broken. you live in the pod already, probably getting ready to eat insects as i type this. that is why i look down on you. i think you did a poor job in writing itt. i would not trust you to bring trash to the trash can, that's how dumb i consider you.

>I think people who write like niggers should be banned from wizchan and from life.

i do think you are a bitch though and i can not think of a better way to describe someone like you. you are weak, you don't understand yourself and your actions, you live in a fantasy world, you don't have the mental apparatus of someone older then 30. you are still a child in the worst sense. not child as in innocent, unassuming, curious about the world and motivated to grow, child in the sense that you can not take care of yourself and child as in unwilling to care about potential danger.

>Virgin bros won, normalnigger scum lost.

i'm not normal, you are a caricature and what you just did with this sentence was escape to fantasy. you escaped the reality of this text exchange into a fantasy version in which you "won". you didn't won, but you just pretend you do. you create an anime of this conversation to escape into, which was the exact danger i was trying to warn about. you are not real.


if the two of you were both *really* as satisfied with your respective lives as you claim, there would be no need to come on here and defend your choices, much less belittle the life paths of others.


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don't lump me in with someone who may as well put on a vr-headset and stay in virtual reality all day while real reality happens without him. just cut off your body, have your brain be kept in a glass filled with glowing fluid, attach it to usb and keep it alive so you can watch videos in your head.

if you don't think this should be belittled then you defend it, what's so great about a life based on illusion and without substance?. i'm just over here belitteling the concept of illusion and entertainment while you come up with something of substance, in the meantime (assuming you too can not come up with anything that justifies this life) i look down on you.


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>you are literally mentally ill lmfao

that's not a lot you have to say for yourself. just some canned, generic, uncreative response that could have applied to just any thread.

you know the penguin holding the tray? here you probably love that meme and you can use it in any situation because that's all you ever have to say. you're just a machine.


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i like the trope of Pinocchio. just some liar who finally understands being a liar sucks and then once he stops lying, he becomes real.


then why don't you point out what is mentally ill? probably because you can't.

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