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>Social integration

Once aliated with proper, positive aliations with others, prosocial people become integrated into society which comes through
understanding and practicing the proper social courtesies and societal
expectations over time. Crick et al. [19], through their research, found
that as a child grows and develops, these evolving changes impact the
child’s cognitive understanding and, as they mature, develop certain
social reasoning skills where their information-processing abilities
improve over time and they become integrated into society as a way of
life. Once integrated into the dierent aspects of society, the tendency
is to make positive contributions to people and communities.
Нese activities positively impact those in the same level and
promote a healthy set of behaviors that are non-aggressive in nature.

>Social outcast stage

Another element in behavioral theory is that there is a relationship
between aggressive mannerisms and a lack of peer acceptance. When
peer-acceptance needs are not met, a person of interest can be labeled
an ‘outcast’ from the school norm at which students avoid this person
to the point where high levels of frustration may result in personal
rejection leading to a detachment from peers and school. For support,
they turn to others in the same condition, establish a bond with these
individuals, and begin to form a self-identification conglomerate or
clique which can be quite large at this level.
On average, these individuals tend to conduct themselves in ways
that draws attention while demonstrating defiant behavior as a group
to retaliate against a system they believe forced them outside the realm
of normal school functions and operations. Нe behavioral actions for
social outcasts is usually one of aggressive, defiant, and hostile
behavior with negative interpersonal relationships with those outside
their group

>Social isolation stage

Anti-social behavior escalates in this stage with those that are totally
rejected by peers. As social outcasts, those in the normal school
functions or operations tend to shun these individuals. A long-term
consequence of the eect of peer rejection is that oіen, one will
become more socially isolated and more socially aggressive as
indicated in this stage. Нe rejected person(s) will become increasingly
inept at pro-social interaction that intensifies to elevated frustration
levels in various social situations and functions which can lead to
hostile responses. As a result of continual rejection by peer groups, the
excluded person may further isolate himself/herself from others and
experience persistent aggressive problems [1,2]. Нose with heightened
aggressive tendencies are seen as less likable and are deemed deserving
of other’s vetted anger against him/her which can lead to further
rejection by peers, thus causing total isolation from the established
school normoіentimes becoming a recluse or loner at home.
If applicable, the number from the previous Social Outcast Stage
may be reduced due to a more hostile transformation with heightened
aggression and hostility synonymous with this stage. Some in the
Social Outcast Stage may not migrate to this level for those very
reasons. However, those who do fall within this stage, on average,
become more hostile, more aggressive and more uncontrollable, and, if
leі unchecked, will lead to a further downslide in the anti-social path

what you think about this wiz?
i think im in social isolation stage but i have no anti social hehaviour but im agressive sometimes.
i know there's somewhat anti social wizzies, you need to know your path is not going somewhere good. im not judging, im saying this for me too.

im definitely not an glowie that tries to collect info btw. i just want to wizards have consciousness about this path.


> For support, they turn to others in the same condition, establish a bond with these individuals, and begin to form a self-identification conglomerate or clique which can be quite large at this level.
i think wizchan and other crab/neet communities can be an example to this.


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You'd have to nuke the govt first.


I was one of those. It's not only rejection but also harassment. That cuckery is not even telling it full despite being a damn textwall.

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