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09dc7 No.63810

This is a serious advice to wizards and mods alike. Many of the recent posts and threads have been made by the same person and this most likely goes back a few months as well so pay attention.

The banned poster who kept spamming radical leftist politics and derailed many threads keeps switching his IP and then goes back to posting, sometimes he identifies himself and sometimes he just samefags as different people which is a pattern that others have already noticed.

There are certain patterns that make it obvious such as the frequency of posts and the timeline as well as the rhetoric he chooses, he just keeps switching minor stuff when hes samefaging.

The posts are always about counter signaling self-improvement stuff or promoting leftist politics. He also made several troll crab threads and roleplayed as crab poster himself, he also roleplayed as the wizards he opposes to make them look dumb which also becomes clear when you compare his posts and what he keeps saying along with all his other patterns.

Wizchan can easily be taken advantage of in these ways because there's not enough traffic and there's an unmoderated time window (from like 6am to 2pm when a lot of troll posts are made). I don't want to invest too much time into a schizo idiot but he just reveals a vulnerability of wizchan since it can be taken over or derailed so easy.

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