df8b1 No.63890
>7. Try to keep similar topics to one thread; duplicates will be locked.
That was the 2013 version of the rules, but it's still enforced as it's generally considered a requisite for the post to be considered not of low quality. Duplicates are locked all the time, not just for political discussions opened outside of the general. /meta/ analysis indicates many if not most users prefer political discussion be contained to one thread if not banned entirely. It is for these reasons that I report political threads to remind the mods that they ought to be locked or merged. Happy birthday Hitler.
96e0b No.63931
>>63890Why did that rule go from being written to unwritten?
96e0b No.63937
Hey mods, why don't you actually bring back this rule if you're going to punish people for it.
af0a2 No.63938
>>63937Thread about Jewish tricks with 0 replies being locked and pointed to the Hitler X Lumia thread next door is hardly punishment…