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Disregard Females, Acquire Magic
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Normie males and every single female are entangled with the devil. They protect each other and benefit from one another.
They are the ones trying to silence you whenever you speak up against the evil of this world and its supporters. That’s the normies and females who want you to suffer and become blind and apathetic and finally unwillingly accept the matrix and its horrors.
They are deceitful and turn delusional despite the fact that a few among them have glimpsed, even if only briefly, the human condition in which most of us find ourselves, exactly like Sisyphus.
But ask yourself this: do they care? No. They’re similar to Cypher in this regard. Just like him, they betray the enlightened and justify this betrayal and the pain it brings us through the most egotistical of pleasures. They savor the taste of that sweet steak, indulge in wine and drugs, and conveniently forget their evil deeds. To absolve themselves of guilt, they resort to fallacious rationalizations. Oh, they love to explain themselves through illogical arguments and hasty generalizations. “You would do the same”, "it's your own fault". The burden of blame is too weighty for them; they always evade accountability or offer brief moments of contrition to a false deity, seeking forgiveness. However, lo and behold, how swiftly they return to their evil ways like nothing ever happened. They love absolving themselves of any responsibility for the suffering they have caused, always shifting the blame onto others.

Normalfags and every female, like I said, are entangled with the devil. The devil and its minions wants you to become oblivious and deteriorate and ultimately forget that you posses a RIGHTEOUS SENSE OF JUSTICE given to you by God.
Normies think they are cheating life by deceiving themselves and others, they’re violently pushing us to walls with spikes and then pretend to lend us a hand. They will back you into a corner and then pretend to be a savior and ask “don’t you see life is so beautiful despite the suffering we inflicted on you, see, now that you’re free of pain you can finally see life is beautiful”
False friends, no real saviors. Snakes in the grass and wolves in sheep's clothing.

The humans I pity the most are those who get the short end of the stick and decide to side with the evil powers if it translates in them having the opportunity to enjoy a bit of life.
It’s unfortunate that the very unfortunate want to side with the powers that be, and be part of the mindless horde.
They are helpless cases basking in a false light of glory. Their lives and spirits darkened as their minds can’t see right from wrong anymore. It's all subjective for them.
Even here, you will see them trying to attack you for your honest thoughts and persecute you, call you names, they could be a brother to you but they will decide to fight you because they need to feel like normalfags and use you as a point of reference to think “at least we’re not that loser”.

When the time comes, they will burn. Those who sided with the normies and females, who protected them and vouched for their lies, virgin or not.
All of those who stonewalled, gaslighted, guilt-tripped, isolated, lied, deceived, physically attacked, or gave the cold shoulder to us real wizards. You delighted yourself with inflicting pain and treated us like animals, lesser than human. This is human behaviour after all so in your mind it’s justified and just as doing good can bring satisfaction so does evil. Someone has to be a victim, right? You ensure this pain and do nothing to prevent it with the rest of worms who clique it up and are proud to be human, and so happy to be alive.
But the time will come when the tables are turned. What goes up has to fall.
Being the wizard that I am, I will forgive you but I won’t help you. No, I will not help you…
Suffering is a great teacher, I know that now. It’s taught me about demons. It’s taught me about females real nature. It’s taught me about who not to trust. It’s taught me everything I need to know about life. So you will learn too.
Whether you like it or not, you will have to learn just like I did.


>Normie succubus succubi normalfag female ALL LIFE IS SUFFERING get owned Christcuck females REALLY only want chad normie normanfag succubus


It was worth a read, no need to admonish what OP wrote with all his heart.


i think you need to get away from normgroids OP. you are preaching to the choir. Everyone knows normgroids are unscrupulous, wicked assholes.

But honestly i doubt wizards are any better. A lot of people here seem to have anger issues and are arrogant as hell. I used to think that if someone was shy and insecure then they were good people but i've seen lots of shy people turn real sour once you get to know them. A lot of nerds tend to have a stick up their ass about petty things. a lot would leap at any opportunity to become normie.

The real hardcore wizard basement dwellers who AREN'T just creeps are few and far between. I wouldn't trust or want to live with any of you.

I don't want to be with normies either. any group of people i was forced to be with outed me as being off beat and relegated me to the lowest rung I.E i didn't fit in.
I guess being a wizard is about being alone with rare exceptions where they have the best friendships.


wizardly is just trannyism-lite for failed normgroids to feel good about being losers
instead of calling yourself virgin or loser like you are you can just cope and say you're a pure being of magic in the same way trannies delude themselves they can be pretty succubi(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)


first the succ obsession thread, now a normalfag obsession thread

banger after banger


>nooo don't criticize my normalfag life!!
keep crying makes Wizards stronger.


Normies hate the truth. Based.


humans cope by creating meaning beyond what's in front of their eyes. They invent God, afterlife, made-up goals, morals, etc. just so they can live for another day without losing their sanity. Just so they cannot have actual deep thoughts and avoid depression. They are copy machines with delusions of grandeur.


this one goes out to all the empty void worshippers


Many failed normies choose deception and become mentally slaved.
It's liberating and hence better to live in the light of truth.
Honesty encourages self-awareness and self-discovery and only then you can confront your true self and fight against the world. True wizards who are liberated don't have to maintain facades or remember fabricated stories.
No lies = peace of mind and serenity.
Being truthful often requires courage unlike being a nigger with no moral principles which is always the easier path because they have support from their clique.
Wizards are committed to the truth and don't want any part in that.


It's like a pontoon boat full of souls was cruising through the void, but the fuggin guy at the wheel was getting sleepy and didn't notice the rocky shoals… So we wash ashore in this retarded realm and have to co-exist with normalniggers and wives of satan while in a meat suit. Much like how there are significant differences between races that can't go away no matter how hard one pretends they can, I think there are different 'races' of souls and there's basically nothing in common between us and cattle that continuously recycle back to emanate loosh to entities they'll never seriously consider no matter how many times they incarnate.


normies always say sex is natural how come sex has never happened naturally to me then.
In a complete nature setting I'd still be a wizardcel probably hunting animals to survice and chasing adventure of sorts all while avoiding females and society as a whole. A total and complete outcast. A wizcel is always a wizcel in a way. It's not something you choose, it just happens. I never felt comfortable talking to the opposite sex, and don't even have dirty thoughts it feels wrong because I respect human life too much and sex feels too violent and brutish. An aggression onto others. Something bad and unthinkable and that I should always avoid.


i mean it happens naturally to a surprisingly large % of introverted males, considering the man is always expected to initiate


Your entire mind is a product of an unnatural society. You have no idea who you would be in a hunter-gatherer setting. Separately to that, much of the point of sex is natural selection, which means only a subset of society will reproduce, so it's natural among all species that some or many individuals will not have sex with females


>we wash ashore in this retarded realm and have to co-exist with normalniggers and wives of satan while in a meat suit.
it's so tiresome


> cattle that continuously recycle back to emanate loosh to entities they'll never seriously consider no matter how many times they incarnate.
They call that "contributing to humanity". Lol. Ask them what that means and you'll get a zombie-like stare in return.


Virgin men and true celibates like Isaac Newton and Tesla have done a great lot for humanity.


yeah, they've helped normies a great deal


there was a french wiz who built the first stable model airplane and popularized using twisted rubber as the engine for model airplane propellors. normans wouldnt fund his lifesize airplanes tho. he wizzed himself at 30 unfortunately


awesome, right?


well, i mean he never got to do really great things but it was clear he was onto something. very likely if someone just gave him money he wouldnt have killed himself and his experiments and so on would have changed history. shame


>another bitter thread about normies

Wizchan 2023


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Ill be 24 next month, Ive done my best, I finished college, Worked 7 years, Tried making friends in school college, Tried getting succubi, Now im just rotting as a NEET, Its over, I was born with a jew nose which i had surgery for succubi still dont find me attractive, succubi dont even look at me or refuse to talk to me, Im just stuck, Its impossible, I tried my best to be attractive, I tried the PeRsOnaLiTy Game too but it seems no matter how much i fix my body shave, Haircut, The nosejob, Im still unable to find succubi, I also tried getting rich by investing but due to being taxed heavily at my shit job its impossible to fucking climb the ladder or find a better job as im autistic with adhd, It seems no matter what i do there is no job out there who wants a guy who worked 7 years with his hands, IM high functioning autistic, I can maintain my adhd under control, Everywhere ive been school or work ive just been bullied, I feel its over for me.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)


I've been in a similar circumstance to you at your age and you need to just focus on making as much money as you can and ignore the bullying. Helps if you develop a skill, it'll give you the self confidence to not care.


you were 11 years old when wizchan was made? LAUGHING MY WIZHAT OFF


It can be seen for miles that you are a person insecure about yourself. The worst thing of all is that your only real motivation to improve in life is the vagina.
You can't expect a g1rl to love you if you don't even do it for yourself.


At this point there are probably wizchan users that are 11 right now


Time to make the transition from failed normalfag to truewiz. Reject society, maximize comfiness.


>You can't expect a g1rl to love you if you don't even do it for yourself.
one thing has nothing to do with the other. Aren't females the nigger sex who will love psycopaths and even fuck dogs? Do dogs love themselves?


>one thing has nothing to do with the other. Aren't females the nigger sex who will love psycopaths and even fuck dogs?
succubi have an easier time having sex with men. Only a mentally unstable person would want to have sex with an animal.


>You can't expect a g1rl to love you if you don't even do it for yourself.
whether you love yourself or not it's irrelevant to whether people will like your or not. Self-esteem, self-love, etc. has nothing to do with whether the opposite sex will fall in love in you. You are as dumb as a normalnigger. succubi love dogs just because they exist and fall in love with men for various reasons and none have to do with self love.
Next time you will be saying that you need to be a good person for people to like you.


normies don't give a fuck about you. Sometimes they don't give a fuck even if you want to help them out and ask for nothing in return, because they're too stupid to realize you want to help them.


A man who despises himself, who needs constant validation, and who acts insecure around the opposite sex is not liked by anyone.
It is very good that a person wants to improve, and be better every day, but not for the purpose of pursuing a succubus.
>Next time you will be saying that you need to be a good person for people to like you.
As long as you talk nice, and are reciprocal with the other person, it doesn't really matter what shit you've done before. Even so, there are many masochistic people who, despite receiving shitty treatment, beatings, and abuse, continue with that friendship, or that couple. This is because the person who receives all the shit is a miserable person who does not value himself.


Shut the fuck up with the therapyspeak normie talk. Thank you.


Many people think that they have it figured out, and that they don't need anyone to get out of their shit hole. They do not want to feel weak or vulnerable, so they suffer in silence, while trying to put out their misery with parties, alcohol, sex, pornography, video games, etc.


I understand that you don't like accepting reality, but there is no need to be disrespectful.


You are a blind and ignorant piece of shit, no more than the usual I suppose, how'd you manage to get yourself lost here?


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>y-y-you're a miserable person y-y-y-you despise yourself y-y-you're a freak there's nothing wrong with me at all I know everything

SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH YOU if you come here of all places to offer quick normie platitudes made readily available and easy (probably ripped out of an ezQuote page) to make you feel like you're delivering some sort of saintly advice AS IF you have the power to change the course of the poster's lives somehow and it isn't about delivering some quippy own or feel good about your own shortcomings. Wizchan 2023


we get it. You're a dumb normalnigger full of dumb platitudes and zero wizard insight. what are you doing on wizchan?
So many normies butthurt because of the truth in this thread they come here to defend normalfags and normie notions.


>A man who despises himself, who needs constant validation, and who acts insecure around the opposite sex is not liked by anyone.

imagine if someone tried telling you this in real life lel i would lose it these wanderers that come here are completely oblivious to the vile smorgasbord experience of the wizLEL.


My intention was not really to offend that user, but simply to make him realize that a vagina is not worth crawling through.


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You should seriously consider killing yourself.
Not only is your "advice" entirely made up of platitudes, is logically inconsistent, but also entirely wrong.

>A man who despises himself, who needs constant validation, and who acts insecure around the opposite sex is not liked by anyone.

Generally meaningless statement, passing it off as "objective truth".
>It is very good that a person wants to improve, and be better every day, but not for the purpose of pursuing a succubus.
"Good" by to what end? "Improve" what and towards what? You cannot "just improve urself", there has to be a clear spreadsheet structure leading towards an exact outcome.


>Define 'Good". >Define "Improve". I have no imagination, instincts, or personality to relate these words to myselfd so you must give me an Excel chart describing the exact mathematical benefits of any of those things

If you're an autistic rotbrain, that's fine, but don't project your bizarre demand for LOGICZ on to others as if they're in the wrong for not appealing to your apsergic robobrain.


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just close the page at this point jesus christ


Where did "Bro" come from?


i picked it up from a lil thing called "the lexigraphy of a professional normie douche" authored by you ;)


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I mean he's right. Asking for a fucking spreadsheet because you can't instinctually grasp any of that, you can't read between the lines, extrapolate or infer – that's autism BRO. You were born lose, a spreadsheet can't save you. Nothing can. I guess keep being pissy on message boards about it until your mom dies and you're homeless?


you're a true wizard tbh


Pepe frog punishing wizard for banishing him


>disregard females
>acquire magic

>regard females >>211740

acquire ban


I think wizards are more about having a higher sense of self realisation. Due to the suffering they have endured, they tend to know more about life and human nature while a lot of normies don't know who they are, they just adapt to the rest of the environment in a better way. While being a tranny is a kink. You really are associating knowledge with a sexual desire??


>the need to feel bad about virginity, as opposed to indifference
>the need to equate virginity with 'losing'
totally unnecessary

abstaining from some kind of behavior (sex and relationships) is also vastly different from tranny bullshit. you are better off comparing it to pacifism, vegetarian/veganism, etc

no one calls those people losers. if anything they are just called weird and annoying, but losers? sex for some reason is the exception, but you must first subscribe to the idea that sex=winning. the loser/winner mentality completely falls apart when you face the entirety with indifference and apathy. for comparison, take atheists vs religious faggots… both sides view themselves as winner, and the others as losers. but only apatheism or something like agnosticism truly wins, in my opinion. when you disregard something, it is powerless to you, and you are stronger than it. the opposite has you serving its ideals, what a winning situation.


tldr you are only ever a loser, as a virgin, if you yourself view sex and relationships in high regards. this is why crabs are so bitter and upset

take for example the indian sirs who bathe and scrub themselves with cow dung, and then brush their teeth with cow piss. what a loser you are for not doing the same… no one in the western world thinks this, but you think the same regarding sex. why? because you grew up with this culture, people told you to value sex, and so on. but you can look at this matter and personally decide you are not interested in any of that, regardless of what you the world tells you. if one can't do this, they must be unable think for themselves, and cannot ever hope to be happy


people aren't inclined to have sex because of culture, it's genes, dna. Basic biology.
You are a braindead and low iq failed normie who is ignorant of the basic things that make human societies work.
There isn't a single culture in the entire history of mankind who doesn't value sex and the roots of this is in human's very dna.

Or do you think this comes from the void? You failed normies are hilarious "people just want to have sex because of culture and indoctrination" What a low iq thing to say. I'd kill myself before saying something so stupid.


This is just delusional narcissism on the same way level trannies delude themselves and others that they are really females. Everyone can tell you're a bottom-feeder failure from the thoughts you type. Just accept you're a fat balding old man with erectile dysfunction that can't get laid instead of trying to convince everyone that you are in fact not a loser like a tranny trying to convince others it's really female.


in some cases, it is exactly what you are saying, but those people will be mentally ill in the first place, and a lot of them are here I suppose


They are virtue signalling when there is no need to.


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>but you must first subscribe to the idea that sex=winning
No need to be actually retarded. Get real.
Until cloning is legal and affordable, that is the objective truth.
It would in-fact be losing to not clone yourself and instead make a jumbled recreation at that point.


it is truly insignificant and irrelevant to anything in my life, doesn't negatively affect me. i have never lost sleep about being single

if you think yourself a loser and hate your situation and view normalfags as 'winning'… do whatever you want. but i view you as a bitter crab


You have no business on wizchan if you don't care about virginity, celibacy, and on top of that you love normalfags and society. You are literally an outsider.


Cypher saw through the veil and understood the lies of the system and how things truly were. But all it did was make him more miserable since now even though he knows the truth he’s powerless to meaningfully change anything so he gave up and betrayed the rest who like him knew they were in a matrix. Wizards are similar to Cypher in that regard, but Cypher wanted to take part into it for pleasure alone since he couldn't be Neo and change things. There was nothing for him to gain despite knowing the truth about things.


when you are ostracized it's inevitable to have violent thoughts or wanting to enact vengeance on people.
It's natural that we want to kill them and destroy what they hold dear. I'll make a thread about this later.


I wonder how it relates to evolutionary biology


The good thing is that we get to drop out and live off their efforts. I'm just a comfy wizc who has not a worry in the world. I know society and the normalfags and failed normalfags who are obsessed with status are evil and psycopaths will hurt ugly virgins like me if it meant that they will become rich or a succubi will reward them with sex.


I've never had a problem with people saying that I am a loser. I just cut all contact with them and continue with my comfy wizcelife, people obsessed with sex are the real losers.


> But honestly i doubt wizards are any better. A lot of people here seem to have anger issues and are arrogant as hell. I used to think that if someone was shy and insecure then they were good people but i've seen lots of shy people turn real sour once you get to know them. A lot of nerds tend to have a stick up their ass about petty things. a lot would leap at any opportunity to become normie.
These are literally the people OP are talking about though.

Lord Jesus Christ Son of the living God have mercy on us all sinners.


but why do you want to keep humanity alive?


yes they helped the ungrateful normaltards who hate crabs and autists


Newton, the volcel, was so pissed when John Locke tried to set him up with a succubus

> Why? You endeavoured to embroil me with weomen…



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Nice schizorant. Will you please allow this elder to correct you? Let's give it a look…

>They are the ones trying to silence you whenever you speak up against the evil of this world and its supporters

So now you know they are to be battled subtly and secretly, never instructed. Let their shit reach their mouths as they deserve.

>Oh, they love to explain themselves through illogical arguments and hasty generalizations

And not to be talked to. The cattle is not to be reasoned with, just baited and used. And discarded if necessary, for they are the villain enablers.

>Normies think they are cheating life by deceiving themselves and others, they’re violently pushing us to walls with spikes and then pretend to lend us a hand. They will back you into a corner and then pretend to be a savior and ask “don’t you see life is so beautiful despite the suffering we inflicted on you, see, now that you’re free of pain you can finally see life is beautiful”

False friends, no real saviors. Snakes in the grass and wolves in sheep's clothing.
Let ti be great, therefore, when ready for their games you actually manage to beat their crap against them making life really beautiful or at least having their faces slapped back like bitches, so you may enjoy their rages as they swallow their putrid mockery. Counterspelling, for saying so in a more wizardly manner.

>Even here, you will see them trying to attack you for your honest thoughts and persecute you, call you names, they could be a brother to you but they will decide to fight you because they need to feel like normalfags and use you as a point of reference to think “at least we’re not that loser”.

Ah, yes. Glamory. The old reliable, for whenever I am fine, I hide it from them. Whichever power I have I hide it from them. They cannot hunt what they do not even suspect to exist, so that is something that must be used at their expense to favor your odds in these battles. And they know they are losers, but not as much as they deserve: that's job to make it happen. ^^

I don't get why would you ever forgive them. It be at your own risk, anyway…. some day you might improve the quality of your schizoposts, friend. Some day you might be telling us how much fun you had playing those animals around you while enjoying the ride, foreseeing all obstacles and casting your ways with higher ability. Some day you might be able to cry along with me, epic stories of wizardly feats, if your stats and exp get high enough, beyond this mere state of bitterness where you still failed to up your guard against the ways of the cattle.


In Zion, they could generate simulations like the Matrix. They could have chicken and red dressed succubi there whenever they programmed it for. Remember the control tower guys at Revolutions.


Good post.


>Addiction, depression, mental health issues, secrecy, obsession, cheating, dependency, bondage, materialism, sexuality, powerlessness, hopelessness, abuse, violence, assault
Yes, the normie is lost.


are you saying you don't have any of those problems?


Edgy normalfags are the worst.


>They are the ones trying to silence you whenever you speak up against the evil of this world and its supporters
And they might be doing you a favour because the last thing you want to live is being sapped by such evils, to be perceived by your natural enemies as a threat. While hidden you might have some chance of sabotaging the rules and mocking the cucks for their cuckery towards them.

>Normies think they are cheating life by deceiving themselves and others, they’re violently pushing us to walls with spikes and then pretend to lend us a hand. They will back you into a corner and then pretend to be a savior and ask “don’t you see life is so beautiful despite the suffering we inflicted on you, see, now that you’re free of pain you can finally see life is beautiful”

Share that beauty then, give it back. Don't be so thankless.

>Even here, you will see them trying to attack you for your honest thoughts and persecute you, call you names, they could be a brother to you but they will decide to fight you because they need to feel like normalfags and use you as a point of reference to think “at least we’re not that loser”

Let the fight be welcome. Nor at least neither at first they be us.

>But the time will come when the tables are turned. What goes up has to fall. Being the wizard that I am, I will forgive you but I won’t help you. No, I will not help you…

so you just let them keep their shit around until they get a really vulnerable prey to shut him down? I'd rather prefer they remember me with pain whenever they start thinking to do so.

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