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Disregard Females, Acquire Magic
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Have you identified a "purpose"?
Do you have a singular, motiving goal, or thing that compels you toward anything in particular that provides some sense of meaning in your life?

Some people are inspired by a totalizing mission or desire that orients the direction of their life and it underpins their thoughts & actions. This might take the form of a theological, philosophical, technical/professional and/or political endeavor or code of conduct.

If not, are you content with merely languishing away with the passage of time without meaning or purpose. If this is the case, do you not feel yourself discomforted, empty, or uneasy?


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>If not, are you content with merely languishing away with the passage of time without meaning or purpose?
Those who "don't have" a purpose actually have the most straightforward purpose possible: to find purpose. "Find out what you want to do" is always step 1. If given enough time and resources, every man will eventually discover his own goals. This is why it is important to try new things, to see new animes, and explore history.


Purposelette alert.

It's pretty clear what both posters up until you mean by "purpose". It's not a semantical game of defining abstract concepts and calculating moon phases. A goal in life, a meaning a man has made for himself, something that he strives to accomplish before he dies, and objective that is always on his mind. If you can't wrap your head around that, then shucks, but don't go denying that other men have been able to find a purpose just because you personally can't comprehend the meaning of purpose.

>Some abstract word game that no one can wrap their head around while life passes them by.

A defeatist sentiment. "We're all going to be dust some day so why try to do anything" level of thought-making.


>Why should I have a purpose?
Because it's fun and fulfilling to set a goal and then reach it. This applies to everything from trying to toss candy wrappers in to the dustbin from across the room, to trying to send Africans to mars. Any goal's a goal.

>Why can't I just live without one?

You can, but you will live a very boring life compared to those lived by men with a purpose.


You don't "have to" – plus the OP afforded such a possibility, but questioned whether or not you found contentment in such a reality.

That said, you do exist which is strange enough as is. Surely in your quiet moments, you've had the sensation before that you might have some function in all of this, or have some inherent desire for something… no?

Are you content to merely exist as a passive object that merely absorbs media and environmental stimuli? Do you not have preferences or opinions about anything? If you experience the agency to form & hold opinions on things, doesn't this imply you have an underlying desire that forms those opinions or points of view?

idk, surely you're motivated by something


I call it my personal "Main Quest". It's the grand, overarching plot in the story that is my existence.

My "Main Quest" is basically just compiling together any and all information I can find about my dead sister.
This is harder and more time-consuming than you'd think. It sorta feels like she never actually existed, because there's barely any evidence of all that she actually DID exist. There isn't even any death certificate for her.

This quest is always on my mind, but I'm not always 100% pursuing it. Hints, clues, leads etc. are few and far between. Many of my family who actually did know about her have died already.

I started this questline many years ago. I was alone in our house, and out of boredom, I start pilfering through my mom's drawers in her bedroom. I just kinda dug around in a drawer and, completely by random chance, I pulled out an envelope addressed to my mother, written by some distant relatives. In the envelope I found a "Sympathy Card", in which those relatives were offering condolences to my mom about the death of her daughter (my sister, obviously).

This felt like some omen. It gave me this unique feeling of both contentedness and bitterness. As if the universe was showing me that I'm on the right path in my life. Whenever I am thinking about or investigating my sister, I feel that same feeling.

Pursuing my "Main Quest" has indirectly lead me into semi-related pursuits, which I call "Side Quests". For example, collecting birth and death certificates of people in my family. Another example, I also have been trying to obtain all of my medical records from doctors, pharmacies, etc.


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I actually wanted to make a thread about this as this topic has been on my mind but I fear I have to ramble a bit and my thoughts arent too structured since I have no actual academic philosophy knowledge which will mean that the post will get ignored.

I can't even decide if I want there to be a grand purpose or not. If there was one it might make life feel more meaningful but then I would also have a responsibility towards something I might not actually care about. If the purpose of humans is say to explore the galaxy and I wanted to make video games instead it would be right of someone to force me into a scientific job instead.

But I also don't like how arbitrary and potentially volatile the choice of a purpose is. You could decide you want to become the best soccer player and dedicate all your time to it only for one day to feel like you wasted your life on something so meaningless.

All the time I peruse an activity I am aware that I only do it because for some random reason it brings me pleasure. I don't like being dependant on emotions because if I feel depressed I lose all motivation and I have no control over that. But I also don't see how you can create a meaning disconnected from the human experience and the desire for pleasure/avoiding pain. I kinda hate the idea that if I created a beautiful work of art that a lot of people would agree on is beautiful another political group could gain power and destroy it claiming it's ugly and I would have no argument to objectively prove it's beautiful because ultimately beauty is subjective. So it feels like anything I create even if it feels permanent is actually quite impermanent because the attitudes toward it might change and after my passing I have no control over what happens to it and how people engage with it. I could make a movie about the wizard experience and normies could misinterpret it and I wouldn't be around to correct them for example.

Idk in the end the fact that we do it all for pleasure kinda cheapens it for me in the end. The pleasure I feel from watching a deep movie isn't actually higher in any way that the pleasure someone feels from watching a superhero flick. If I could be out into a lifelike VR experience where I experience winning a Nobel Prize it ultimately would be the same as doing it in real life.

I guess as sad as it sounds the key is to not think too much about these grand life processes.


If you don't have a meaning or purpose work backwards. Act in a way that would be the best for future you. What I mean is if you don't know where to go. Avoid places you know for sure you dont want to be in


>If not, are you content with merely languishing away with the passage of time without meaning or purpose.

>do you not feel yourself discomforted, empty, or uneasy?

Of course I do.

That's life if you have a brain, if you're not a sheep.

That's how it is.


No. I feel much better without meaning or goals, and better able to live in the present, freely doing what i want. I see the concepts as a scam designed to trick you into doing things that you don't want to, becoming a zombie that is acting for false promises of a fake future.

I tried to upload a great short clip about this but i am not allowed because this site continues to oppress VPN users


Tools have purpose.
Show me a man with purpose and I show you how to take advantage of him.
I think you can guess what the purpose of a succubus is.


what do you guys think?


Yes, I want to compose a piece about what Jesus created as carpenter.


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Pure Wizzdom.


i wanted to write a book, realized im too retarded and scared, so i stopped. i dont feel bad about it at all, i got no enjoyment from writing and enjoy the ideas in my head better. people are so gay and disgusting they dont deserve my story anyway, and some psycho tranny would draw vore porn of my characters if i published it. so why bother?
having a goal just made me feel bad about playing video games, something 100% more enjoyable than sweating over my keyboard trying to make the words sound right. now that i dont want to write anymore, i can game unobstructed.



All purpose is ultimately for a sense of satisfaction or fulfillment. Even if god is real and he appeared before us to tell us what our life purpose is, nobody is going to follow it if it makes them feel bad without threats of hell or promise of heaven. You're also imagining purpose like some kind of main plot in a story. Pursuing your purpose won't necessarily gives a grand finale that ties up all your journey to that point. Sometimes the results are underwhelming or negative. The journey is more important. On the subject of pleasure from cheap entertainment vs pleasure from deep pursuits, I think so called deep pursuits generally give more meaning and satisfaction but it is not something that you can force. If you feel nothing from doing high art for example you won't gain more from forcing yourself to be the best classical painter in the world as opposed to playing video games. You have "get it" first and feel a longing for something that you think it can give you.


come to /b/ and craft elaborate mongrelposts with me


>Show me a man with purpose and I show you how to take advantage of him.

This is the dilemma for me. I like having goals and things I feel passionate about but that makes me attached to something I don't control which leads to suffering. But living without any clear goals also feels depressing.




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What do you even mean by "purpose"?
Are you going to revive Hitler?
Make cloning cheap and available to everybody or clone yourself and take over the planet?
Port yourself to The Machine?

Unless it's those 3 or the objective prime directive of all life then you're deluding yourself that your lego robot is cooler than it actually is.


I am just a monkey all I have to do is survive, that is literally the goal of life. people fucked it up by developing complex social structures, I should just be hunting and gathering and shit.


Yes, unironically escaping the material world reincarnation trap in this life, fuck the demiurge


rocket engines are so cool


magic wands are better


>This is why it is important to try new things, to see new animes

my god internet people
at least watch movies instead of those stupid japanese bs


gonna go out on a limb and say that you're the same guy who said the depressed wizards won't want to kms themselves omce gta6 is released



>A defeatist sentiment. "We're all going to be dust some day so why try to do anything" level of thought-making.
Perfectly valid thinking.
Enjoy your imaginary purpose/mission.


Yup. I also like when they test them on the ground, holding them with strong structures, and measuring the power. And you hear the noise and the ground is shacking.


>perfectly valid thinking
Then just kill yourself right here and now.


>I can't even decide if I want there to be a grand purpose or not.

Both your imagined scenarios are bad, for the reason you explained.

However the real life scenario is that there is no absolute purpose, so you don't even have to make the choice.

So it's just an abstract issue.

About a subjective (read "made up") purpose, instead, you write:
>But I also don't like how arbitrary and potentially volatile the choice of a purpose is.
Most people don't know what to do and end up doing what they do by chance and they keep doing it just because, just so they can do something. Very few people feel like they have a real passion / mission.

I hate this too, but that's how it is.


>Then just kill yourself right here and now.
I'm afraid you are quite misinformed on the topic of suicide. You might want to read about it, and you'll learn how hard it is to do when moved only by rationality, because of biological reasons.

There are a shit ton of people who would love to disappear right now instantly, but end up dying of old age.


I have purposes, but to really have "life's purpose", it is never boiled down to a single saying or words you can push into someone. That sort of thing is against any purpose we could actually care about.

A lot of people can't find purpose ever in life, reaching old age and asking what any of it was for. I found my purpose, but it wasn't easy, and didn't conform to any of the values we're "supposed" to follow. I found what I was here for through experience, through understanding myself and what convictions I would consider worthwhile, and seeing the world and how it might have been different. I can't really "change the world" or engage in political life, nor is that my purpose, but it is helpful to be in touch with the world and not succumb to self-indulgence. The society we live in makes that very difficult because it's intended to shout over and over that we have no purpose, we do not belong in society or life, so they can take our stuff. If nothing else, "not that" is part of my purpose, but struggle and spite alone are never enough or a thing that can subsume what we really wanted out of this.

I can't say I've found "The Secret" or that everyone SHOULD have "a purpose". It's perfectly acceptable for life to be lived for no ulterior motive, if someone is cognizant that the world is good and we don't have to suffer for pointless bullshit. This isn't "life for the sake of life" or a circular reasoning. For a long time, I had no purpose and kept asking myself why I should bother. I learned that the problem really wasn't ennui or some "secret", and that my purpose wasn't even possible until there was something in the world that allowed that purpose to be meaningful and practiced. Nothing I could have done would have forced me to have a purpose or forced the world to accept me. The world is too big, and I was too broken from what I went through. I did, in the dark days, try to ask questions about myself and other people, out of a sense that doing so was intrinsically interesting. I saw no reason to succumb to the shitty, venal behavior that this society expects, and have always wondered why there are people who think that doesn't turn on itself or provides any reward. Usually people do dirty shit because they're in mafias or they're paid something substantial, but a lot of these people do it for peanuts. They're just fags. I could be a fag but I strongly resent the idea that faggotry is laudable behavior. I was always taken aback by the militancy of sexual depravity and I wasn't the only one, but during the dark times in this country, we weren't allowed to say no to any of it. The weight of history was too much, then, no matter how good we were. It was hard enough for those who could to keep sanity alive. I can't say the world is better now, but at least now I see that it was meant to be like this, and I don't have to hate myself for shit other people did flagrantly and proudly. The people who did this to the world don't have anything to say for themselves, and now some of them get the bad news that they were used like cattle and expended. I could have told them this but they don't listen to me. I would have thought they would figure out that doing what they did to me and the world has consequences, but they live in a society where consequences are always for losers. Why would they have thought any differently?

So far as I can tell you all of my purpose - for it doesn't boil down to a single imperative - I have come to the conclusion that hitherto existing human history and knowledge is inadequate, and institutional knowledge and education is designed to make sure we never escape this morass. There are countervailing forces at work and always have been, and not all of them are good. What has been the problem for many of us is that native sense and a theory of knowledge for the people was systematically destroyed, and the people have not been able to adapt to technological advance during the past 100 years. There was no adapting to what was deployed against us, and there will be even less in the next 100 years with what the assholes have built. But, we don't have to lie to ourselves about what this is any more. The bastards have clearly locked ranks and begun what they've always wanted to do. I don't see my purpose as waging a war against the bastards, because I know I'm not winning. I would prefer not to be tortured so that a bunch of Satanics get their cheap thrill, but these people stopped thinking about consequences a long time ago. Humanity went completely insane, and this is sadly terminal even in the best possible outcome. There will never be a world like one we might have believed possible, where people didn't have to suffer for pointless bullshit. Until 50 years ago, the trend was largely towards the world being more hospitable, and technology could have gone a different way, if not for the malice of key actors who chose to promote this Satanic rot for no really good reason. They were always going to do - that was their purpose and they've always known it in their bones since childhood, aided and abetted. Part of why our lives are so purposeless is because this unlocks the "Satanic potential" that these creeps ruling us declare is the only real purpose of life, the only admissible idea we're allowed to think now. I can't fight that and that was never my mission, nor can I run or hide. But, I endure, and will keep enduring for some time longer. I have no reason to not say this. I know that "those people" will gladly kill me for the thrill of it, whether I speak or not, so they don't have any real threat to use against me. I don't intend on overthrowing anything and try to get along with people even in this cursed world, for what good that does me. I really wish other people wouldn't have spent this much effort kowtowing to them and getting on a high horse about how bad I am, how bad the downtrodden are for the crime of existing and wanting basic things. But, it's too late for that, and now they can't do a whole lot to me. They can make me suffer more, but there's no version of this society where I get to cooperate and gain anything. Even if they were willing to, the damage is done. They don't have much to offer, and the only things they could offer at this point are either substantial goods, or to leave me alone which is entirely on them and their choice to act in favor of maximal torture and violence, the fate we are all consigned to in this cursed society. I keep wondering up to now why they think this works, since it doesn't make them happy and doesn't grant them any security, but they stopped thinking a long time ago. Why would they ever? They're animals and proud of it, conditioned to be what their god made them.


I actually learned magic through the use of colors so now my purpose is to make other people suffer
its a long story


Is having a purpose actually bad?

It opens you up to disappointment because reaching that purpose is out of your control. Like if your purpose for example is to find a cure for cancer that's something that you might only contribute to but will most likely never achieve. You could also any moment have a heart attack and in that moment realize you will never fulfil your purpose.


yes. having no purpose simply provides freedom and lightens existence. cant understand people that want it. its like saying you want a job


>its a long story
yeah, a long story of mental illness I guess


>Have you identified a "purpose"?
Yes, as of late I've been forcing myself to write at least one aphorism per day. I'm putting them all together on July 2024. It's also helping me get ideas for short stories I want to write.
>Do you have a singular, motiving goal, or thing that compels you toward anything in particular that provides some sense of meaning in your life?
Yeah, writing aphoristic books, and short stories.
I'm an ex-muslim, and most of what I'm writing is against islam in general, I gotta admit it's making me dig in a lot of writers such as al-ma'arri and Khayyam who were controversial poets during the Abbasid period, notorious for their writings against fanaticism and against the excesive ritualistic nature of islam.


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I will probably get a lot of shit for my beliefs also because I write awfully like a nigermonkey who didn't pass first grade english 'religious christcuck' 'living for false promises' 'brainwashed,no passion not a real wizard normalnigger' etc.
The purpose I have identified is to become strong in character so that I am able to uplift others and show people who are lost a way to escape their own sufferings which are usually caused by their own choices, to strengthen my soul and heal the damage and pollution done to my soul from
a combination of my own bad choices and habits as well as pollution caused by society and the world in general.
prayer, reading scripture, attending church, contemplating the divine things that are eternal like beauty, love, God, things that transcend the material, finding ways to advance the greater good without unintentionally supporting evil.
To avoid the things that cause the soul to rot and die and to enliven it.
To Be mindful of the movements within, seeing how I react to the external world and what goes on in the deepest parts of the heart and corners of the mind, trying to uproot the negative poison and replace it with things that aren't destructive like virtue.
The goal is to to be a person who is not a disgusting and useless parasite like i am currently but, someone who is firm, with integrity, open and honest, and capable of love, not merely romantic love, self sacrificial love for the greater good.
I don't have any interests outside of this I am a very boring person with weak character most of my life I have gone unnoticed as being an uninteresting person who doesn't fit in anywhere and has no personality so I was never good at making friends. I used to spend most of my time watching anime,manga, playing vidya, and reading about a little bit of internet history but lately I have been contemplating on death and eternity a lot and many of the things I used to enjoy don't seem as enjoyable to me anymore they don't serve me. I guess maybe I didn't have any real passions before.
I actually want to get a job of some sort too but I don't know what and I don't like the people who run the system and their goals so I am still a NEET until I think that through more.
The purpose I have doesn't have a specific end goal one could say it's just to hope that I did Gods will in this life and maybe become a light to others. many will say i'm wasting my life for a false promise but to me it's not a waste at all. I think the soul is the most precious thing a man has and should be preserved at all costs, and the only way I can see to bring others to this realization is to hopefully become a light to spread the truth of Christ to them through example and planting good seeds that may come to fruition in them.
I dont want to be a proselyte but I do want to spread the truth in a way that's meaningful and I think being a light to others through example and being firm and open about what you believe is good and bad is a good way to do this.

I still struggle with social interactions though unfortunately and I don't know many people in real life and don't go out places often.


ambition is bad
i think what distinguishes purpose from ambition, is that you dont choose purpose
and you sort of dont get to veto the purpose
your existence is now tied to fulfilling the purpose


yes there is a difference between ambition (having some normalfags goals) and feeling like you "have a mission". The latter is slightly better because it's stronger and it feels "true", "right", but it can feel like a prison.

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