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Disregard Females, Acquire Magic
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Older Wizards, you ever wonder how your life would be different if you grew up Zoomer? Like sometimes when I redo what went wrong in my youth, I sneak in stuff from today and have to remind myself it didn't exist back then.

I was using dial up internet until I started college.

It felt like I had to discover everything myself back then, and construct my own philosophy. I'm not sure how I would have reacted to crab culture, much less Wizchan itself. I came up with some semi-volcel ideas on my own. And if I had had a whole community like Wizchan, then volcel might have became my primary identity.

I'd probably be a whole different person if I grew up with today's internet. Geez and 10 years from now, it'll be even weird with AI taking over everything. It's like I didn't even relate to fellow millennials back when I was a youth. But now everything is so much weirder.


>Imagine if you were 16 today growing up with Zoomer culture
*places imagination goggles on*
Because of growing up with most tech just working I don't know shit about tech-repair.
If I still had my temper issues that I had when I was young, because of zero tolerance I would be in a reformatory school from a pretty early age, unless my parents again chose homeschooling when school issues came up.
But instead of things being fully custom and mostly out of books technically above my grade level I would probably end up doing online learning through a cookie-cutter coarse leading to me being far less knowledgeable and well read for my age, but having better typing skills and actually knowing how to use all the fancy new communication apps.
Smartphones would be the default to me and probably would have had one since my tweens.
I wouldn't have grown up with 90s internet safety culture, so I would be less reluctant to use social media and have accounts on places. So I would probably also be a reddit user.
Its extremely unlikely I would have done backyard wrestling or been in so many fights growing up, so I probably wouldn't be as tough or strong.
Also likely I wouldn't have played outside as much in general.
Didn't grow up with games who were as hard as classic 8bit/16bit games so would be less able to deal with frustration in general.
And probably wouldn't have been taught how to mask my autism as that isn't in vogue with shrinks anymore. So my social skills would likely be even worse.

But due to porn being easier then ever to access and having private devices to access porn, I would be significantly less horny since it would be way easier to bust a quality nut in peace whenever I wanted.


yh this i think about often


smartphones are really the big weird thing. kids having actual internet-connected computers, cameras, keyboards, video recorders, etc… all in their pockets. this kind of power has ruined their brains, they are incapable of entertaining themselves and handling boredom anymore

reading the dictionary a few dozen times, looking at encyclopedias, reading shampoo bottles when pooping, having to physically sit through commercials when watching trying to watch anime and cartoons as a kid

kids should not be connected to the internet until they are 13 or something in my opinion


I'm never going to be able to relate to why da kids love iphones so much. granted its probably because im a neet hermit hikki who rarely leaves the house. i can appreciate how smartphones are useful outside.

but most people enjoy using smartphones even inside their home


What baffles me is they dont even get an equal value tablet instead of their phone. Browsing on phone is more tiring


Tablets tend to to not fit in pockets. They're less discreet. They don't all have cellular capabilities and phone stores don't often allow them to be bought with payments amended to the service bill.


i can fit my old smartphone in one hand, and use that same hand to comfortably access the entire screen, all the side buttons… bigger = more tiring, at least from my experience

i was sent a gigantic newer phone by my brother when he upgraded, and it's so laughably gigantic and a pain in the ass to use


It would unironically be easier. Nowadays being terminally online is normal.


Its funny when thinking how Z culture would influence me, smartphones didn't even come up, its so alien to me, I have no idea how it would change my world.

Meanwhile zoomers are so emeshed in it, they have to rewrite their novel for having iphones in the 1990s


I fucking hate this gen z online world we live in but i'm almost jealous of them. I'm only in my early 30's but everything has changed so fast and i feel so ill equipped to keep up with todays insanity. They're retards but they're better at embracing the insanity because they don't really know anything else.


I hate Zoomers. Bunch of cocky, sanctimonious hypocrites. Therefore I am busy destroying the environment that they will have to (try) to exist in after my generation are all dead. I eat beef. I drive a diesel. I leave the lights on all the time at work and I drop litter. I hate this corporate-sponsored "social justice" crap. But I can see a lot of them fear climate change. So fuck Zoomers and all of their preening, self-righteous bullshit. The world will burn and they will be part of the fuel.


Its amazing how 4chan and even black pill r9k crab culture from the deepest fringes of the edgy deepweb for Yoomers became normie for tween zoomers


The Zoomers live in a wasteland. They have no context of what a free society was, while when I was growing up, the last vestiges of that still existed with some meaning. I've tried to reach young people and I'm exasperated at how they don't know basic shit, yet are supremely confident about their ignorance. The social engineering is locked in. They're defenseless against what is coming for them.

The only thing that reassures me is that enough of them have retained some sense about the world they live in, and they might rebuild something new out of the ashes. With us in the generation that came before, there is no hope at all. Those who cared about any world worth living in were killed off and the monsters of our cohort rose and rule now. The bastards who rule are doing their best to promote the next generation of filth, and the influencer brigade is even more fake and venal, so much that it is insufferable. Used to be they were just Satanic Reaganite cokeheads running the country into the ground off of plundered wealth. It's a bad parody now.

About the only thing I can suggest to people is to preserve whatever we can of what this really was, so that future generations might know what was done to us. But, so many who won knew damn well, and laugh about it. Satanic race. I don't put much faith on the future being better any time soon, and if it is different, it will be for purposes we only scarcely know or cannot know at all from here.


Maybe Gen Alpha will ironically find Millennials cool again to troll their Zoomer siblings


>Its amazing how 4chan and even black pill r9k crab culture from the deepest fringes of the edgy deepweb for Yoomers became normie for tween zoomers
come again?


regular zoomer kids use a lot of 4chan lingo but far removed from its original context


>world was better
for some brief period of 20-30 years every once in a century?


I think in some says it would have been better for my social development if I grew up today because the modern internet constantly exposes you to current social norms while back then you were always in your secluded obscure spaces. Maybe I would have been less autistic if I was exposed to more normie stuff since I spent my whole youth on the internet and didn't have any friends.

Times are changing fast now and if you cant keep up you will be left behind like some ancient caveman. Most boomers and gen Xers but also many millennials are unable to adapt and just became completely irrelevant when it comes to social environments. The type of boomers and gen Xers with no social media have faded into the void and if those types were your parents then you most likely have a lot of social issues. If you never check social media or popular media for a long time it feels like you just came fresh out of prison into a new world because of how fast everything constantly changes now.


Being what I am, it would have undoubtedly been better, and I'd have the advantage of being younger now instead of old and in bad health. But, the world would be much worse, and I'd have to find a way to survive in a world designed to kill the youth. The schools preach ritual sacrifice. It's all so Satanic.


Young autists online today get gang stalked and forced feminized. Combined with the chemicals.


Exactly. Typical of normies.


Young autists online are always at danger of getting groomed into gay stuff and self-destructive consumer patterns. Theres also radical groups everywhere fishing for autists and normies who just look for another lolcow target which is usually autists as well.


Never, actually.
Nostalgia is deceitful. There was never a good period of time. But it's easy to fall for it.


>There was never a good period of time
yes there was. sorry you feel that way tho. go to dep?


My mom would have turned me into a tranny. My whole life I've been hearing how she wishes I was born female. She's deranged she totally would have done it.


I do honestly believe that succubi hate men – even their own sons. succubi will damage their own sons so to capture the approval or friendship of other succubi. For instance you will never find any other group more in favor of circumcision than middle-aged succubi (mothers). Their eagerness to harm their own sons is outright sadistic. But they are socially prudent enough to hide how bestial they are at their core. Seeing a female as she actually is, not only physically (ie, without make-up), but even more so, psychologically, is horrifying. w/o/m/e/n are so self-obsessed that they cannot make empathic sense of anything but themselves and the things they perceive as similar to themselves (other w/o/m/e/n). There is a sentence in Ancient Greek which runs thus: "ἴσον λεαίνης καὶ γυναικὸς ὠμότης" , equal is the cruelty of a w.o.m.a.n and a lioness.


Most succubi are incapable of feeling guilt and they are just acting according to their feminine impulses. Western society has shown to us that succubi get nasty in their decision making when no one is questioning or challenging it.


guilt is felt by those who are willing to examine themselves and then admit fault where it is found. the willingness to admit fault entails acknowledging the peccability of one's own person. but with w/omen their opinion of themselves is so super-humanly arrogant that to deign to admit fault in anything would be to betray the very faultless identity they have built for themselves and with which they travel through life. this is what makes them simultaneously wonderfully cruel and socially cunning but also logically stupid and deaf. extreme arrogance often equals extreme success, but at the cost of any self-awareness, because in their minds they have decided that it is only they who matter, and all who are not they can be utterly damned without a second's care to their welfare or happiness. I personally think it's a coping mechanism because denying the humanity of men is how they cope with their own feelings of inferiority towards men.

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