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Have you stopped enjoying things that you were once into because of tiktok and normalfags driving them to popularity? I've lost interest and appreciation in a lot of old media and hobbies that I grew up with because these unwanted parasites find out about them, form communities around them, tell more people about them, and turn them into mockery. You can't have a niche space or interest without the whole internet finding out about it. This really pisses me off.


I don't even know what's popular or not. If you quit a hobby because of that, you probably weren't serious about it anyway and it was just some way to seem like an obscure hipster for liking 80s anime or whatever.


I can see popularity effectively changing something like an online game or a forum but how does it change an old movie or video game?


no, because i was not lucky enough to get into any community or niche hobby i enjoyed. all my activity was almost always solitary and now that i figure out i am not the only human being in the world i am bewildered, but not really disappointed because i have no pivot for a comparison


You can like a thing and do a hobby without engaging with the wider community most of the time.

For example if I enjoy a western cartoon I stay far away from the fan "community" for it because it is almost always cancer.

I play games but don't engage in any of the social aspects of gaming, and don't really keep up with drama beyond studio news and shit like content being cut or censored. In which case I just know not to buy that particular game or games from that company.
Hell, I didn't even like TTRPG stuff until I figured out a way of playing solo I enjoyed.

As long as the content producers don't cuck out to posers then a hobby isn't ruined by it's popularity, and most of the negatives can be avoided. Usually it just means more content and lower prices (especially seconded hand) when stuff is popular.


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Anti-extremist site. crabs coopted wizard hat for ER meme. Everybody who read that article saw it.


>Everybody who read that article saw it.
People who read fear-mongering hitpieces on progressive internet journals may have read it, but that type of person doesn't have more than a 5 minute memory.


Not only that it was in the 4 hour video essay on Ellliot Rodger

tbf it probably wasnt "coopted", someone from here probably made it in 2014. wiz was a different place then



nobody is stealing anything from you schizowiz.
the producers are also people who want to procreate, buy a house, get a nice car etc.
the very producer that made your hobby also want it to be as known as possible.


No that's what the normies do. I obviously care more about the ideas of the hobby than they do.


The comfy mmo I played when I was a kid is now an LoL tier esports wannabe tryhard game with cool downs and rotations for zoomers so yeah it happened to me.
An example would be something like Fate or Fire Emblem. Both series are now gacha for zoomers to coom and dump money into.


What mmo are you talking about.

I don't know of any mmo that was transformed into such a thing.
Not saying I don't believe you, just that it would be a interesting case study of such a drastic change.




Granted I haven't payed much attention to what Maplestory has been doing for like 4 or 5 years, but I wouldn't have expected it to change that much.

Given how popular the game is I am sure there are probably some video essyes about the change or at least fans bitching about it for me to watch and get a overview of the change.

Strange, I would have thought they would be more likely to go into the other direction of becoming more and more caualized and simplified until becoming a heavily monetized Gaia online style experience.
I guess the market model you described it changing into is more likely to attract whales, who are basically the main people keeping f2p mmo's afloat these days.


Even Runescape is dominated by daily gacha rolls and rare cosmetics now


No… I actually don't care to talk about my hobbies with others beyond a surface level. If someone gets into a deep understanding, I have no interest in engaging with that or disturbing that. I know from experience it's a waste to expound on hobbies and say what this is, because language is inadequate for communicating that understanding as I would want it. It's also not in my interest to tell other people what they're supposed to like and what the correct interpretation of anything is. Answering that question for real is not a question about a hobby but of their view of the world generally, and eventually I'm not going to convince someone God doesn't exist or whatever thing they believe in which would lead them to see the world differently. I don't care what other people think or feel on that level. I care more about whether they're going to make my life miserable today or tomorrow, and if I wanted to ensure that I had nothing to fear from another person, I wouldn't badger them to believe in the one true religion. We're able to believe in different things and desire different things and communicate a shared existence in peace. This society doesn't allow that concept to be "real", but we have managed so far only because it is not in anyone's genuine interest to push that Nazi faggotry. The people who do that take hold of the state, use it to run the world into the ground, then run off with everyone's wealth to the next country they can loot. It's how they always work, and then some intellectual assholes make an excuse so they can get on board with the next harvest and keep this cycle going, rather than let us put a stop to it for good and have the things we wanted. The habit of telling people what they're supposed to think and like is the key mechanism for making all of that possible. Nobody ever needed or wanted that or asked for that. It's always been a scam.

For the most part, I learned not to talk about my hobbies at all. I lie about my hobbies and act as if I indulge in this faggot consumer economy, just to get the assholes to stop bothering me and insulting me. I don't want to share things I like with them and I don't care what they get out of anything. I would tell them they shouldn't indulge in entertainment designed to rot their brain and make them stupid and violent, let alone glorify that ideologically. Usually though, normal people have lives and don't need me to tell them that. I've never understood the culture of conventions and the posturing middle class people do over a lot of nothing. So many of them wasted their lives on shit, and they know it. The consumer economy was never the great draw it was made out to be, for a variety of reasons. The entire social engineering project of post-war America ran off of fear and threats, and usually people watched the news expecting to hear when the assholes were going to start the next world war.

There is a sad situation that things which entail a shared community are always going to be shit up. They are usually shit up by a small but significant group of malevolent actors, making something unusable for the majority, who are compelled to degrade themselves so that the malevolent can have their "fun" at everyone else's expense. It's just pure eugenic creed faggotry, and the malevolent don't do this by accident. If the people have any sort of community where they can speak to each other honestly, and the conversation turns to topics we're not allowed to have, there are efforts to shut that down. Only secret societies are allowed to speak freely to each other, and the nature of them is that there is only one grouping and core around which all revolve. The secret societies are always darlings of the empire and beholden to it, in order to be able to act with the impunity that keeps their secrets. That's basic to intelligence, and you should know this entire habit of "consooming" was created by the same people who brought you the CIA.


>Language is inadequate
>Proceeds to use loquacious language needlessly


> I didn't even like TTRPG stuff until I figured out a way of playing solo I enjoyed.
Wiz can you elaborate on this? This is of interest to me.


Oh, I like extremely simple systems and I am personally instinctual good at improvisation so I used a modified version of Risus as the base game system, use FU dice oracle as the randomizer, and unless I am playing a full on module or pre-made adventure I just go in with a note card with bullet points of notes as prep for a session and play almost totally theater of the mind with a character sheet and adventure notebook.

My style of play is certainly not for everyone, or even most people, but that is another wonderful thing about solo play. You can narrow down exactly what you like and what works for you and what you want to do.
So some people like absurdly hyper technical crunching to the max solo stuff.
Others adore having roll tables for everything to basically have the dice be a automated dm.
Others prefer automating the players with roll tables.
While others play pre-built solo games exclusively.
And other just worldbuild.
I recomend playing short sessions and one shots to test out stuff and see what kind of set up you like.
Then once you find something you like try to play a mini-campain of 3-5 sessions and see how things go.
From there you probably got something that can work as your base system. Then just modify the base as your desires or needs dictate.


i don't think them just saying they like it 'ruins' it necessarily. Now. If there is a group of people and it becomes flooded with normgroids then it gets ruined and the integrity of whatever gets ruined.


The wizards being cool thing has always existed, I remember in the 90s and 2000s hundreds if not thousands of little metal wizard statues everywhere. It is funny seeing that subreddit create a big community of wizard memes that will surely outnumber and become more prominent than our small brand of wizardry in the internet sphere.


>subreddit create a big community of wizard memes
>become more prominent than our small brand of wizardry
you are fool throwing that word around. It isn't a community and redditors hate virgins they just like the funny memes for upvotes.
It's not the same thing.


In my experience, it's just that the internet makes small community appear larger than they really are. Most of the media that you enjoy is probably still very niche irl.


normies invaded and stole a lot of my safe spaces but this was around 2012-2015
by 2018 i was already a stranger in the land ive been in for years


it feels like all the lingo of normy zoomer kids comes from 4chan.


lolno. You've clearly never been around actual normalfags. plebbit lingo comes from 4chan, but not normalfags from tiktok and instagram lingo


sadly it's the other way around


There are 8 billion people in the world. Almost any hobby you can think of has been normaltarded to shit.


>really pisses me off
Just cause you don't have the balls to start your own site.


thz only hobby normalshits didn't stole yet is lolis

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