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Well, is it? I'm talking about the avarage person, not some rich dude that makes 500k per years or some female supermodel. Is the life of the avarage norman superior to a luck wiz on bux? I see a lot of wiz dreaming of the norman life, but I think many actually dream with the life of "Chad", not the actual lives of the most people, so, in the end many wiz are unhappy because they want to live something that even the norman doesn't live.


even if their lives aren't amazing, they experience less psychological stress and internal conflict. they fundamentally suffer less.


I hate social interaction, I don't envy any of them


>experience less psychological stress and internal conflict

I dunno, bro, at leat plenty of norman lead a dificult life, like problems with spouses, money, and kids. Actually good, functional and well behaved, families are minority.


those are all external practical problems. things either work out or they don't. most normalfags are incredibly capable of getting over the worst trauma. they get used to it in like a week. ok guess i'm a paraplegic now. guess i'm divorced dad with 3 kids. they find a way to fit it in their life narrative and move on.

nothing compared the internal conflict of many wizardly types that struggle with identity, anxiety, loneliness, alienation, self-hatred, constant internal sense of division etc. things you can't fix because they are not external problems, they are a product of being fundamentally incompatible with society itself.


>they are a product of being fundamentally incompatible with society itself

Wizard is just a 30 years old virgin dude, not some complex deep troubled human soul or something, many wizard here have jobs and are well function in life, beside the sexual part.


some wizards can play the external part, fake being social, have a well-adjusted persona, but what sets us apart from normalfags is the internal experience. most real wizards have some combination of autistic, schizoid and avoidant tendencies that make it difficult and unrewarding to thrive in normalfag society.

i don't know where this myth comes from that there are these completely normal people that just decided to be celibate for life without their being some internal reason for it.


Isn't that the whole "volcel" thing?


volcel thing is a meme that normalfags use to skirt around the rules. as long as you don't have sex, your lifestyle is acceptable. people don't just decide not to have sex for no reason. there is something "wrong" or incompatible with you socially that just doesn't make it worth it for you. if you're out partying, enjoy the normalfag lifestyle, then it's weird how sex is where you draw the line. its a lil bit too on the nose, even for the wizard larpers that seem to be attracted to the "doomer" aesthetic. lot of normalfags just come here when they're depressed or suicidal, but otherwise don't relate at all to the wizard condition.


Problem is defining wizardhood then beyond being a older virgin, where we draw the line then? You need to be a NEET? No wagies allowed or can they too considered wizard? What about a dude that makes 100k but is friendless and virgin, can he be a wizard too?


like i said, it's about the internal experience of the person. it's difficult to judge and know that without the person providing a description of it. there is a clear difference between how a wizard and how a normie might experience wageslave life or even a social gathering. normies will leave out that part because they either can't fake it or they intentionally hide it.


for example, if a wizard goes to a social gathering, they will describe how they felt out of place, alienated, weird, but that they smiled, faked a couple handshakes so they don't get any problems from their co-workers or family, whoever forced them to go.

i think wizards vary in their ability to maintain an external persona and fit in, but that internal experience is always what is shared among us. we have a nature that is incompatible with the social world that creates internal friction and manifests itself as anxiety, alienation, weariness, a kind of separateness. if you read descriptions of schizoid and avoidant personality disorders and you can't relate to them on some level, i would question why you are here.


you guys are going meta instead of just replying to the thread.
if you read the rules there's not only the virgin requirement, there is also not having all the social life friends and parties and things too etcetera, so it's very obvious what "normalfag" means in this website. just post your meta on /meta/

>Is the life of the avarage norman superior to a luck wiz on bux?

On paper absolutely not.
However normalfags engage in constant self-delusions, so they might suffer way less than us outcasts.

>even if their lives aren't amazing, they experience less psychological stress and internal conflict. they fundamentally suffer less.

correct. even though you would be amazed by how many normalfags see a psychiatrist regularly. but there are a lot of truly happy people out there, at least for long period of time.


>is it okay for me to talk about worshipping normalfags and norm life as long as i post it as a question?

i hate when people do this and don't directly ask the questin and state their opinion themself

instead of saying for example he wants to have sex… he say "is sex actually somethign worth considering?" and so on


Their lives are not that good. There is a steady increase in SSRI prescriptions and suicides, increasing drug abuse and general depression among normies on top of human connections getting even worse but they just cry behind closed doors.

Many of us can only watch the normie world through the window of our own existence and thats why its easy to get deluded into thinking that others are 'happy'. Normies have more social interactions and relationships but most of that stuff is just transactional or based on status/ego boosting and not some wholesome thing. A huge part of their lives is just social drama and problems that come with it as well.


I've interacted with many normalfags in recent years (out of necessity mostly) and it seems that most of them have a great life in their youth; they get to have fun with friends and experience love and not have much stress. Then as they get older they increasingly experience relationship difficulties (getting divorced, losing friends, parents dying), career and financial struggles, health problems, etc. Even though they might still have objectively better lives than wizards, because they are so used to having an easy life they cannot bare when things start to be taken away from them. Of course this varies a lot, some normalfags have it shit from the beginning too, for example by being abused as a child.

Whereas wizards start out with a shitty life, maybe early childhood is decent but soon after puberty the typical wizard realizes he's not normal and is missing out on the things that normalfags do which causes much mental distress. But over time a wizard will accept his fate which gradually numbs him until he's in a mostly apathetic state. At least that's what happened to me and some wizards I've talked to.


It doesnt work if you use VPN, so i guess mods prefer meta discussion to be scattered all over the site and derail all threads


I've tried to talk to people, even at the library with all of its events, but most of the people that I try to talk to are pretty much looking at their phones at an excessive level, which is why I mostly hate normies.


i can relate to that feel, and even if i do somehow breakthrough and have what i think is a good friendly convo it kinda just peters out anyway. people are just so damn hard.


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Lack of knowledge is what kills us, merely that.

>in the end many wiz are unhappy because they want to live something that even the norman doesn't live
Here it is, our goal. I must never be despairing about it no matter how unreal many things might look. Always moving.

Also, we should never look towards their asses to compare: normies usually hide many of their torments, more than we actually do. Pride and shame are different inside them.

Neurodivergence has something to do there, I'd bet.

> if a wizard goes to a social gathering, they will describe how they felt out of place, alienated, weird, but that they smiled, faked a couple handshakes so they don't get any problems from their co-workers or family, whoever forced them to go.

Too bad for whoever falls into those games. I just let my weirdness fill the damn place wherever I go and no more regrets.

You have no right to do so, you failed normal. It was my phone that thing which saved from being just there when surrounded by despicable normies I hated talking to.
You are so damn needy.


The average age for normie suicides is between 40-50 which makes sense because that's the age when things get lonely quickly and reality hits them in the face hard.


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The real world is fucked


I understand what youre saying. they try to have a conversation on a subject but fear the rules of wizchan. but I understand, they donnt want to get banned


During the covid crap and vaxx hysteria that followed I remember my roommate not wanting it but ultimately caving to pressure from his gf to get it. She was even honest with him, saying that it wasn't even for health she just cared about the social aspects of dating someone who hasn't gotten it. I had never before been as happy being alone as I was in that moment talking to him about it.


I gotta add that is must be very tiring for a normal fag to keep up with what is cool and what is not, especially now with how fast all communication is. I remember some times around normal friend group, one person will mention a band that may have been hot like a month ago, all of a sudden the band is cringe and the normal has to spend significant effort and time justifying themselves. If you're out of the loop and don't care it seems a bit less stressful in this regard.


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What a circus normalfag life is, miss me with that shit.


Most people are fake and vain. The main reason I'm a wizard is because I hate dealing with normalfags, not because I'm afraid of them, but because I cannot tolerate how stupid and cattle-like their behaviour is. Not only that, but they're greedy fuckers, they always want more than what they have. Most people my age are up to the neck in debt from all the useless shit they buy just to flex it to all the other mouthbreathers. I can assure you, most wizards just want to have enough money to NEET for the rest of their lives. Normies aren't happy just by having what they need, they have to feel superior to the person next to them.


Normal people have low-paying jobs, annoying girlfriends, go out drinking alcohol every weekend, ambiguous goals and dreams, frustrations, regular sex, they take out their frustrations on sports and pornography, and they tend to spend a lot of time in front of others. Their phones.


No it sucks. The only pleasure they are permitted is to kick down someone lower in status, until there's no one left to kick.

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