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Disregard Females, Acquire Magic
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are you working? what's your work? is they paycheck enough for you to live good? do you have goals?


NEET on mental illness NEETbux. I'd rather kill someone and go to prison than wageslave.


i'm a neet that lives with his aul ma. i don't ask for much, just food, shelter and high-speed internet.



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neetbux. live with mommy and daddy


I never had a real job, the job center was just sending me as cheap workforce to all kinds of places, like in a printing factory hauling around paper all day or in a fruit warehouse, also worked in a office doing data entry stuff. shit was hell and they were paying me below minimum wage for it.
then in 2017 I lucked out with crypto and havent worked since.


>then in 2017 I lucked out with crypto and havent worked since
lucky you, how much do you make per month?


QA manual tedious work, but it's remote. But it pays just above 1k usd a month, so not enough for anything in US. I think I have some case of anxiety disorder. It's pure hell to communicate with people, especially in case where you are at their will. I should just fucking go back to my shithole country and just fucking die


what country?


If he's like me, we make a negative amount per month and it is unsustainable unless there is a massive new bullmarket.
Crypto has supported me for years but I lose tens to hundreds of thousands per month. My living expenses are irrelevant drop in the bucket but ill probably end up broke eventually


they have banks in india?


I've been drawing porn for a few years. I don't have many clients, but some of them are very loyal and commission me often. At first, I could easily support my family with that money, but since my mother got sick and life has become more expensive in my country, I've been having some problems. Anyway, no big deal, thank God.


Devops engineer, 137k a year. Outside of work I live in a quiet desperation.


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I produce music and sell it online. It's not a lot by any means but its enough for weed.


if this isn't bait, this person is trash.


Because they are more successful than you?


no. a person isn't successful on their own, so it means nothing. there are literally hundreds of millions of more talented more hard working people that will die and never get anywhere because they are born in third world country and die at 2 of some disease we never heard about.

its the fact that he made a garbage post to brag on a thread of people that are trying to find their own community, not being able to relate to something that normal people take for granted and defines most aspects of their existence.

for a guy to come in here and brag, to other wizards who supposedly he's a member of the community, rub it in their faces and remind them that because they're profoundly disabled and unable to work, they're not able to relate either to the aspect of normals lives that is integral to their experience, that of earning a lot of money to do things which make their whole existence interesting and bearable. so this guy comes here to do that, and brag about the normal part of his life which is the same shit normals do, and they relish in it, letting other people they know aren't as well off, know how much they earn.

that's why. thanks.


then as if that wasn't enough, talk about how his life is one of 'quiet desperation'

yeah that's extremely obnoxious and self-centered. why a number? why not just say, yeah i earn enough its good i'm real lucky. he has to brag.


He answered the thread. Statistically, some wizzies are going to be better off than others. He wasn't shitting on anyone, he just mentioned his profession and salary as requested. A lot of wizzies work in tech so it's not even like he's an executive normalfag or something. Chill out.


>He answered the thread
where in the OP did it ask how much do you make?

>he just mentioned his profession and salary as requested

where? where did it ask how much people make? you're a liar and just proved it to everyone.


Wizcordfag spotted. Wizzies is a term used by homosexuals to refer to other homos who they want to engage with in sex roleplay with.


>is they paycheck enough for you to live good?

It's in the bounds of the thread. Easier to say a number than describe your entire life, especially if you didn't know some random faggot was going to get triggered. Maybe don't enter threads if you know you're going to be possibly upset?

btw. I'm a poorfag NEET if it matters.

It's a neutral term of endearment, nothing to do with that particular server. You can also use "wizza", "wiz", "wizzer", "wuzzer" etc. whatever you can come up with.


>It's a neutral term of endearment,
nothing to do with that particular server.
It's a term for normalfags to signal to their clique and nothing else.
>You can also use "wizza", "wiz", "wizzer", "wuzzer" etc. whatever you can come up with.
Sure you can use the terms but it only puts yourself as outsider wizcliquer. Fuck off


>a person isn't successful on their own, so it means nothing

This means nothing, just another cripple cope.

You sound poor.


>You can also use "wizza", "wiz", "wizzer", "wuzzer" etc. whatever you can come up with.

Yes, I think the default term is wizcel. Thank you very much.


Little bit too divisive :D
Or so I've been told…


Not bait, having money means nothing when you’re alone. Having a nice job or an M2 competition does’t attract succubi if you’re socially retarded.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)


cancer that killed this site spotted


>are you working? what's your work?
I was blessed with the wizard life. I'm a neet homeschooled wizcel +30 autistic hikki.


daily reminder, this place is infested with le wizard failed normals that will some years from now joke and laugh about the wizard loser virgins as the normal slams his 3d succubus during the act of coitus.

if it looks like a normal, if it smells like a normal, if it posts like a normal, if it goes out and participates in all the other areas and arenas of life like a normal, it's a normal, and it's waiting for its chance to be betabuxxed and maximize the normal nature of the entire normal life they're living.

there are people here with active social lives that party, go out regularly to pubs and drink with friends, they own their own houses and a mortage ready to start that normal family. you don't need to earn 500k a year to support yourself as a wizard. the only reason to chase and participate in the rat race as a wizard is if you're not one, and a virgin normal that is gearing up to settle with a succubus one day.

why cant you normals go and be with your own kind on reddit or where ever it is you congregate on the internet outside of consoooooming and whatever else normals do.


for the vast majority of people here, this is just one stop on their life journey. i can't blame anyone for finding success and happiness in life and looking back with pity on the rest of us. everyone just has their own limited point of view and to them, all their problems might seem like the worst in the world, even though in the grand scheme of things they aren't. the other day some guy was like "i only have 4 friends and i only make X amount of money per week", meanwhile there's wizzies that would have a mental breakdown if they did an interview and can't even have normal interactions with people online. is it wrong for that guy to feel sad about his life, just because there's people worse off? i don't know.


>for the vast majority of people here, this is just one stop on their life journey.

> i can't blame anyone for finding success and happiness in life and looking back with pity on the rest of us

yes you can. they know they dont belong, they know they are actively still pursuing a normal life, including a much wanton sexual experience with succubi. if you have this in you, then you can safely leave as you're not a wizard and you're at odds with what wizardry is about -read the rules or banner-

>all their problems might seem like the worst in the world, even though in the grand scheme of things they aren't.

they know it, even going so far as to point that out, they still complain and humblebrag at the same time, and it's obvious that all their worries stem from not reaching critical normal milestones and having a succubus.

>the other day some guy was like "i only have 4 friends and i only make X amount of money per week"

yeah its a bit silly isnt it

>is it wrong for that guy to feel sad about his life, just because there's people worse off? i don't know

yes. it's conceited, and very self-important attitude, people that have all the major bases covered humblebragging on a board where they KNOW that some people have nothing they have, and they do it all the same. that is super typical normal behavior.

instead of fixing their 'problems' -read cant get succubi- by calling themselves out on their bullshit, their need for personal growth and framing things better, they come and post here.

there are entire websites dedicated to normals complaining about their non-existent problems. nobody is making you take out a mortage, nobody is making you work 150k a year to support a single person who isn't going to be having a family in future. nobody is making you live a high stress lifestyle to gain all the trappings of 'normal' success. those 'problems' arent real.

if you can simply throw it away, or ignore it, then it isn't a real problem. real problems like cancer, or homelessness, or disability, you wont see them complaining about that, it's always the same old tired things about how they don't have a normal sex-haver life in full and they're depressed about it.


I struggle really hard to maintain steady employment. I'm 32 currently and have probably worked for a grand total of approximately 18 months over the past 11 years (since I graduated university). I've had about 6 or 7 different jobs in that time; one for a whole year, and the others for a few days to a few weeks each.

Getting up and going to work fills me with so much anxiety and dread that I can't keep it up for very long. I don't get NEETbux, but I'm fortunate enough to have understandable parents who sort of understand that I'm a social retard with crippling anxiety, so I don't get pushed too hard to do anything. I recently completed an introductory course for accounting, so I'm going to try and get a part-time job with that (preferably remote work).


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>are you working?
>what's your work?
>is they paycheck enough for you to live good?
Yes. Being naturally parsimonious as hell also helps.
>do you have goals?
No. I just numb myself on a daily basis by consuming my poison of choice (motorsports) and try not to think about the fact I've just turned 30 and my life is, for all intents and purposes, over–there's nowhere for me to go from here.


>you don't need to earn 500k a year to support yourself as a wizard. the only reason to chase and participate in the rat race as a wizard is if you're not one, and a virgin normal that is gearing up to settle with a succubus one day.
what do you consider the rat race? It to me like participation in it is required just to survive.
Many years ago i went for the compsci meme and got a masters degree but cant even feed myself. There is the rat race toward $60k+ per year or there is starvation. There is no little 2 hours per week remote working wiz job for me


You can't hope to ever become competitive and successful if you lack nepotism. Basically you have to be a normaltard to be good at and enjoy the rat race.


What a delusional post. You think everyone has a supporting family that provides everything? You may like to live in misery and be a conformist. But not everyone should abide to your slave morality.

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