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So, after a long arduous battle I finally got NEETbux, now any NEETbux veteran to help on how to better maxx out my finances while on bux?


Make a list of expenses. Start by typing down how much you get per month

then submit that number as a post so we can hopefully know the minimal information needed to asses your budget


You can get free housing, free food and utility expenses paid for.


Don't pay rent, live with your parents or get free housing

Rent is the most expensive thing


>Free housing

Literally how?


Enter insane level and commit you to institution


public housing usually comes with very low rent


I live with my parents, so I wouldn't know what to say.

I never even spend my NEETbux, I just collect it, because I have no goals or true hobbies.


>I never even spend my NEETbux, I just collect it, because I have no goals or true hobbies.
I do the same as you


Get on general relief if u can and your area offers it. You can live on it till you get bux but have to pay it back


Invest my amigo


how to invest? (not the same guy)


No, thanks.


Low cost passive Index tracker funds.


If in the states, you're gonna wanna constantly scour for Section 8 applications/waitlists. You 100% cannot meaningfully live alone outside of Section 8. Even 'rent controlled' housing (which also has waitlists) will tend to be more, or very nearly all of your neetbux a month alone.


Rent room?


New business


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When food shopping look at 'cost per kg' not the total price, buy store brands not big name brands. Shop around, one store may have something on sale. Find tasty alternatives to your usual luxuries, for example, cake is cheaper than chocolate in my country. It is cheaper to cook at home than to get take-outs/eat at restaurants. Never buy from delivery apps.

Heat yourself, not your room. In other words, wear layers and/or use a 100W electric blanket instead of a 2000W room heater. Use cheap cooling in summer such as light clothing, blocking light through your windows, wearing a damp cloth, rotate half a bottle of drinking water in the freezer (top up the frozen bottle with water and sip from that during the day), etc. If you live in a humid country, using a dehumidifier is still cheaper than a heater.

Find cheap/free hobbies, there are plenty around, there are two big ones even on Wizchan: home cooking and gardening. YouTube is free, old games are dirt-cheap on GOG, there are thousands of free books in online projects like Gutenberg not to mention libraries (libraries often have free charging and facilities as well), go for nature/history walks, play sports, parks often have free gym equipment, cheap evening/craft classes in local schools, etc.

See if you are eligible for discounted travel on public transport.

Avoid monthly subscriptions/bills to anything, especially if you don't use them often (phone/apps/streaming/insurance/Office/etc). If you need it, it is generally cheaper to pay annually than monthly.

Turn off equipment you are not using at the plug.

If you feel tempted to buy something you don't need, eg a new game, wait two weeks and see if you still have the same impulse to buy it. Impulse buying is the biggest trap, be aware that companies and marketers spend billions hyping and urging you to buy their shit. Likewise with buying brands, do you need the $1000 phone or pair of shoes, or can you make do with a $40 phone? Stuff is also often cheaper if you wait a while.

If you are bad at managing spending on credit cards/contactless, try using just cash instead. Withdraw a certain amount every month so you can physically see how much you have and budget it accordingly. Do not get yourself in debt.

Don't assume Amazon/online is cheapest, shop around. Discount bargain stores and pawn/charity shops often have the same thing for far cheaper. Be careful of "sales", Amazon often hikes up prices before a sale to make the discount look better.

Cut back/quit addictive drugs, including alcohol and smoking.

Go on to your own country's online forums for local money saving/earning advice, you can find tips and news on everything from utilities, banking, shop sales, etc.

Save. Save so you can have a few months safety net, save so you can buy nice gifts at Christmas, save so you can repair your car/PC in an emergency, save so you can enjoy a day trip to the seaside or the mountains, save so money problems won't affect your mental health, save so you can get free money from interest, etc. Save.


Based NEET financial advisor


Are you a long term NEET on bux?


8 years on neetbux. It's a big lifestyle change, but if you are willing to make sacrifices and make do with what you have, it's a comfy life.

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