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/wiz/ - Wizardry

Disregard Females, Acquire Magic
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to wizards who don't have a car and live alone, how do you bring back home your groceries? what transports do you use to go to the groceries?


do you walk to the store or take the bus/train? I don't like walking with my groceries because I don't like people watching me not having a car and having bags in my hand while other peoples have cars


Walking, shoulder bag, with those nylon reusable bags clipped to the strap.
>I don't like people watching me not having a car and having bags in my hand while other peoples have cars
Juvenile. Lose this dependence on perceived approval from faceless nobodies on the street.


They have grocery delivery now. I assume they would just do that unless they enjoy shopping every 2 days and carrying a bunch of bags long distance and/or on the bus.


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by not living in america


Momma's house is at the outskirt of the city center so everything I need is at a 5 minutes walk from where I live. The farthest I go is to the weeb store which is at 30 minutes of walking or 10-15 minutes by bus.
Everything else like heavy furniture, I command 'em online.


>weeb store
why like this


I think it would be simultaneously comfy to live in a city because you can survive without a car by just walking and also uncomfy because you are constantly surrounded by normalfags. Ultimately the negatives of the latter outweigh the positives of the former. I feel just uncomfortable around other people in general, especially if they try to interact with me. You never know when that shit could happen.


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I used to just walk there when living in the city. Usually went before 6am to be there just slightly after they will open the store, grab whatever I needed and go to self checkout. Had to sturdy bags with me as the ones in store were to flimsy for heavier use.
Now I live in the middle of nowhere and needed to bite the bullet and got small car. It is very comfy as being able to bring much more groceries home made with me, made me need to leave house only like twice every month.


cuz it's a store with multiple floors that sell manga, jap food, jap books, jap goodies, there's even an entire floor dedicated to anime figurines so there's no other way to call it duh.
I just ignore without even looking at them when they interrupt me. The only ones who sometimes get aggressive are the hobos.


what country do you live in to get a weeb store?


>there's no other way to call it duh
Yes there is. You chose to call it that because you heard all of the non-Japanopile vtubers and normalcreeps call any anime fan a "weeb".


Backpack. I don't go out often so it's always good to have some exercise.

I get most of my fruit and meat from a seller much closer to me. But I have to walk about 30 minutes to get to a supermarket.

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