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So, couple of days ago I officially turn 30, and it's strange, something is sinking on me is the passage of time, each year goes by faster than before, and my hair is turning white, and the realization that experience and opportunity start to fade or lost, and you may never get another shot, or if you get another chance it won't be like the idealized first time it appears, I don't know, life is going by, time passes, and I feel more tired and sadden by how turn out to be for me, I'm a recluse NEET, wish things turn out different for me, dunno, life is a funny in a ironic tragicomedy way, some get better dice roll than other, lucks play a role in how you turn out to be from the get go, of course you have agency to change, but still you can do so much against fate. I'm tired.


Yeah I had a similar experience when I turned 30. You realize how much time has actually passed doesn't fit with your perception. Aren't you just still a teenager? Wasn't that just yesterday? But no, your youth is pretty much gone now, squandered. The advantages of old age also aren't on their way because I didn't do what I needed to do. No career that has been built up, no assets or savings or retirement accounts. I have no independence from my parents, still can't afford to do any hobbies and I would have to ask permission to do most things. I just wish I had toughed it out and gone through the motions of life like my parents doing everything that was expected of me, but I couldn't handle the stress. I don't think I would relish being a wage slave constantly slaving just so I can make payments on some shitty apartment somewhere, surrounded by normals, no space to do most hobbies anyway, but at the same time I don't like how things actually turned out either.


Turning Jesus age this year (33) and i guess i'm ok most of the time but i'll still have moments of total despair. I never knew depression could get this intense but they happen less, so hopefully it just stops after awhile. I guess your options after 30 are spending the rest of your life mourning the person you were supposed to become or finding something to occupy your time with.


I'm 33. Over the past three years ive a actually done and experienced a load of stuff. Hard challenges, ageing etc. But good stuff despite that. In fact i think im finally getting to do more of what i really ever wanted to do!


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Life is just straight up cruel. If only I knew how bad turning 30 is I would have tried hard in my 20s but when I was 20 I thought I had it bad and lacking perspective didn't realize just how much worse things can get. I can't remember if people tried to warn me but nothing is as intense as experiencing it yourself.

Suddenly I started to notice everyone talking about aging, how out of touch they are with young people, how they realize some event that felt like yesterday was 20 years ago, how their body starts to hurt…

Right now I'm in limbo where I don't enjoy my distractions like video games and internet anymore because I can't stop thinking about how old I am but at the same time the 24/7 anxiety thinking about how soon I will be 40 makes it impossible for me to do anything productive. I just can't imagine anyone hiring me when there are actually experienced people and energetic zoomers competing for every position no matter how shitty. I wish when I was young I would have done internships to gain experience and find out what I like/can do but I only had video games and anime on my mind.

I fucked up so hard and deserve the consequences I guess but I can't help that I was a short sighted retard with no friends and social obligations to keep me on track and preventing me from being a NEET for 10 years. Now I learned my lesson but I can't go back anymore.

The shame is the biggest problem for me really. I just don't feel like a human being. I feel like these freaks they show on tv to make everyone feel better about themselves.


I relate way more to this thread than I want to admit for now.


Our brain can only store that much memories. The more time passes, the higher the threshold of "memory worth keeping" becomes because it has to compete with decades worth of events which obv is not the case when we ´re young. Hence the false impression that time flies faster as you age. It’s an illusion. Also explains childhood nostalgia.
When something big happens however it’s the opposite: the event feels like it happened eons ago but in truth it’s recent.


What hurts is the loss of potential. When I was 20 I thought that once I get over my ADD and depression I will be able to do anything. I read the bios of famous people I admire and they graduated college in mid 20s so I felt like I had time. Now past 30 I know what I am and there is no time for dreams anymore.


Im almost 30 and i dont give a damn fuck. I don't feel old, i don't look old, even if i did i don't care.

I got a lot calmer as i got older and my mood in general is better. Getting older is not really a problem until you are like 55 or more.

My teen years were so terrible that being adult and starting to make some money is such a relief. I dont miss anything other than free time.




Anyone get nostalgic for their early years as a NEET? Like ages 17 - 25. Those were the dream years for me. No more shitty highschool or college. Just endless freedom and solitude. But then 25 - 30 and it wasn't as fun anymore and passed by in the blink of an eye. Those first 5 years as a neet though were glorious, I mostly mark the timeline by which anime came out and what games I played at the time. It's scary how long ago that early blissful neetdom actually was.


No, I was at my worst depression back then. Literally just laying on a mattress on the floor surrounded by trash watching TV because it was the only thing that took small enough effort for me to do.


I think I mostly just miss the internet and online culture back then. Not to mention gaming, anime, etc was better. I think life was more simple in comparison to me. Wasn't good, but I am nostalgic for familiarity and eventually I got used to that. That routine is gone, so no longer.


Yes and no. I was fucking drunk, high, and crippled for a full year. From the age of 25-26. On the one hand, pure hedonism is fucking great for around 3 months. It's after that where it really starts to set in how shit your situation is. But yeah, those first 3/12 months were amazing. Wake up, no food, just drink myself retarded, play some life sim game called The Friends of Ringo Ishikawa. Ressurected an online game from the dead called Anarchy Reigns. It was great. Then I planned to hang myself around the 4-7 month part. Glad I didn't.
>I think I mostly just miss the internet and online culture back then. Not to mention gaming, anime, etc was better. I think life was more simple
I feel that. I am convinced your average normalfag was not ready for the internet. Internet access and modern social media in the palm of your hand 24/7 was a mistake.


succubi are the reason why the internet went to shit. Even normalfag guys would use the internet for similiar stuff as the autists (to look up stuff and discuss interests or to game) but because of succubi there is this whole dynamic of promiscuity and feminine bullshit that men only engage in when succubi are around.


Same, growing up in poverty sucks balls.
As a result I never felt not even an hint of nostalgia.

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