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Disregard Females, Acquire Magic
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File: 1711489074290.png (834.4 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, FrothySolutions.png) ImgOps iqdb


I don't wanna make anybody paranoid, but Alzheimer's/dementia has gotta be the worst possible death for a wizard. It is for most people. But for wizards in particular it's bad because who's supposed to take care of you when you can't take care of yourself? When there's no "self" left, really?

Alzheimer's took my grandmother. I think it's taking my mom. I can only suspect that I and my siblings are next. Even if sex was on the table, it would be irresponsible to curse a new life with this burden. But who's supposed to take care of me if/when this disease takes me?

Check myself into a facility? Once I finally develop Alzheimer's, I'll be too far gone to know to check into a facility. That's the thing about Alzheimer's: Once you have it profoundly enough to diagnose, it's too late.


Just do everything you can now to reduce your chances, and try to engage with your mum compassionately


You really think by the time you get that old there will still be "facilities" for you to check into? You'll be lucky if people aren't cracking each other's head's open and feasting on the goo inside.



Here's hoping I'm not around for that.


Just do everything you can to prevent that shit and hope for the best.



I'm 51 years old. Family history shows that this should probably start manifesting in my 70s.

I read an anecdote about a guy who was able to stall this thing until his 90s, but it still took him anyway. He just managed to hold it off very well.


What the fuck? Is this you, FrothySolutions? I'm lonelysince2006 from the forum. I was just browsing through Wizchan when I saw your unmistakable avi.

Sorry for what you're going through. If you did get Alzheimer's, I don't think you'd be "too far gone" to be able to at least an hero yourself, at least that's what I've heard. Honestly, this is the only option in that situation considering what a horrible disease it is.


Do you want help or not? Keto diet is said to have certain efectiveness reducing amyloid plaques but you nust be like 2 yrs or so. Also leaving cereals is said to help.

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