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Disregard Females, Acquire Magic

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Nowadays, most men feel something "weird" going on, like a silent shaking under their feet. What is happening?

The answer is simple: We're turning back into Egypt. A society shaped like a pyramid, where most people (naturally) live on the bottom, you'll have a tiny group of merchants in the middle, and a *very* tiny group of winners on top (the Pharaohs and scribes). Within a few decades, these classes are going to lock into place, and it will be extremely hard to move classes – you are born a slave, then you die a slave. The good news is that there's still plenty of social mobility left to take advantage of. The bad news is that young men don't realize this is happening. They were raised on notions of a society that simply doesn't exist anymore.

When you imagine yourself in Ancient Egypt or the Middle Ages, how do you imagine yourself? Are you the Pharaoh… or a slave? Most likely, you imagine yourself in the shoes of a merchant, "I'm clever enough to do it." But the "merchant class" already exists in 2024: These are businessmen and AI engineers. In 50-100 years, these guys will still be doing well, but for everyone else? The floor's gonna collapse. Low-paid workers like teachers will more or less be economic slaves/serfs within a few decades.

We're approaching a "Last helicopter out of Saigon" scenario. If you're reading this, you're lucky. People will realize what I'm saying en masse before long, and there will be a rapid dash to climb up the social ladder. Our institutions will get overwhelmed, and like people crowding through a door to escape a fire, they'll get stuck and block escape for everyone else. You want to be guy who notices the smell of smoke before everyone else, and gets the hell out in the first 5 minutes. If you're taking an escape rope in the next few years, I salute you, but otherwise guys, make plans ASAP to join that merchant class. The social systems and jobs most of us depend on are not long for this earth. If you don't want to be a slave, you need to start making plans now.


>When you imagine yourself in Ancient Egypt or the Middle Ages, how do you imagine yourself?

As a wizard, with a pyramid-shaped hat which I support entirely with my head. A creator - the root of all existence from the divine peaks to the darkest underbrim. I secretly live in the attic of a meadery from which I steel booze from every few nights or so. Sometimes I start wildfires in the woods just to keep the locals on their toes.


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I like pyramids!


this already is how the world works

countries that were rich basically locked in their success and have been becoming richer from that initial wealth


>When you imagine yourself in Ancient Egypt
A cat, because I am weird like that and it seems like a pretty good life.
I am not getting a idea for a game that I will never create about a cat who gains immortality in a Ancient occult ritual in Egypt or something, and now travels the world solving supernatural mysteries and going on adventures all under the noses of oblivious humans.
>the Middle Ages
A questing knight or man at arms because I play too many video games and read to many fantasy books.


>trust me bro: the post
No explanation whatsoever nor any opportunity provided: pure anxiety provoking.


Step 1: destroy judeo-masonry.
Step 2: destroy judeo-masonry.
Step 3: destroy judeo-masonry.
Step 4: destroy judeo-masonry.

Step 5: be ruled by a just monarchy absent all satanic jewish influence.


Let go of the fear, wiz.

The (((tyranny))) under which we now live is the cleverest and most comprehensive ever seen in human history. There is however little reason for supposing it will last. It likely won't. The two peaks of jewish power will be known historically as 9/11 and the covid/divoc hoax. Both of these are in the past. They have wasted so much of their strength on false flags that fewer and fewer now believe anything they see on the kosher news networks. We should be encouraging fellow wizards to feel good about themselves and to find happiness – not panic – in these extremely difficult times.


why are you acting like this is some sort of special realization? It's obvious to everyone that inequality is becoming worse, social mobility is decreasing, and competition is heating up.


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If we had a crystal ball that showed us life 30-40 years from now, 90% of the world would go nuts. You've got your centralized planning, enjoy your road to serfdom.


Nicely put wiz. I also see all this stuff happening, but what's scary is that I'm not capable of reaching the merchant class. I struggle with social interaction and have failed at everything I've tried. Right now I am a NEET but I will probably be forced into the slave class eventually, and likely I will take the escape rope to prevent that from happening.


Explain who the Centralize Planner who orders what the stocks of Tesla, Wal-Mart and McDonalds are going to be is?


The normies want to be ruled like this. They worship the powerful and trample on the weak. Remember 'the new normal'? It means that future generations value and defend the future dystopian status quo like normies do now.

Normies and their society are not the problem. We, the anamolies, are the problem. We don't belong here in this world.


Nah man I'm on comms, keystone on the top. I wanna get a bangin proto-carne asada burrito recipie. Don't let me lose this gig, I'll let u sleep off hangovers in the astral flow room.


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I disagree, i feel like we are in the in-between times though. Where we are headed is more like techno feudalism. Corporations will become more powerful than governments, governments will become vestigial and irrelevant. everything will become privatized, the police and military for instance.


by the way, in ancient egypt i would be a scribe.
In feudal europe i would become a monk


> In feudal europe i would become a monk

theres no excuse not to do it right now. same gig, just less plague.


There is no social mobility. The caste system is almost "perfected" - they will kill anyone who deviates from their caste assignment, and humans have been habituated to this for the past 100 years. There is no "return to the old system". There is a drive in this society to regress to an ideal form, and that form was not one of humanity's choosing but one its most evil impulses chose - and so it will look a lot like the ideal form of Egypt or any other form of Satan-worship, oldest religion there is. But, the hour is late. There is no more ability to change social rank. It's locked in by the age of 10. Satanic race. Failed race.

The false promise that you can "buy" your way to a better caste will continue to be sold, to drain off the last remnants of money and wealth that haven't been taken, but this has always been a lie. They do not let you buy your way into social status, not once. The other way is that people will be offered promises that they can join a secret society, but if you know anything about Masonry, it's a Satanic religion and you don't really "get in". They decide what they're going to do with you, and they very much believe in noble blood and the destiny of chosen agents. That's always how social mobility works. No one has ever been able to change social class in society by "entirely legal means". The very nature of the human project mandates that social class is effectively immutable, and even if you "win", the law is interpreted in such a way that what you thought you "won" is destroyed right in front of your face. It is more apparent to the lowest class, who are by open law and policy never allowed to be anything but the lowest class. Workers are taught to revel in their inferiority and animal nature, especially under full eugenism. Satanic race. Failed race. Never forget that.

The current institutions are being dismantled, in favor of institutions controlled explicitly by eugenics. This is the only possible outcome of what was done during the 1990s. That was the last time any of this could have been stopped, and it only would have been stopped if the officers responsible were exterminated down to the last man. Are you, with nothing, going to exterminate a movement with tens of millions of hardcore true believers, who hold governments and political formations with tens of millions of members who are all given over to this program? There is no institution which is not dominated by eugenics and the drive towards this caste system. Humans were never meant to be anything else. They really are a Satanic race, and refuse to be anything else. Failed race.

What you're going to see is that it is indeed a "failed race". There is no "there", no future, no great accomplishment humans will make out of any of this. After the killing of most of humanity - simply because they hate us that much - the inheritors of the Earth will be fully Satanic, thinking of how they can cull and torture again. That is what humans are, and they will never be anything else. They are autistic. They are retarded. They are fully Satanic, irredeemable. All concept that it was going to be any other way was destroyed by the ideas of 1914, and the only thing changing this is divine intervention. I believe any such intervention would only be to ensure the disease that is this Satanic race is either wiped out or kept in place, so the rest of the universe is spared from the Abomination.

Perhaps in the distant future, there will be something else, but it cannot follow from anything we know now. We only see the vestiges of humanity's effort to break out of the trap, all of which are snuffed out and turned into mockeries. A Satanic race like humans does not WANT anything to be different, even if that would obviously make everyone's life easier and costs them nothing. They would rather revel in the thrill of torture than anything else, and those true believers howl in agony if you take away the thrill they get from seeing us suffer. What gets me is that they did it for so little, because they really are a Satanic fag race, just pure fags. Exterminating the human race would be morally and emotionally correct, but it is too late to do what should have been done when 1914 was allowed to go on. While the true "point of no return" was the 1990s - specifically, 1994-1998 is when all of this was locked in, and those are really the years where the Fall of Man will be marked - realistically the only way this stops is if the world's governments were all destroyed after they imposed 1914 and all consequences of it on us. Not one of the countries should have survived nor did the countries coming out of it have any right to exist. Nothing less than a total and unrelenting war against the eugenists would have stopped this, and if that happened, there is no "other system", no real plan except dire necessity. There were people who have for the past century - people even now - trying to formulate some alternative, but once eugenics took over all of the institutions, there would be nothing. Any idea inimical to eugenics was mocked as "retarded", "insane", even though eugenics was premised on controlled insanity and maximizing the thrill of torture, and had nothing else to say for it. All of the ideologies and excuses of old could do nothing but shamefully curry favor for eugenics, aiding and abetting it because they were religions, ideologies, and movements of cowards and filth that deserved to die. Anyone who was truly righteous was snuffed out, most of all by the filthy Christians who were always about this sort of plan.

I don't know the counterfactual where humanity could be really different, unless Christianity were aborted or effectively demolished by around 1000 AD. It was a Luciferian and evil religion, and it could exist largely because it had the counterweight of Islam, another Satanic and demonic religion, and Judaism which was primarily demonic and self-interested. Nothing of paganism and its faggotry was worth keeping, the death of the pagans glorious and well deserved. But, we were never allowed anything "for us", never allowed anything that would be remotely good or useful.

Again, there may be something in the very distant future, but it would start from premises that aren't available to us, and very likely humans will no longer exist in any recognizable form. The "self" would have to be destroyed, and it would be clear that this transformation is taking place long before it is complete, but we are very far from that being a possibility. Very, very far. If that happened, what comes out would not be something that could pertain to much of what we wanted. We can dream of such a world, and attempt to assemble such for our better aspects, in whatever part of ourselves still wishes to escape the Abomination. But, in the world and in politics, Eugenics won. This is the nightmare. There is no other system or even an attempt to allow such a thing. Only torture and death. We live at the last time where we could have conceived of a way out, only to have it mocked in our faces. The eugenists have a critical mass of true believers, and all of them are Satanic screamers. They wanted this, and they got it. They're not going to like what they get, but they're Satanic fags. Why would they do anything else? The only way out is to turn away, and share what little we can about a world where we didn't do this. It won't be much, and it won't last for long, and if they know you're looking for this, they will use promises as leverage to control you, to keep you in fear, and you will be marked as selected to die in all cases. Anyone selected to live must be a eugenist now. That is mandated. Satanic race. Failed race.


You can either rebel against authority or just breed a bunch of kids. Both require a degree of disobedience and lack of responsibility. Society will get what's coming to it when it has selected out every altruistic individual.


Good post otherwise, but I don't think the "masons" really care about anything except money at this point. They don't care about the poor, they don't care about wars or politics - all they care about is retaining their wealth while making sure the companies they own stock in don't give in to demands for wage increases.

The world is that bleak. Social status has been permalocked now, I agree with you on that.

Some of the masons are also psychopaths who don't want to go to prison, but have an immense itch to torture and slowly kill people.
The best way to do this without going to prison for life is to inflict economic pain on others.

They gain enjoyment from it just as they would from physically torturing someone by tearing them apart limb by limb.


I think the Freemasons and the Illuminati are the good guys spreading Enlightenment and secularism, who wants to be ruled by the Catholic Church, Kings and nobles forever?

Like we couldn't even be on the internet bitching about how bad the world is without atheist science. we'd have to have a pen pal club by snail mail. and even that's thanks to the Mason's Republic of Letters.


kys masonic scum. (((freemasons and illuminati))) are installing worldwide jewish communism as we speak. they are repulsive satanic gnostic trash. life under catholicism was certainly better than life under jewish platonists who just shot nanotechnology into the bodies of nearly 90% of humanity under the guise of a fake fucking disease. catholics NEVER brainwashed people on the level of these fuckinf sadistic deceptive freaks.


Finally a clever Wizard


The vast majority of pedo priests (hundreds of thousands) were and are catholic.

It's just as shit as judaism, islam and every denomination of christianity.

Stop shilling religions and think for yourself just once in your life.


thats because a celibate clergy encourages catholic young men with an unapproved sexuality to sublimate it into a celibate career.


The "enlightenment" of the freemasons is the tainted enlightenment of the original "lightbringer", Lucifer. The ideals of personal liberty, individual power and self-governance sound good on the surface, but the end result is Hell. The resulting spiritual pyramid scheme is an existential nightmare which we are currently living through. There's only one spot at the top of the pyramid, and countless demons who would call themselves King. The Church is clearly not the answer, but there is salvation from this descending world through Christ.


All religions are bullshit and serve power, god is an evil being for creating and/or allowing a world like this


masonic pawn pretending to care about pedophilia by pointing fingers at the Church all the while walking blind by his own choosing through the masonic society lmao
any position of authority such as teachers are bound to be pedos, but you guys only cares when the Church does it, despite there being more pedo teachers abusing children than priests. self-mutilation? deafening silence. wars? absolutely justified for the sake of the economy. rules? for thee but never for mee


I hate everyone equally doing the molesting. Christian, islamic, jewish, buddhist or atheist.

I pinpointed catholics because you tried to use them as some paragon of virtue, when they're the single biggest group of child molestors, with the Vatican going very far to cover the deeds of their priests and bishops before being caught by the police.


They get more attention because it plays into society's stereotypes that considers volcels to be unnatural and hiding a dark secret about their sexuality.


>they're the single biggest group of child molestors
Public school teachers are accountable for 32x more child rape cases than Catholic priests are


3.8 million is 102.70 times more than 37,000.

In the 2020–21 school year, there were 3.8 million full- and part-time public school teachers

According to data from the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate, there were 37,000 Catholic priests in the US in 1970. By 2018, that number had dropped to around 37,000.


To a time-bound, 3-dimensional human, the Lucifer debacle seems like such a huge and preventable situation, but to God it is a tiny blip on the cosmos. Evil need not be intervened with force, as its own nature causes it to rot and drop away. Ouroboros, the snake which consumes itself.

Ultimately, free will must be respected, even if that means God's children have the freedom to turn away from Him and destroy themselves.


People choose according to their character and God creates their characters.


The paradox of free will is often invoked by Lucifereans as evidence of their divine duty to appropriate the lives of others. Indeed, the snakes are just as God created them, though not as God intended them. They were given a richness of choices, just as any beloved child would be, and they chose death. You cannot project the dominating characteristics of evil onto a loving God, such thinking is regressive. No order was ever given, no order is yet given to the wayward sons.


Why does God love freedom so much?


Love is freedom. Avarice and possession have no place in Christ's open heart.

They say, "If you love me, let me go."


For example "no harm" could be a higher principle than freedom, with people unable to harm others, and either not having the ability to do so, short circuiting if they try, or receiving immediate punishment if they do. So Freedom is so important to God that innocent people should suffer so that the bad have the freedom to do bad.


The assumption that the souls down here are truly innocent is your mistake. The truly innocent are not on this planet in the first place. All people who have ever lived on this planet are, at the deepest level and of their own free will, participating in Lucifer's game. Original Sin. There are winners and losers, and experienced players who have reduced the game to a meta, like the freemasons. They pay to win, the currency being their own eternal souls and the souls of others.

Some, like Yeshua, enter the game for the sole purpose of disrupting it and attempting to convince other souls to stop playing. Are you ready to cut your losses and quit?


>you tried to use them as some paragon of virtue
how to spot the masonic pawn? he will accuse you of trying to do something you never did in the first place. i have read my post a lot of times trying to identify in what part of it i IMPLIED that catholics are a paragon of virtue. no, CATHOLICISM is virtuous, PEOPLE will never be

dude seriously, St. Peter, the literal first Pope, denied Jesus three times, Judas, a literal Apostle, betrayed Jesus, both of them at basically the top of the Church hierarchy and you act like evil is something new? stop being a sheep for once and, dare i say, THINK FOR YOURSELF. the sad part is that deep down you will judge me as someone who is dishonest by bringing up this argument and it is an understandable position if you are a fat burger, because protestants use and abuse that holier than thou attitude, its in the very premise of their retarded religion, the reason they have decided to break away from the Church in the first place, which is why i can say with conviction that such attitude is incompatible with catholicism.

masonic pawn will never admit that evil comes from human nature and not a label that comes with being part of a group, be it religious or not. you guys are a prime example of a non player character, always spitting what you are supposed to do or say


Then why do they even make Priests be volcel if they arent supposed to be virtuous?


Globalism isn't like Egypt. It's more insidious, as every nation is sewn into a blanket of multinational control that originates in many cases from outside the state. There is also very little social mobility


i have some bad news for you, i wont elaborate or debate:

1. Ai

2. WW3

you will understand perfectly what i meant 10 years from now.


Define Ai


explain it to us


AI and WWIII are both the same thing and that one thing is a good thing!


in 10 years maybe we'll get some new internet clickbait buzzwords


so he has less distractions between him and God. priests as they are already have a lot on their table to deal with, in their case, being a volcel is a matter of necessity rather than a matter of virtue


yet another victim of the recent LLMs overhype
about ww3, you cannot predict the future

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