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I've made a poll to know better what is wizards situation in life. please, feel free to comment on the results.
Also, I hope many wizards will answer the poll. thank you
>the poll


Go back.


If you've saved my IP and other information, fine.
I shouldn't even be alive right now, it's just an error in the Matrix, so I don't care.
Have fun with your obtained data.
I've vote NEET with parents.


btw i also have neetbux, you should include that in your useless survey


thank you. too late to add something


>If you've saved my IP and other information, fine.
no I did not and I won't


Voted and bump


so someone voted for 'neet and live alone' I want to ask you how do you pay for where you live?


do you live in america?


SSI is a American NEETbux, but then again how the hell can you live alone on SSI?


by paying the rent with the SSI income you recieve?


i voted that and just buy/sell crypto


bitcoin? how much do you earn?


Max SSI benefits is like 910 bucks, how the hell someone pay rent with that, buy food and forniture for home?


donnt you have help from the governement to pay the apartement rent?


The NEETbux dude said that the government lower the rent price so you can actually pay the rent with your SSI, but pretty sure some USA state give more bux on top of the SSI if you can prove that you can't work


>The NEETbux dude said that the government lower the rent price so you can actually pay the rent with your SSI,
thats a good thing if this exist in usa.
don't you have savings?


Normally it would be work and live with parents but I had to quit my job recently so neet w/ parents for the time being.


OP here, I made another survey to know how old are users the most on wizchan


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