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Thread about being homeless, I'm in danger of becoming homeless and I need some tips on how to better navigate this situation, I need to be prepared.


What you need to prepare for mostly depends on your general distance from the equator, whether you're in the first or third world, and what kind of money you have now and will get in the future. If you couldn't even prepare for this thread with this basic information then maybe you will be eaten by a ball python.


also there's already a thread about it somewhere


if you live in a rich country it's basically easy as shit. You can beg for money in the streets and get enough to survive, even buy a cell phone and internet plan. You can rifle through dumpsters outside of fast food places and get enough food to never starve. You just have to wait for your animalistic urges to overcome your sense of shame. Then eventually you get to a point where you are desensitized to the sense of shame at all and don't even need to wait until you're starving to rifle through a dumpster or whatever other shit you gotta do. You can be incredibly depressed and barely functional, but your animal impulses will bring you through in the end.


get a dog so that he barks when someone is about to light you on fire in your sleep or maybe just another homeless dude about to steal your shit


Did the one on lounge hit the bump limit?

Check that thread out.

But as a short bit of "advice"
If you have time to prepare then you have time to avoid being homeless.
You really should do whatever you have to in order to avoid being homeless. Roleplayers and people who fantasize about it but have never actually been homeless with post a whole lot of theory craft and bullshit but the reality is it fucking sucks worse than almost any other living situation and almost every alternative is better.

So if you have to work, then work. If you have to rent a room with a stranger, rent a room with a stranger, if you have to play nice with family who expect you to pull your own weight then do it, if you have to spend days filling out trees worth of paperwork in government offices to get some sort of assistance then do it.
You don't want to live on the streets if there is any alternative. Only living situation worse is arguable prison, a actual abusive household situation, or in the wilderness without a fuck ton of exp and supplies.

It's not romantic, it isn't fun, it isn't cool. It's irritation, never have real privacy, it's extreme stress all the time, it's never really having any control or stability, it's physical exhaustion all the time from never being able to properly rest and relax, it hoping for hand outs and putting up with bullshit from people who think they are better than you, it's dealing with the worse of the worst indirectly or directly if you are unlucky, it's being wet cold tired hungry and constantly dealing with bugs. It's never feeling totally and properly clean.
It's so many things and all of it bad.

I can not say it strongly enough, if you can avoid being homeless then do whatever you have to.

If not then I would seriously look into stoicism and zen. Those two things got me through the hard times of actually being in real life homeless. You will have to just deal with a whole lot of shit that isn't in your control when on the streets. The only thing you can control is how you feel about it. Shit won't be fair, shit won't be easy, but you just have to deal with it.

Second piece of advice if you have no choice but to be homeless is stay away from all addictive substances and habits.
Hell, even avoid caffeine addiction if you can. The big thing that keeps people in such a shitty situation is substance abuse and addiction. It's a chain that will drag you down and keep you there, making everything way more difficult as you basically rot away living for your addiction. Doesn't matter how smart you are, how clever you think you are, how strong you think you are, that shit will beat you if you let it into your life while on the streets. Even cigs are a constant drain that makes things harder.
And booze are worse than most of the hard drugs in a lot of respects. I have seen it destroy so many lives, and for what.
I know the temptation is there to take the edge off or whatever, but it's best to remain sober and not chained down with substance abuse.

3rd bit of advice if you can't avoid being homeless is remember to have all your important documents. ID, birth certificate, SSI card, etc.
If you don't have that stuff it will be absurdly hard to do what you need to in order to get off the streets. It makes getting gov assistance harder, it makes getting a job hard, it makes getting a place to stay hard, etc.
Basically anything that involves a buricrate, if you don't have your papers to them you aren't a real person and thus don't count.
So get/keep your papers.


>Roleplayers and people who fantasize about it but have never actually been homeless with post a whole lot of theory craft and bullshit
You mean the several guys who proved they were homeless and elaborated in great detail why it wasn't that bad? You're "larper" shtick doesn't work as an argument when the guys you dislike have posted such proofs.

As usual, your fearmongering is going to fall on deaf ears.


You resent that you resemble the remark so you troll because your feelings were hurt when your bullshit was exposed.

Get a life and stop lying to people on the internet going through hard times you sick freak.


If I had nothing to lose I would embrace psychiatric institutions at least they give you a bed and food


And forever tremble to lice vial piercings


You know what, I am completely comfortable not knowing what that is.


>Get a life
Wizchan 2023


Wizchan 2024


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