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Disregard Females, Acquire Magic
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Do any of you have magical powers or use any magical tools to assist you in your wizarding life day to day life?

i'll share one experience i had with the occult.

Recently i've been using oracles, more specifically tarot cards, to try to help me with some of my choices, and the results are frighteningly accurate. i bought something online and asked the cards if the order i placed online would be delayed, and the cards said YES several times. I asked the cards about three times to be sure, and the cards said my order would be delayed the entire consultation. I didn't give it much credibility at the time, but to my surprise, my order was actually delayed. Not only was it delayed, but it returned to the place of origin and my purchase was refunded, and i had to make a new purchase. At that moment i was a bit scared, because it's too bizarre to be a coincidence, as i said, i asked the cards with sincere intent the same question 3 or 4 times, and they all said yes. Since then i have used oracles again but with more responsibility.

Feel free to share your own experiences and thoughts too. I've brought this topic here because its strange that in a Wizard website actual magic and related stuff is rarely discussed.


I also realized that my consultations with the cards are much more accurate during the early hours of the morning, as there is much less interference from other people's consciousness around the town, as they are generally asleep, making the divinatory seeds that blossom in my own consciousness much more precise. So, if you want to try it too, take this advice in consideration.


>ai image
>text that could be generated by ChatGPT


The image is AI, not the text. Chatgpt usually avoids taking about this subject.




I do magic of different types. Already around 5 years old, now I want to start practicing ceremonial magic, but my abilities are poorly developed. I know how to read tarot and have a small collection of cards.


Im fairly "new" to magic. I mean, i've always had indirect experiences and stuff in my life, so in a way i always knew it was real. But even so, it was always something very diluted that i never really paid too much attention until late 2022.. because you know, intent and commitiment is a crucial part. For now i do not really have any profound knowledge or experience, my starting point was studying my own birth chart, and then reading oracles, casting simple protection spells, working with sigils and so on, simple stuff. It has been useful, but it truly demands some effort.

high magic like cerimonial stuff its a bit more complicated because you even need money to buy the essential tools to work with, and im also far from prepared too.

Any book recommendations?


who did you read?


I did goetia. I've done Tarot and own three packs. Guess what happened for me?

not to shit on the occult wiz types who do this but you see into it what you want to see. David Conway's Ritual magic was a fun read, it predates the internet age so there's less junk and he's quite commonsense about it.

Celtic cross tarot impresses people but is quite time consuming and not very useful for daily life. The one I came across, which works quite well, is the gypsy draw. Draw four cards, first two are the past the next two are the future. Works for various inferential questions as well.


The picatrix for astrology related things. Pretty good, its more of a grimorium. Not my First contact with astrology, i was studying my birth chart way before i was into magic

For practical stuff:

1 - Franz bardon initiation into hermetics. (essential IMO, title is self explanatory. Very practical)

2 - liber null: plenty of good practical stuff too but a bit shallow in more profound details, i think its great for beginners. Can be controversial depending on your faith, since its more a chaos magic book. Wise to search about austin spare works too for sigil Magic.

Dion fortune book psychic self defense. And Marcello motta astral attack and defense (self explanatory. Be careful with Marcelo motta this guy is nuts but the book gave me great insights)

As for the tarot stuff i learned mostly online. I don't remember exactly the sources, but there's plenty.


I think lemegeton solomonic magic is a terrible book for beginners. LBRP however is a great ritual for cleanse and i think everyone should learn it regardless. Its better to start with the Very basic stuff, like hermeticism and learning the most basic spells, learning working with the intent and etc.


I tried to summon the Demons of Goetia many times, but they never came to me. Can you advise what I need to do?


Im not the quoted but have you tried to make the right offerings and making the ritual in the right time of the day? Also, always take cold a bath before you do a ritual.


That's weird, I never saw anything either!



I cant see myself using divination outside daily life help. Trying to predict things that is more than 2 weeks ahead never worked for me and its okay, most serious tarot readers advise to avoiding predict distant events. The more you are specific about the time, the more accurate will be your readings.


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Can anyone help me learn magic? What books should I start with? A couple of years ago I tried my hand at meditation and working with chaos magic, but the results were terrible (there were none). I have been practicing a little pentagram and middle pillar ritual every day for six months now. (no results yet)


so not only christian threads, we also have this now, kek


Had a pretty long running occult thread on /hob/ for a few years.

It isn't really that out of place.


>pentagram and middle pillar ritua
You got meme'd in to thinking Satan will do anything for you
Newsflash: Saturn isn't the closest planet to Earth anymore. Only the power of the sun can grant you magic now. Erase the pentagrams and stars of David and open a window.


>Only the power of the sun can grant you magic now.

half true. Sun, moon and mars all have the strongest influences on humans. its not like other planets do not have influence too, but much less compared than those. liber null talks about that


I should get some tarot cards


Seems like a intresting hobby, but I never bothered to fully try to learn all the card meanings.

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