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File: 1712830299471.png (52.87 KB, 896x506, 448:253, Capture d’écran (208).png) ImgOps iqdb


So some anon made a virginity poll on the /a/ board of 4chan a few days ago then posted it in various threads. According to this sample, it seems that the board still have a majority of virgins.


to be considered a good poll, you need at least 500 answers


I hate 4chan as much as hate crab websites. I like anime but i hate weebs.


they are also really young. they are not virgin proven


>they are not virgin proven
How does one prove virginity?

All of you
>They're only lying about being virgin to look cool. Only old, depressed, trucel doomers like me are the real virgins
types who think virginity among adult men is rare, especially among highly-only anime fans, have got to be some of the silliest billies on this side of the fence. You are not special for choosing to not have sex in to adulthood. None of us are. What's special about a virgin man is the outlook and ideas he's developed for himself while going his own way - and it seems you haven't achieved any unique ideas at all yourself if you still think >50% of the 4Chan anime board would be lying about their virginity.

Put the checkout line magazine down you Stacy. There are more men on this Earth not interested in your snatch than you'd like to believe.


I think what the guy you were replying to meant was that these people are too young to know if they are wizards yet. There are plenty of people on 4chan who are just late bloomers and lose their virginity in their 20s.


you wait

statistically those kids are going to lose virginity at some point. that is why the 30yo meme has some actual meat behind it at least. those kids on anime forums are just introverts but they have no problem joining anime clubs and being social with other 'weirdos'

we are different species


File: 1712940322469.jpeg (580.94 KB, 698x811, 698:811, F9FAEDA8-AF7E-49D4-8224-0….jpeg) ImgOps iqdb

Japan by far. The country and culture inevitably create millions of wizards.

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