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File: 1712835327832.jpg (22.47 KB, 474x677, 474:677, Our Lord.jpg) ImgOps iqdb


Is there ONE SINGLE COUNTER EXAMPLE against the gnostic claim that the entirety of this reality isn't inherently evil?

Right now I can't help but think God made a huge mistake with this retarded creation, I basically resent Him for creating me. I grow even more resentful for the fact that He will never cease my existence, instead, driven by my own hatred, I will end up rejecting Him and condemning myself to Hell if I don't come to terms in time.


I'm retarded, I meant
>Is there ONE SINGLE COUNTER EXAMPLE against the gnostic claim that the entirety of this reality is inherently evil?


The evil in this world is the result of the fall of man and Satan's influence as the great deceiver. Gnostic were his pawns and they used those feelings to devolve them into hedonism. The one example youre looking for is the bible. This seems like a thread better for /christ/chan, is that place even still around?


that is one thing i don't really understand, on the one hand there are catholic saints, although they can't be called saints while here on earth because they could always change their mind to follow satan. supposedly it is required of us to believe in the existence of at least SOME good people. the problem is that i am so drowned by drama both in family and at work, people always behaving like trash, trying to find a way to backstab each other, being blatantly fake through and through that it is leaving me seriously embittered, i long for such solace, to witness someone who doesn't enjoy being evil, that the perceived missteps are just that, missteps, a human mistake instead of being the product of malice. i am struggling with murderous thoughts because of this non-stop barrage of shittiness. how can you call anyone a friend if that is all that exist? there has to be a counterexample, one, a single, living one with a genuine heart. i can't find it.

i haven't explored other imageboards in ages, i only stick with this one because in blue boards wizards behave really well when it comes to posting images.


File: 1712840920498.jpg (319.77 KB, 2048x1152, 16:9, bed755be851897874aad9e9476….jpg) ImgOps iqdb

>Is there ONE SINGLE COUNTER EXAMPLE against the gnostic claim that the entirety of this reality isn't inherently evil?
Usually the counter is if the world is inherently evil then your reasoning and conclusions about the world are also evil. Platonic ontology similarly roots everything in the Good to avoid such contradictions


Well I'm not catholic and I have my theological differences with them but I'll save thag for another time. There is one thing we can agree on. One man who took no joy in evil and who had a genuine heart. Jesus. He alone, or for catholics such as yourself also the Virgin Mary, are genuine and pure of heart, and he sacrificed himself for your sins.


Christianity is a huge scam. if you are going to pick a abrahamic religion pick the original judaism. Christianity is a carbon copy worsened version of judaism


i would rather kill myself or create my own naturalist religion

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