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/wiz/ - Wizardry

Disregard Females, Acquire Magic
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why is so hard to connect with people?
everyday it seems like im different from other people, as if im in a different dimension from them. its almost like i was incompatible with them. the way they act, what they say and etc. i somehow feel close yet really distant from them.

why is that?


That's what it is to be on the autism spectrum.


Considering that the morals of this world have been inverted to some degree, a being outside of the middle of the bell-curve is perceived as some kind of villain; it is too socially unacceptable to be honest about what evils are really at play, so the difference represented by anyone who diverges from "normal" is amplified and they become an acceptable target for scorn. In some sense we're outcasts from society at large, while the jumbled up senses of those around us can't make an accurate judgement of what's really going on, so we become targets for them to unload their frustrations and grievances. It's a completely ridiculous and literally retarded way of being, but it's unlikely to be a state that can last for a long period of time… At the end of the day, it's likely not you who is at fault: we're just safe targets for social shame at a time when the middle of that bell-curve has to re-evaluate what the fuck is going on. In other words, some kind of karma is being re-directed in the wrong way and people like us are being victimized by this fucked up breakdown of sense perception and social disorder. I know it's hard. I'm tired of waiting for things to come back into order, myself. You're not alone.


Not sure but it's happened to me a few times as well where I am just walking about and am suddenly hit with this deep sense of seperation from other people around me, as if I do not belong in their world for I do not share their interest and enjoyment in it.


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same fr fr


You might not be doing it genuinely, but out of despair for interaction, and that's so filthy…

Do the opposite. Find yourself first.


the more i try to dodge from that possibility more it seems like its true

i totally agree with you. what you said is just the beginning of my life as a premature wizard.
> You're not alone
This makes me feel relieved. Thank you

i wouldnt say im desperate but im lonely, indeed.
>Find yourself first.
What is to find myself? I've been lonely for so much time that i dont know if its even possible to know more about myself


Then do not delve about yourself!
Just despise the normie game before it consumes you.


Why do you want to connect with them


to not feel lonely, to feel good, to feel understood, to belong somewhere etc etc or simply to get along with your fellow naked apes better so they don't attack you


Your cowardice only has one way: fully consenting and reinforcing their malignancy. Carried by a blind passion, you are already part of the evil.
>so they don't attack you
Miserable until the end, of course. Allright then.

You do not deserve any pity.


>doesn't connect and attacks me

thanks, i'm used to it :)


Maybe. There's more where that one came from if you still starve for it.


society is atomized in an unprecedented way because of the rise of social media. Conventional fraternal networks beyond meme high school and occasional college organizations today don't exist. It's very unnatural


i, the OP, did not write this. just to made it clear.

I agree with this, but i am part of this too: i'm just able to socialize by chans and some few times face to face

>about myself after creating this thread:

i started attending theater lessons and now i found a place where people like me. the majority of them are shy and didn't strongly belong to somewhere in society.
i'm also dedicating myself more to drawing, i think. i met /ic/ and i now am reading some books that are so far helping me. this added to the fact that i am trying to stay more offline are helping me.
this anon >>216829 was right, thank you so much mate. although i want to connect with people, i must feel good with myself first


Failed normals infecting this place again. Delete this thread, no wonder so many lolcows, all starving for attention.

But you do not shine to be appreciated, your wanting perspirates through your masks.
>here looking for attention because I feel extremely hollow and critically depressed if others do not notice me and I still feel like a shit trying to get some while daydreaming pathetically
You need therapy. And disgracefully this system is all into not giving you a glimpse of the accurate one.
>you will have lived all this years starving for crap


Evidently what the spooks do when they're trying to cultivate people is this:
>attempt to mimic your target as much as possible, mirror their body language
>let them talk
>agree with them and try to relate
>agree with them again
>compliment them
>then you open a new track
Sociability is just a metagame


the need for conversation is a basic human requirement for brain maintenance. It's why we're on this site, to simulate it

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