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/wiz/ - Wizardry

Disregard Females, Acquire Magic

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File: 1713452966993.jpg (62.69 KB, 700x656, 175:164, 1710792608997327.jpg) ImgOps iqdb


Plenty of wiz here are WAGIES, now what percentage of Wizchan user are actual NEET shut in? I think this sub race of wiz is actually a minority here, are you this rare breed of wizard? How is your life? What lead you to become a NEET shut in?


a NEET shut-in is just called a hikikomori…


tbh OP seems a bit new to the subject matter covered in wizchan. The probability that they are a female or simply buddy-trolling is quite high.


Weird thread, don't reply


There's no western equivalent to Hikikomori, being a hiki is exclusively a japanese phenomena


I agree but this is the closest to what op wants


NEETshut-in bump


how many of these threads are we gonna have?


If you want to know why, the answer is the same for every shut-in: shame. Some have some sort of mental cope where they convince themselves otherwise, but this is the real reason.


I don't know but indeed there's too many neet thread. we should maybe create a board for NEETs and hiki?


How do you do, fellow Wizards? *glows*


File: 1713467877729.jpg (82.04 KB, 500x623, 500:623, wizpost - goblins see you ….jpg) ImgOps iqdb

You don't tell what the F to do.

NEET shut-in here. I discovered the stuff about my splenic projector aura after dowloading the Human Design app, so I don't feel hustled anymore about my constant failured job search, which I hated viciously by the way.


NEET here, wish I was a shut-in honestly. I hate going outside.


You niggas is falling for an obvious datamining thread by the white man devil. This is like the 4th welfare/neet thread asking the same shit in a different way and you guys still reply.


nah, it's just another dumb tourist that doesn't check the catalog before posting his brainfart. still not gonna fuckin answer tho lol


Oh no, the government is trying to data mine a bunch of broke ass NEETs, God! Imagine the leve of urgency and priority from the top brass about data mining bunch of unemployed dudes!



lot of crypto millioners on wizchan. maybe the irs is finally cracking down on these tax evaders.


Name one apart from Brennan exactly

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