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Long time no see. Been living the NEET life for quite a while now. Was living with my grandma and between her pension and my NEETbux we made it work. She died back in February, and now I'm here by myself.

Monthly expenses under her amounted to around 610 bucks a month, give or take. That's a rough estimate. 500 for rent, 73 for cellphone bill, and around 33 bucks for Netflix and Amazon Prime. Netflix can probably go, but I buy a lot of books with Prime so I'd prefer to keep that since it'd save me money long-term.

A cousin has stepped in and discussed buying the house. Which eases the tension of my situation quite a bit, as she's cool with me continuing to pay that $500 in rent per month to her. The catch is that I'll now be responsible for the utilities and food. I get around $120 bucks a month in EBT benefits, so that helps a little, but with the constant price-gouging in grocery stores these days, it's still a bitch and a half making ends meet.

Basically, what I'm here for is to ask any more experienced and resourceful NEETs out there if there's a way I can save myself here without getting thrown to the wolves and forced to get a job. Any kind of assistance programs for low-income people that could help get these utility bills down to something manageable on my monthly allowance (around $943/month, $1,063 when EBT is factored in). Or, alternatively, if there exist any additional programs I could enroll in which could increase the amount of money I get per month without interfering with my NEETbux.


damn another fucking neet thread. can't you fucking use [search] per boards?


Cash work is your best bet if you're in a city. Use a fake name, go around all the different painters, plasterers and other laborers and say "I'll work for x wage", be on call and you'll be able to maybe make $100-200 a week to make up the difference.

Yes it's wagecucking, but it's a more manageable form of wagecucking and you keep your comfy benefits. The United States has a culture of illegal labor usage, so you should be able to slip right in.

Cut off Netflix, go down to a pay per minutes cell phone plan if you're a NEET (don't use it much anyway) and do actual calls through something like discord across the internet.

You can rent out a spare bedroom for $70 per week quite easily. Advertise through facebook, make them get a police clearance before you say yes. If you get really desperate go to the disability unit and get a retard in. It's clean and constant money because nobody else wants to live with them, have the money go to your sister who will then use it to cover the rent if she buys it.

You're in a good position honestly OP, you don't need much to make it work.


>police clearance

Police check*

This dissuades every dropkick from applying. Most countries allow you to make people see their criminal record before letting them rent.


Not that wiz, but legitimately curious as to what the end goal of this is though? Unless it's like the assholes who troll half/r9k/ for the express purpose of eliciting a Shuaiby-esque response. Some direct justice against such """"""people"""""" by wizzies with time to spare would honestly be based


I swear there is just one guy who browses wizchan all day just so he can make the first reply to a thread once it's been made and shit all over the person. You see weirdly negative and hostile posts like this almost like clockwork.


Are you bullshitting or is this something that is really feasible for your average weirdo with subpar social skills to pull off? It's okay if you're bullshitting and acting like you know just admit it please if that is the case so I know if this is something you have reason to know is possible due to some experiences or you're just speculating. I actually know how to paint and do other mexican tier labor so this could work for me. (i am not OP)

I assume the official way to do this would be to find these sorts of laborers on google or something and then contact them and say you want to be a subcontractor. I actually had planned on doing this for a while but I didn't because I don't have any contacts and I would need to buy insurance and do business taxes and stuff. I'm pretty sure I will need liability insurance otherwise it's not legal so the only way you can pull of what you're talking of is if you have some sorts of connections, ie you are a normie from the start because it's literally a criminal conspiracy so they need to know you and know you're cool and not a narc or something.


It's very hard to pull off where I live and you have to be a gregarious normalfag to do it usually, and it's pipe hitting faggots that are prone to be abusive that are more likely to rely on your labor, so it's definitely out of reach for most wizards. Plasterers, painters and steelfixers are the three trades you could easily slip in with, only on small house sites. I imagine in the States you just line up outside Home Depot with the other illegals, like in the shows, that makes it easier.

>ie you are a normie from the start because it's literally a criminal conspiracy

Cops don't bother baiting people that do cash work, the only people that give a shit about it are the IRD and they don't bother investigating independent contractors. The risks are if it's a major construction site and they do a drug test, or someone gets hurt and an investigation is involved there.

Renting out spare rooms is exactly how I described though. Get in a semi-functional tard (someone with autism or a bit slow) and he'll be annoying but you'll have someone guaranteed long term for the rest of your life. He'll be on NEETbux exactly like you and you can make it work. Get in normalfags and they'll move in and out and you'll constantly be rotating people through, and they'll bring their problems.


Its not about trolling or policing usually, its private analytic fags and developer type people collecting analytical data. Sometimes its also bloggers or similiar cunts who need input for their work.


OP, do some turkish work online
I'm always on wizchan as a neet and I don't shit on others often

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