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Disregard Females, Acquire Magic
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I'm 22, I'm an asshole, and I've basically wasted my entire adolescence being a friendless loser who stays inside and online 14 hours a day. I also don't have any online friends, so I don't even talk to people during those 14 hours.

I've lived like this for so long that I don't even know how to start dating. I don't even know how to make friends. I have tried, but when I get closer I feel that they are somewhat annoying since they only tell their shit, or about things that they like regardless of what you have to say, so I end up giving up trying.

I don't want to waste my 20s the same way. I just want one friend, just one friend. I just want… any contact with someone outside my family, but at the same time I don't want it, and I prefer to lock myself in my thoughts, and although I can extinguish the feeling of loneliness with books, series, work, or learning new things, the reality is that it feels nice to share something with others, even if it is within an anonymous forum.


Sounds like you need a tulpa.


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Do you have autism? Get a burner phone and join a gang or do crime or something. Just don’t get caught. Start off small though.


Assburgers syndrome is not real. It's a broad, generic, bogus word created to market medications to apprehensive mothers. Typically, it is diagnosed at a young age because some "qualified doctor" stated so, all in the interest of suppressing humanity's natural yet psychotic desire to perceive links between unconnected occurrences. This causes their mothers to constantly nurture and coddle them like babies, and there's a good chance the young sperg will end being medicated and zombified for the numerous snowflake syndromes their parents believe they have.


Would be nice to have someone to talk to, but since i cant relate with no one, specially in real life, i don't even bother spend the rest of my life alone. Even with most wizards i have next to nothing in common.

I always handled being alone beaitifully and im getting better at it as i age.


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Goddamn, shut the fuck up already. You don't have to spread your retarded conspiracies every single post.

You do a great disservice for those who have mental problems. The life of autistic people is already complicated. If people like you existed we would still use lobotomy. smh


if more people*


It isn't genuine. So-called autists are just typical socially uncomfortable adolescents who are deceived into believing they're retards or have social issues. All of this could be avoided if the kids simply made frequent efforts to socialise and be more gregarious rather than living in their own heads all the time. Indeed, social anxiety is not the same as autism, despite this ridiculous online fad that has gained a lot of traction. The majority of autistic individuals are unable to even begin to socialise, much less understand when they are acting awkwardly. "Retard" or "loser" are now also used to denigrate someone with autism.


>degenerate protest against conspirationist mindset
How are these posts not getting banned?


ok troll


>if they just made efforts
Wreck this normalfaggotry


> The life of autistic people is already complicated
You're a retard. The vast majority of "autistic" females live normal regular lives, get married, have kids, etc.
I know asperger guys that have graduated from college, have a social life, and will also have kids. Only a small percentage of "autistic" lead hard lives.


You shall be a slave of these heinous, pathetic wants until you gather balls enough to battle such mindsets, inwardly or outwardly.

Long ago I decided to despise such mental parasites, to kick them off, to act against them… after such misery vanished I just discovered there was no reason at all to engage most normie dynamics, rather to do opposite.

You are what here is called a failed normie. You better put those pants on quickly, this derangement will otherwise consume you.


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weak argument


Normalfags and failed normies actually will autodiagnose themselves with anything nowadays to look quirky and then start acting and pretending to show symptoms based on what google tells them a certain condition is. They think it's cool to be autistic and without even going to a doctor they will diagnose themselves as autistic, bpd, schizo, etc.


imagine not knowing the meme autistic male vs autistic female. Keep being delusional and thinking that females are "autistic" and have "hard" lives.


The fuck is talking about gender Man? i dont care. Im telling you that the life of autistic people is like playing a game in hard mode. Being autistic is against everything that society expects of people, this is why being autistic is so hard.

Im not autistic but i see them as my own kind because their struggle is the same as mine. Theres not a single reason for wizards being hostile to them, matter of fact many wizards are on the spectrum


atleast we recognise our own retardation mate It won't really make a difference to feel sorry for a gollum just because they are ugly


"gender" wasn't brought up. Sex was.


Irrelevant quote.
Nevermind. We can always jump out there to outlie them using real data.
He talks about the cuckery of normies towards autist foids while they despise autist males. Part of the typical cuckery of "a succubus is, a man must become" they withhold inside.


No I'm not autistic, I can relate to people, look them in the eyes, smile and start conversations with strangers.


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I cut off the internet at home, and tried to do new things, including socializing, trying to make friends and all that, but the truth is that once I reached a certain level of confidence, I honestly didn't like it that much, on the contrary I didn't feel comfortable. The loneliness at that time disappeared in an instant when I did the electrical installation in a part of my house, and when I read a couple of books. The truth is that abstinence from videos, music, and anonymous social networks is a very unpleasant experience, and that's when you realize that this shit is a drug not unlike casino.

>You are what here is called a failed normie

I think that loneliness comes more than anything from rejection rather than from not socializing, and when the only company you have is yourself, when at times you don't like some actions, and you dislike your company, loneliness becomes present. It's a self-esteem problem, it doesn't usually happen often, and when it does it doesn't last long, but it does make you feel bad.
The point is to learn to forgive our mistakes, and try to improve as people, the problem is when you don't improve, and you remain stuck in a pit of shit for years.


The original text was written by a succubus a while ago, I had it saved there, and I realized that it was almost identical to my situation, only removing the pathetic part of letting yourself be humiliated or shit for having friends.
I suppose that succubi are more affected by loneliness than men, since they depend more on the rest of society, while men can do more on their own.


Perhaps that is a serious problem in Yankee and first world societies, they have too many comforts, they do not know what it is like to go through hunger, poverty, assaults, nor what it is to strive to obtain something material. They live a very comfortable life, without needs of any kind, which creates weak men and succubi.

Society is not going to empathize or feel sorry for people who cannot perform tasks as basic as not being able to socialize, on the contrary they will be isolated and secluded, since a person who does not work, study, or do anything, will always be frowned upon.

The world always eats the weakest, without mercy, and in the most cruel and violent way possible. First world countries want to change this and generate greater awareness which is good, but sometimes they just leave it to its own devices with some money, expensive medicine, or none of the above.


Well, I still have internet at home. I don't try to do anthing new unless I really feel to and socializing would just be the last thing I'd shit myself with.

>I think that loneliness comes more than anything from rejection rather than from not socializing, and when the only company you have is yourself, when at times you don't like some actions, and you dislike your company, loneliness becomes present. It's a self-esteem problem, it doesn't usually happen often, and when it does it doesn't last long, but it does make you feel bad.

Speak for yourself, you can fake whatever the masses might love outside you'd still alone in depth.

>The point is to learn to forgive our mistakes, and try to improve as people, the problem is when you don't improve, and you remain stuck in a pit of shit for years.

Like staying arounf the same guys you do not even like just due to fear of isolation. I don't really get what you mean here but sounds like normalnigger cope.


A person can feel alone, but still have friends, a partner, etc., but they can feel that their friends do not appreciate them, or that their girlfriend is only for their money, or things like that, and that is what leads to loneliness, feeling rejected by those around us and not so much by the fact of being physically alone. That is why people who cannot be completely silent with themselves are because the noise does not really come from outside, but is found within themselves.
>I don't really get what you mean here but sounds like normalnigger cope
Loneliness is a feeling that comes from within, not from the outside, a person who is good with themselves will not feel rejection in the same way as a person who hates themselves.


Honestly, piss on the "course of honor". If you're out, why play that game? Friends aren't worth anything except social promotion. That's how they all see it. If you care about other humans, and I do care, you'd see that indirect contact is preferable to "friendship". There is no friendship in a world like this. But, through the world, through the proper way of doing things - a proper way that is constantly destroyed in this hellworld - it would be possible to find what friendship would have provided, if humans weren't demonic and obsessed with making others suffer. That has been the only way, and naturally, the society criminalizes anyone who thinks like that, or any of the decency that made anything in this world function at all.

At a basic level, human beings need a level of security. They don't need "friendship" as some vague substance. If humans were friendly, they would understand that human beings are human with wants much like their own. That concept is no longer admissible at all, and especially not for social outcasts who are marked for humiliation and destruction. But, there are ways to communicate. I'm doing that with you and everyone on this imageboard right now, and the imageboard exists for reasons. If not this board, then some board would arise on the internet because the necessity for such interaction is evident to enough people. It would take a lot of effort to wholly suppress us from speaking to each other, comparing notes, and seeing that the social engineers created an abomination that never should have been allowed to exist. We sought out this contact precisely because the society is intolerable. If society weren't evil, we'd have some hobby that was intrinsically interesting, and no real reason why such conversations would be suppressed. That's really what kept humans going - small things that made this life worth living.


>That is why people who cannot be completely silent with themselves are because the noise does not really come from outside, but is found within themselves.
Anything wrong about that?
>Loneliness is a feeling that comes from within, not from the outside, a person who is good with themselves will not feel rejection in the same way as a person who hates themselves.
I might need you to brainfart this a lil bit


Meh. You'll lose your life going after fools who do not deserve a shit of your attention just because you cannot override you FOMO disease within your soul.

"Chances" be spat upon, failed normie crap poisoning our daily lives…


>i cant relate with no one, specially in real life

It is difficult to relate to people, but if you are in wizchan than i guess you relate with some male virgings nation wide. Its difficult but you can actually slighty relate to people, be it online or IRL. But it is in fact uncofortable, specially at the beginning. Its normal to feel lonely and life is bothersome so dont feel too scared of that feelings


It's not just about having friends, a girlfriend, or similar things, it's about something more basic, which is simple contact with another human being.

I was always able to handle isolation, in some periods better than others, and calming it down by talking to my parents, or having good company with myself. But when my own company stops being pleasant, that's when loneliness appears.
Isolation is like eating a little bread and cheese every day, at first it seems good, as time goes by you get used to it and you stop enjoying it, and it reaches a point where you only eat it out of necessity and you stop giving it. importance.


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Relating to people is not that complicated, you approach someone in a friendly manner, smile and say hello, ask questions like these, and talk about some trivial topic. The problem is where to find people to socialize with, and when you don't go to school, or when you have a normal job, it is too complicated to do so.
I'm not really isolated by my own decision, I didn't want to go to school, but that's no reason to keep me locked up for so long, and even when I asked them to help me get started in a sport, or learn a trade, they They always got in the way.
I don't know why I'm telling this, but I guess I see it reflected every day when I want my siblings to want to do a sport, or other kinds of activities, but my parents never want them to do it, even if I put up the money.

>but if you are in wizchan than i guess you relate with some male virgings nation wide

This is an anonymous forum, no one knows each other, and there is no way to contact anyone here. Just because we haven't had sex doesn't mean we know all the men who haven't had sex. It's not like just by seeing or talking to a person you can determine someone's virginity.
I don't know, anon, your comment sounds quite out of this forum. Anyway, I appreciate you bumping my threads.


>I don't know, anon, your comment sounds quite out of this forum.

Yes, truth is I'm just a failed normalfag. I apologize for my reply. Maybe i'll be of more help on Reddit. I wish you the best though.


What does failed normalfag mean?


A failed normalfag is an awkward or unsocial man who at one point or another decided to "become" normal, taking steps and precautions to ensure that he would be accepted in to "the group". His idea of what constitutes as "normal" could vary greatly and could even be heavily warped by autism or some other nuance inhibiting ailment, but upon making the effort to be one of the group he gains the title of "failed normalfag" if he fails and retracts back to his usual lonely activities, or just "normalfag" if he keeps on living normally. Think of a nerd in school who decides he wants to be one of the cool kids so he buys a white ball cap and sports shirt, then either because he was still rejected or because he found out being cool isn't so fun, he went back to his computer games and chess sets.


You sound like a succubus, in general the other post too.


someone that is abnormal who aspires to be a normalfag and adopt their values and will usually bully other abnormal males and provoke them. failed normies are actually worse than real normies because they have a chip on their shoulder and have something to prove so all the usual social power dynamics and games get amplified.


do you mean >>218275? it wasnt me


do you mean >>218273?


Yes, this forum has always been haunted by succubi, and the way you express yourself is very similar.

They sound like unpleasant people. I guess they are those people who think that stupid things like height, penis size, succubi, or appearance are decisive.


>Yes, this forum has always been haunted by succubi, and the way you express yourself is very similar.
Sorry. Its just because i am what they use to call a s-sentive male


Join clubs or social groups that have a shared interest. You will have that to talk about at least.


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Just join some courses about anything really. I'm as reclusive as it gets and I met some people doing a bakery course that only lasted 2 weeks. I didn't really care to keep in touch with them after that because I wasn't looking for friends. Also I was 33 when I did that course and there were people older and younger than me. You're 22 for fucks sake, Just go to college or join a trade school. You'll kill 2 birds with one stone.


Sometimes you've been cooped up for so long that doing the simplest activities costs too much. I didn't really choose this, it's not my fault that my parents left me locked up for so long, nor that they didn't want to help me get out. Going out is difficult, I still try to do it, but it costs too much, and I feel that since my entire adolescence passed like this, this entire period of adulthood will also be burned.

It makes me sad to know how time passes so quickly, but it makes me even sadder not to know what to do, or where to go. Before I was going to be a farmer, now I'm naked, without a job, or knowing what to do. But if there is one thing that is certain, it is that surrounding myself with another human being is a highly rewarding experience.


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I hope you're successful in finding someone you can call a true friend. Because there's a difference between talking to someone you consider a friend, and having a true friend. I talked to so many fake people only to realize after 2-3 years of interaction that they just pretended all along.

>surrounding myself with another human being is a highly rewarding experience

I know i've hit the end of the path of misanthropy when I can't even just have that as a natural thought, what you said. I could talk about hours about why I would literally prefer to rot alone in a basement rather than interact with anyone else (i guess using an imageboard is a bit of a contradiction though, guess we'll take the logical shortcut and say it's just an exception), but the fact remains, no one gives a shit about anyone but themselves and at best they listen if the other person confirms their values, perspective, in a form of approval seeking, conscious or not.

>I didn't really choose this, it's not my fault that my parents left me locked up for so long

Very accurate. I can say the same. People don't realize how shit everyone is as a parent in Europe, there should be a license for that unironically. People don't realize how complex and hard it is to actually raise children instead of just letting them wither away with a phone so that the kid doesn't 'bother you'. But everyone does that, and since we live in a society (no this is not me reusing the meme) things are either a virtuous or a viscious cycle, because everyone acts mostly based on example, because 98% of the people are a part of the masses, and can't have an original thought whatsoever.

Oh well.


I'm retarded I meant the West in general.


>only tell their shit, or about things that they like regardless of what you have to say,

You use this to your advantage of you're trying to impress them. Read the Carnegie book, though I don't think that it's a good recommendation for this site. It kind of takes for granted the utter selfishness of everyone and teaches you how to use that to make "friends."


99% of succubi with 'autism' dont have autism


I declare you hereby afflicted by failed normalfaggotry.

At least you still have lucidity enough to foresee that you do not wish to have a dull neurotypical around you. even if sick with this urge. Yet anyway, since this is a weakspot for you, you might still suffer at the hands of normies who pretend to be desirable by believing them to be so while they shun and mock you, all due your despair where you don't even care to push the pressure back to succubi and society, putting them on the corner of them being the ones having to be liked by you…

A thing which could help you is tantric edging. Since your melancholic type depletes you of energy you probably are not harassed by sexual urges, rather sunk into a hollow thirst for every sweetness that human relationships could suppose to your soul and body.

Massreport this foreigner, for goodness sake.


There isn't any point in befriending other wizards IRL. In the real world it's not like a sanitized moderated message board.

Most people are fucked up in the head, angry, bitter and petty because of ending up as a 29, 33, 39 or whatever year old virgin.
The moment they realize you got something going on in life like a job, they will try to tear you down, diminish you and attempt to tell members of the public that you are a pathetic virgin.

How do I know? Because I tried to befriend them when I was in my early to mid 20s. Turns out I'm one of the few actually voluntary peaceful wizards. The vast majority are ragey and bitter like cornered animals and do not accept their situation at all. They also hate other men that seem like they might have the slightest advantage over them no matter how small.


I don't have any problem saying others I am a virgin. Let the crabs burn in rage, I should find my apprentices in wizdom


can a wizard recognize another wizard IRL?



I don't know, but normies have creep detectors, are willing to openly gaslight and may drive you into paranoid schizophrenia. Even when I was calmly sitting in the backseat of the car and looking at the horizon a random passerby started pulling faces at me.


This happens because it's unnatural to be a 37 year old virgin. That's why there are entire Hollywood movies made around this trope.

Yes, a few volcel wizards can keep their head together, but a failed normie who tries and tries thousands of times and only gets rejected for 37 years usually spergs out and becomes unhinged and creepy because they can't fulfill their sexuality.

Keep in mind humans are glorified apes. We're just mammals. Male mammals in all sorts of species go nuts or start acting out and taking stupid risks if they can't mate. It's in their lizard brain and DNA to mate. When denied endlessly they go berserk.


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>normies have creep detectors, are willing to openly gaslight and may drive you into paranoid schizophrenia
The irony in this post has to be satire.

No, gnomies don't have ESP that allows them to sense virgins who they then psychlogically torment. If a guy acts odd - through body, eyes, and tongue - then any non-autist oughtta pick up on it eventually. This will lead some to treat him differently, as many know from experience that treating odd people as they treat normal people doesn't always work out to anyone's benefit. But they're not going to mess with his head and psyop him in to a world of misery.

YOU are the paranoid one, and you're gaslighting young guys in to fearing for their lives if they spill their spaghetti or let on that they don't watch sportsball. Baka troll-san. Pic related.


Man, normies need no detectors to see my weirdness I do not mask even a bit. Were you not such pussies trying to fit in you would not be this depressed, circlejerking at wizchan day after day.

Just because you do not even dare to hit back their tactics does not mean we all live this cucked


… What?!


If you can't get a job which makes you interact with the outside world, you'll have to make some excuse to talk to people. It's not as bad as it seems, especially if you get to choose what interactions you get. Probably the hardest part is that everyone grows up in an environment that exists to stultify any interaction you would have with another person, because schools want everyone segregated into their grade of civic worth and enforce the shunning routine. Anyone would be anti-social after living through that.

It's not really about making "friends", but finding any interaction which isn't destructive or nasty. Be warned that there are people who make it their business to make every interaction like the school, outside of their clubs where "real society" gets to go on. Those people are a constant thorn, but there is too much demand in people to find something worthwhile. You're already here, which means you're looking for some positive social interaction. Also, I think you know by now that you don't look for friends on the internet. It's very difficult to find anyone in this world you can call friend, but the internet is the last place to look for that. The advantages of the internet is that we are disembodied information online, so I don't have to carry all of the burdens I grew up with that are attached to my legal identity. It is difficult because you can be brought to court for things you write online, and it gets grosser when they use internet conversations as evidence for disability fraud. I'm guessing that is not a concern for you, and realistically they don't do that since it's already difficult to question a psych diagnosis and they're not in the habit of reversing those without assigning another. The shitty thing is people who want to "purge the crazies" and invent an excuse which is obviously illegal and intended to harass and intimidate anyone who is "fair game" according to their own policy, and the law encourages them to threaten and create the chilling effect. But, that's probably the worst thing you're going to be held to account for online that places an onerous restriction on what you can say. As far as political speech or anything construed as such, you can say basically anything. The way any "controversial topic" is policed is to force everyone with a real job into NDAs and then threaten them for violating policy, which is entirely an internal thing. Corporate world basically is "above and outside the law" and can make life hell if you want any sort of legal job. That is what they are enforcing more than dragging someone to court and inventing an actual criminal case. It is that which schooling promoted as totally normal and not at all the action of an insane society that has to be defeated at all costs. But, here we are.

Anyway, most of that text probably doesn't apply to you, but it might explain some of why the online environment is so toxic and what "normies" have to put up with. Most normies don't actually think about this because they never face actual consequences, until they do and it's too late. Entrapment is expected even though it would be obviously illegal if we still had things like "laws".

So my history (now I'm over 40), I left school broken and destroyed, and it took years to acquire "how to write in a forum without being a raging retarded asshole" as a skill. I still carry the marks of it and there are people who would chase me out. The good fortune of the internet is that most people do not care about the past of whomever they're reading. They care about any idea that can be found in the writing or media itself, rather than making a value judgement about the source or internet clout. Unfortunately, there is a culture of promoting slop and using fear to destroy people, and the intent of that is to ensure that any media that would stimulate independent thought or judgement about the world is terminated. It takes some effort to work against people who fall in line with that. But, there's a lot of people on the internet who want better than that, and so it's impossible to truly destroy thought. I've noticed in the past decade a growing appetite for not-shitty content, and to work against the "make everything fuck and shit" drive that prevailed when I was younger. It comes in part because the internet stopped being "the frontier" and internet users are older and less dominated by a completely rotten culture. The worst of our cohort because the teachers and influencers, and they did horrible things to the generation that came after. I have to apologize for what the others my age did to shit up the world, and I can assure you, I hate those people with the fury of a thousand suns. So do many of us, and so do many younger people who had to suffer for the sake of those assholes.


simply put its all shit in the end but without all the misery…


I know I'm an antisocial person who lost his life in front of the screen, but I'm already tired from this. I may have been pushed into this, but it's up to me to get out of it, I honestly don't know how, but I will. I'm not going to do it for the purpose of socializing, I'm going to do it to show that I'm not socially withdrawn.

Life isn't fair, and people don't care why you are the way you are, all they care about is how you act. I don't care that I was antisocial for a decade, I'm going to act like a sociable person. I have nothing to lose by saying hello, smiling, and being rejected. On the contrary, it is a way out of that state, and a way out of this monotony.


>, I'm going to do it to show that I'm not socially withdrawn.
To whom, exactly?
>I have nothing to lose by saying hello, smiling, and being rejected. On the contrary, it is a way out of that state, and a way out of this monotony.
¬¬ Leave this site ffs


Before myself.

>¬ Leave this site ffs

I've been here for 8 years


It's very much real and many people learn of them having it only as adults. After this new knowledge, many past experiences will start to make sense


Well, "cold approaches" are pointless. Everyone sees through it, is inured to the game. The rules are different for us, and everything they do is about emphasizing hypocrisy and social distinction. So, if you're antisocial, you're with the majority of humanity at this point. Most people do their job, go home to whatever they have, expect little out of life. I've been told some people appreciate that I don't pretend and they don't have to "front" as much with me. The people who make this is an issue are people I want to push away, so of course I play up antisocial behavior. They really hate it when I smile and try to have a social life of any sort. I've never been bawled out worse than when I was pretending to try and meet people, thinking that I could do so now. You'd think they'd bawl me out over actually bad things, but they don't believe in that. They punished me more growing up when I was doing well, because "retards aren't supposed to learn". Despite everything I had some happy demeanor when I could, despite it being beaten out of me by all of the humiliations. I didn't show it often because it wasn't allowed, but others would sometimes say hello to me.
One rule I learned - the "right of transgression" extends to who is allowed to say hello. I'm not allowed to say hello. It's a demonstration of social rank in this society, not a pleasantry. The proper greeting for inferior caste, if that is allowed, is to wave/raise your hand if you see someone, and say nothing, or do so in response. It is expected - entrained, even - that you respond silently to greetings, rather than cheerly reply as an equal.

Basically, every one of these rituals is about emphasizing the exact opposite of the golden rule. You're actually supposed to treat others like shit, in accord with their caste, and follow an imagined chain of command. Some are harder asses about it than others, with most people not caring that much - but the rules are established and they do not allow too many transgressions. While I've never been explicitly pulled aside and told this, I was given warnings to that effect, and told explicitly it is best that I not speak unless spoken to or have a pretext worth their attention. Ideally they want lower caste to be obsequious, fearful. Think of what they want a black man to act like - utterly servile and fearful of white men, and espeically fearful of white succubi. There's a history and a system for doing that - to have slavery without having slavery. I'm not going to steal valor from suffering black guys, but I know the system well enough, was induced to "get my wins" that way but refused because that shit is what's wrong with this ridiculous country. It goes away if people stop enabling any part of it, which is why I keep asking why certain people want to go out of their way to join it. Most normies go through the motions because they hate everything about this, hoping they can keep their head long enough to claw a few decent things. The time of pretending is coming to an end, so pretty soon social rejection will be the least of our concerns.

All of that said, even though the "social game" says to do the exact opposite of the golden rule, I have a simpler rule that doesn't involve any precious metal. That rule is "just stay away from people as much as possible while maintaining a policy of willingness to speak and do small decent things because it would make this shithole tolerable to live in". I don't want to be anyone's friend or pretend to be, but there are very few people I would really hate. Most of the people who I'm hostile towards have made their hostility clear as the aggressor, or their hostility is in their overall being and they should expect hostility in return, and usually desire that hostility for whatever reason they have.

You'd probably find that a lot of people really just want basic things in a world gone horribly wrong, but it is unseemly to offer them too generously, and honesty is always despised. So, the best way to do good is indirectly and impersonally, and not in "random spurts" or some exercise of self-expression. Things like giving people honest directions instead of doing the Sodomite thing where it's expected to laugh at those who are lost and alone. I lose nothing by doing this. The bastards only understand "me me me" and think they need some reward chemical for everything they do. It's really sad. I do those things because I have enough sense to see that if we mitigated human contact, we might manage not to kill each other over stupid and pointless shit. Most people seem to appreciate that, and that I'm pathologically neutral for normcore stuff. They also get that I'm no longer "easy money", since I'm not confined and told to "stand and die" like I was in school.

Generally the people who will give you difficulty, you're going to detect from a mile away. As long as you expect nothing from people, not even the bare minimum, and maintain a proper nihilistic view of human society, you see the pointlessness of the "me wantee" cult of selfishness that was promulgated hard from the 70s on. One good thing is that more people will openly say how much they hate, hate, hate that shit, and I just nod and say "yup, it's always been that with those people, and it's organized". It really is. Look up Scientology and est to see where this "tech" comes from, and how much of it is social engineering like nothing that was ever done before. If you see enough of it, you learn that there really is no defense against it, and no way to "go back" or restore a baseline which never actually existed. This is what humans are now, and it's coming for the rest of the world.


As for "assburgers" that really doesn't matter the way it's made to be a thing. No one can conform to this society. It's designed to screen out anyone who isn't a Nazi like the people who started this shit, and promote little Einsatzgruppen when they enter the next stage… which is what they did in 2008 and again in 2020. Like I said, there is no defense against it. It started before many of you were born. I saw it in the final stages, and the 1990s were the worst when they were going hog wild to wreck the country.


How is it going, this social persona of yours?

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