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/wiz/ - Wizardry

Disregard Females, Acquire Magic

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Do you miss the old time when greentexts made imageboards funny? Not a joke but here goes something:

>be me

>stressed for not finding a job after doing a grade I hate
>suddenly le wild job offer spawns
>great factory with different zones, quite complex
>they require someone with certain knowledge I had, casually
>I quickly get into there, everything looks fine, job is boringly easy, they don't fit their nose in my life etc…
>all workers have lunch time inside a stenchy kitchen with TV on, but the window is open so I don't bother much.
>a week passes before my boss (not the owner) starts playing games at me
>he asks me what a thing is
>I kindly answer
>he gets angry af, claiming I disrespected him etc etc
>does this several times, I am getting confused
>starts insulting me at lunch, making filthy jokes
>we do all the work, this little boss just smoking and playing shit online, even if he is also suppossed to work along with us

>I start feeling really sick

>he constantly threatens me with firing me no matter if the job is well done
>he makes me hurry even my times are fine and job is done perfectly
>I realize this is mobbing and many normies usually flee from this situation
>then also realize that enterprises pay you some amount after firing you undutifully
>he already talked nicely about me to the owner, since I was submissive
>but shit just started hitting the fan


>4 hours there, doing my stuff
>lunch time
>he makes jokes on me with physical threats included and telling me I'm getting fired like for eleventh time, playing openly aggressive
>I tell him to be a retard who will stay as he was, without anyone making the job so he can loiter his ass all day
>in front of everyone else, including workers from other zones of the workshop not only ours
>he loses nerve and increases threats
>I mock him, also taunting him
>he yells how fired I am while going away, yelling crap
>I stop feeling sick, more like totally the opposite

>back to work, nothing happens

>he asks me what X thing is
>I don't want to give him any chance of doing as usual so I despise him by saying "the boss surely knows"
>he thinks I'm cucked again
>puts me to sweep the floor like 80% of time, to humilliate me
>I actually find this much less stressing than my actual job
>he starts playing games at me again next days, sometimes yelling me again
>I answer back all the times, also yelling
>he backs off, starts looking insecure
>the relief inside grows, I even have great stamina and disposition before entering
>me sweeping all the time, normies start making pressure on me about the situation
>I don't give a damn, I am even happy every morning I go to work. things changed
>starts bringing the normies around me to play deeper games on me
>production gets stopped while we all make ridiculous tasks
>normies laughing at me, playing also his games
>I fall for nothing, just doing my shit
>he gets anxious, plays more stupid jokes to bait me, to taunt me
>normies start to resent him, also turning against him softly sometimes

>before getting fired, the owner saw me sweeping while all machines were stopped

>workshop weirdly empty
>after getting fired I go to him and explain everything
>got my salary along with the extra for getting undutifully fired

>two months after, another worker from adjacent workshops tells me how all normies from where I was got fired, only the boss is there, now he is working alone the entire day

>played too hard on me, it seems

And that's how I used my arcane aura shiftings to ruin a stupid normalfaggot who dared to make a bootlicker out of me


bravo, wiz. wonderful to read. crush all normies.


wizards…we just won another war, we're too powerful. hood job wizzie


>this little boss just smoking and playing shit online, even if he is also suppossed to work along with us
based wizard boss puffing a cigar and gaming like a neet wiz.
> another worker from adjacent workshops tells me how all normies from where I was got fired, only the boss is there, now he is working alone the entire day
He won, OP. That other fired worker was clearly coping with a false story. That wiz boss will abuse his workers and got them fired to get extra money himself and then fire new people to bully as his slaves. He is a neet boss who hates wagies.



Yeah, he won. A one way pass into wagecuckery after being used to load his work on others.

>the other worker

Oh no, he was not one amongst the fired. All other workshops remained intact.

>wiz boss

He was not the owner, no extra money. Just less time and maybe some shortage due to deceiving the owner into thinking other workers were really needed and he was not a virgin.


All of these jobs have pecking order bullshit attached to them. It's like the most normie thing ever, since advancement is tied to social value rather than worth in most cases and the manager types coast off other people's labor while asskissing. I've seen this sort of infighting in all of these occupations.

The one trick is to document abuses and go above the middle managers to the real boss at the top, who is in many cases a nice guy who actually cares for his workers and won't tolerate this sort of thing

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