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Disregard Females, Acquire Magic
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How many of you wizards see your appearance reflect on some antics that make you unique in personality that you just hate. That every expression of who you are is dysgenic as hell. When people say "god made you unique" doesn't make me feel better. What makes me feel better is knowing my identity is temporary and my real form is nothing.


I don't know, wiz. I'm pretty isolated and it'd be retarded to think that my ugly looks played not role in my seclusion and withdrawal from society. With time we forget those things, but what happens after the fact doesn't change the past.
I don't hate myself tho, I live a pretty happy life, you can learn too with time. It took me 15 years to be where I am.
the first thing you have to do, is work on yourself and do the basic, such as stop hating yourself and recognize that negative thoughts are not healthy at all and that despite all those faults you have, you can have fun and enjoy your life. I am not going to say stupid shit like "you deserve happiness" but content and enjoyment is a choice. You don't have to be a top model or less some hollywood star to be happy. Accept that some parts of you are mediocre and live the wiz life my brother. I am winning every day since I changed my mindset. Don't give a fuck about loser and depressive talk because it adds nothing to the table. I say "fuck that negative shit" I am going to live my best possible life as a wizard and that's what I've been doing and so far life is good.


To live is to suffer. We need to learn how to manage said suffering.


I was born ugly, my disability I wont say makes me ugly, and that ruined my life. People think I'm mentally disabled because of my looks.


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/pol/ ruined my brain. I look like an asiatic eastern euro but live in an anglo country. Consequently I am always feeling safe hatred due to the fact that I do not look more conventionally white (aryan). It is worse as a lot of my family does. I just got bad genetics. Writing this down makes it seem even more absurdly meaningless…


Do you look like a Down Syndrome?


Are you a tranny repressor?


Body disphormia sound like a sucubbus idea.


I don't wish to be a top model it's just this face of mine reminds me of my personality that I dislike, and idk how to explain it. I try to fight these thoughts but eventually I forget myself often than not so I fall back on old habits, plus it's mentally draining to constantly be aware of these thoughts, and the moment I stop is the moment it controls me, my brain automatically shuts itself off and the process repeats. Though I don't like the feeling of just forgetting it either… I just feel too shallow by just letting it go.

I don't like the idea of being a succubi, I don't like the idea of a body in general or differences because that is how we are stuck to be and I dont like being "stuck" with a look.


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It sure is.


what is disphormia? Never heard of that word.


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>dysmorphia (countable and uncountable, plural dysmorphias)
>(psychology, psychiatry) Any of various psychological disorders of distorted body image in which a person inaccurately believes that their body is misshapen or inadequate, such as anorexia, bulimia, and muscle dysmorphia ("bigorexia").
I recommend setting Wiktionary as one of the search engines in your browser.


disphormia is not a word, indeed.

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