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Calm down, im not a Crazy tinfoil hat guy and i don't think the society is ending any time soon.

Im talking about saving for a period of money shortage. You never know when you will be unemployed or when your relatives will stop supporting you.

I have a free empty room in my house and I'm thinking about using it to store some food, specially when i find a good discount. Im open to suggestions.


What do you really expect anyone to have to say on the subject and what in the world does this have to do with wizardry?


It have everything to do, lol. Many of us live on the razor's edge and alone.

The point of the thread is to share experiences and advice.


its awkward to state the obvious OP, but canned food is the way


dried beans, pasta, rice, grains. a water barrel. you can pickle things like cabbage and cucumber in glass jars, jam also. instant coffee. maybe buy a dehydrator for stuff like mushrooms and fruits - store then in plastic jars. also stuff like toilet paper and towels, detergent could come in handy. a portable solar charger. never talk about your stash. prepping is fun.


you can buy freeze dried food satchets that will last 25 years. Otherwise, if you are using conventional grains etc you are expected to cycle out every year which means you'll inevitably be wasting your money and eating junk. One of the better lower hanging fruit is last at sea survival biscuits, which are basically just carbs and fat packed into a modern kind of pemmican. Stack a grand of those for emergencies and in the lead up to a disaster you can grab all the other goodies which might be valuable. There's a lot of information on prepping, and the long term route is if you get a freeze drier yourself and begin the process of storing away items other than carb sources. One of the easiest entry level prep foods you can make is hardtack, which will last a very long time if done properly. None of this stuff tastes good, but if you need to survive it will help. The other easy option are military MRE/ration packs, or camper freeze dried food satchets. But that is all pricey and a luxury item at this point.

The prepper community on youtube exists to sell you junk and give you low IQ hot takes and is best avoided. The top guys will have a basement full of tubs where they have bullk items, mostly rice and other carbs. I think the 7th day adventists have a full guide on how to prep, but their style is more of a short term lifestyle. GL trying to get to one year's food security without spending over 4 grand


Isolation going outside less to shopping for food and essentials this can be useful


large cans of tuna, tomatoes, peas and 10kg bag of rice will in itself cheaply and effortlessly give you a month of food. You don't really need to hoard more food than that, and it shouldn't take up more than one shelf if you stack it right.

If you eat rice regularly just swap the 10kg bag from your storage to your eat-now shelf, and buy a new bag for your storage. Do the same with any canned food, get a stockpile and have a rotation.


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Buy things like tomatoes in season, and dry them in the oven or in the sun. You can also buy cherries and strawberries, put them in syrup and then put them in a bain-marie, and they will last a long time. If you buy cucumbers in season you can do the same, but it's simpler to buy several in season and put them in vinegar with salt. You can also make your own sauce with tomatoes.

Then buy 25kg bags without dividing them, this way you will save a lot of money. The best way to store is with a vacuum pump and airtight containers, it is very cheap and easy to use, this will also allow you to store fruits and vegetables for a long time. Things like soap, dog food, etc. can be purchased this way. By buying in bulk and wholesale, and by producing some products as I mentioned above, you can save over 50% on all your purchases.


I prep somewhat, and I store long-term foods that I eat regularly and simply use them on a rotation, eating the older foods first. It's that simple, you don't need to buy speciality foods, ordinary canned tomatoes, dried pasta, frozen vegetables, etc is enough to last you months if you want, the main problem is finding the space to store it all but you don't seem to have that issue. If you have discipline problems with using "old" food first, try building a sloped shelf like https://youtu.be/JhdyfbBEpxE, even just a single sloped shelf in a cupboard makes management much easier and only needs a minor adjustment to a shelf you already have.

Prepping is not about zombies and nuclear winters, it's simply about being prepared for any disruption to your life. The way the world is going, having a stockpile is not a bad idea. Most governments would recommend up to two weeks worth of supplies be kept at home but you would be surprised at how many people don't even have two days worth of food, so keep a month supply and you will outlast the normalfags.

Other preps you can do to lessen the burden of unemployment is getting rid of debt, living within your means, saving money, invest, find savings on your expenses (eg, cheaper phone plan, get rid of any subscriptions you no longer use, buy cheaper brands at the shops, look into solar, find cheap hobbies, etc), get rid of any debt, have an emergency fund in case of repairs to your house/car, learn how to do your own small repairs around the car/home, maybe take evening classes so you can gain/update skills which will make finding a new job easier, etc. Did I mention getting rid of debt? Very important.


canned beans

this would be what i would most likely stock up on. canned beans of all kinds

i would try to find canned food from dumpsters. i don't want to pay for food


>I am not a weirdo, do not attack me
This type of normalchustery should be at least worth a warning. You pobly gonna fill that space with full aspartame and glutamate crap from Walmart.

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