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Disregard Females, Acquire Magic
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why most of the wizzies not happy with their life but always defend wizard/neet life?
why people attack when someone says "improve yourself"?
we hate normies, but why we always rant about that?
we disregard females but why we always rant about females?
most of us don't like "people" but why 10 of 9 thread is directly or indirectly about people?
nearly every fucking problem we face, is about wizard style life, we even have /dep/ board and suicide threads.
i know, this is just like minded people's community but are we really love to live like this?
why we always just complain about everyting but nevertheless defend this lifestyle?
are we just love to complain and not try to change anything?

i write all of that with my observation and from myself.
im 25 yo khhv, i just wanted to question our values and behaivours, if you don't act like this, and love wizard/neet life, you can ignore what i said.


>we hate normies
/r9k/ hates "normies". Us wizards exist alongside them without letting their existence traverse upon our mental well being.
>we disregard females but why we always rant about females?
I'm pretty sure it's like 2 or 3 outsiders from Brazil who keep making threads about succubi.
>are we just love to complain and not try to change anything?
This is the case for most people, wizards and normalfags alike. It's hard to light a candle - easier to curse the dark instead.


>light a candle in the dark
This is a fundamental and rather persistent misunderstanding of reality: we're fish swimming in the water. A fish can't keep itself healthy in toxic water. Anyone who says otherwise, including all the self-help gurus and new age spiritualists, is bullshitting you.


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>why most of the wizzies not happy with their life but always defend wizard/neet life?
because we're losers (according to soceity) and we defend people with a alternative lifestyle (like neets)
>why people attack when someone says "improve yourself"?
because it is a phrase normalfags usually say
>we hate normies, but why we always rant about that?
it's unhealthy but they're the elephant in the room
>we disregard females but why we always rant about females?
because there always something to say about them, they make life worse
>most of us don't like "people" but why 10 of 9 thread is directly or indirectly about people?
like sartre said (and that's the only thing I agree with this guy), "hell is other people"
>nearly every fucking problem we face, is about wizard style life, we even have /dep/ board and suicide threads.
we want to live the life we want but we get pression from family and society to live lile every other normalfags
>i know, this is just like minded people's community but are we really love to live like this?
yes and no
>why we always just complain about everyting but nevertheless defend this lifestyle?
because it is unhealthy
>are we just love to complain and not try to change anything?
what is the thing you want to change?


>try to change
Tell us your ideas pls


You must b new here. r9k is what we call a pool of failed normies, this is: they still want to fit in.


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>because it is a phrase normalfags usually say
this is childish, if it's going to improve your life quality why even give a fuck about who says that, or who gives the information?
i live like hermit (not a neet because i earn my money and educate myself) for literally 10 years and i get knowledge from giga normies a lot, and i improve my life from their "experience".
wizzies needs to stop this childish minset for your goodness.

>we want to live the life we want but we get pression from family and society to live lile every other normalfags

i stopped that pressure thing for 4 years ago, because i can take initiative in my life.
why and how the fuck my family and other people's "pressure" can affect my life?
im not a fucking robot, im human and can change my envoironment if i don't like.
i don't understand why everyone gives fuck about low iq people's yapping.
and i need to say most of the females will allow this type of pressure to affect their lifes. this is not a male thing.

>what is the thing you want to change?

>Tell us your ideas pls

depends on the situation. im already changing my life step by step for years, wizzies need to ask themselves this question.
if you don't want to change and not happy with your life, question this too.
this crabdom communities doesn't need to be like cult, you can and need to question things.


*wizzies needs to stop this childish minset for their goodness.


>self-improvement improves the quality of your life
No it improves production and consumption of jewish trinkets while running faster and faster on a hamster wheel for less and less rewards.


do i really need to explain this?
you don't need to be "productive member of society" to do self<<<< improvement, just improve yourself<<<< for your<<<< good. there's no rules or nothing to stop you to creating your plan, you can always create your ways.
i live like hermit but im healthy, fit, getting money, and i never ever feel happy like this with my life.

when i improooooved my life, there's so much up and downs and relapses happened. i clearly remember when i relapse to porn, game, anime, imageboard circle, it always leads to depression and darkest times. literally when i remember this times it comes out pitch darkness in my mind.


It's clear that you did not improve your life. At all. Like an animal you ran away from bad feels towards good feels. Porn etc. improved your life by causing you more pain than pleasure and your biological system improved your life by reacting with pain-avoidance. You have no higher norms and values than your basic drives. You have not even recognized that pain-avoidance and pleasure-seeking is what made you adddicted to porn etc. in the first place. You demonstrate the normalfaq attitude.


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Wrong. You just self-improve at wrong things. Self-improve at removing your desires and acquiring happiness. Whining and being unhappy is in no way same as being happy and not affected by external things.


>I'm a crab just trolling here
Yea, we know.


What are the wrong things? And why should I give up my desires? I don't care about succubi and society, everything I do is not for them but for myself, if it's the same for you, you're retarded.


>What are the wrong things?
Untamed desires.
>And why should I give up my desires?
Can't be happy otherwise.
>everything I do is not for them but for myself
This holds universally. Everyone does what they think is good for themselves. Even mentally ill. This is a fundamental principle of brain operation.


Because we have to live in normie world, surrounded by normalfags. All those topics affect us in one way or the other.


usually the advice people give thinking it's the key for unlocking a happy life have all been tried and ended up in failure by wizards. you are misreading this place. no one markets a solitary or dissatisfied lifestyle here, only the inevitably miserable gather around to talk about their experience.

or at least it used to be that way. now there are succubi and normalscum here too. you are one example, "try to change anything", I would if I was a moderator.


>now there are succubi and normalscum here too
which could be something to mock and make fun of if they were not so fucking omnipresent


there's a thread right now on this board that breaks rules 2, 3, 4, 5 but it has like 100 replies


which one?

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