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Anyone here who just wants to talk about life?
Every evening I feel sad and sad for no reason, I started doing a little sports and finally learning English


pepe and wojack are not funny. also if you're not used to english speaking boards it's gonna take you around a year of constant practice. reading books is very helpful, but doesn't improve your skill in speaking/listening/grammar, so maybe you should study it more seriously than every other english-second-language out there.


You will get better, anon. It's important you keep doing sports. If possible, do collective ones, and try to go to practice at least 2 or 3 times a week. It's what made me improve. I'm that anon who posted the "I'm a 18yo KHV".

Also, I'm being a hypocrite right now, but you should stop using imageboards. Only failed people visit those. You will get sick and rot the more you visit those sites.


Dude, I'm 26 years old, if you don't sit on the boards, nothing will change for you. First of all, it is necessary to solve problems in the psyche, and not the consequences.


>Also, I'm being a hypocrite right now, but you should stop using imageboards.
been telling myself this for a few years now, here look i'm still here. i never came to a definite conclusion in this. spending too much time on imageboards is much like playing games. full isolation on the other side gets on nerves really fast. i had hard time enduring past one month. generally, if i had something to read/study/play i think i'd do fine much longer. but it depends. being isolated in a room is miserable and will still drive you crazy ever so slowly. but if it's somewhere in rural area, i think it's gonna be much better, because hey, birds are singing, bugs are droning, leaves are rustling! rural areas tend to have that kind of external input that is enough to substitute real humans. also you can have a lot of pets.


also you shouldn't delude yourself that spending hours in ticktok or other modern shit social media is by any means different from imageboards. discord and other kinds of chats are same story. it's all a manifestation of some underlying mechanism, which we need to understand better to make it work most efficiently. i doubt anyone understands it here though. but if somebody did learn the thing from a book or whatever, share please


> spending too much time on imageboards is much like playing games.
this is complete non sense.
how do you sit for many hours in a painfully slow imageboard ?


no idea it just happens


haha like >>218027 said. it just happens. I toi browse wizchan all day


What's your native tongue, friend?

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