I think I'm slowly giving up being a magician. Sometimes I look in the mirror and smile at my own presence, one time I was quite excited and masturbated with my own reflection. I think it's too much, and even though it only happens once it is enough.I have never experienced romantic love, but if we define it as acceptance, forgiveness, benevolence and honesty, then that is how I feel self-love. Like an elderly couple with decades of commitment, where everything has already been seen, where there are no butterflies in the stomach or the nervousness of the first date. Also the hypocrisy of some actions such as despising violence, rejecting isolated people, You people have bad qualities of your own, which are unacceptable in others, but not in me. Because I wouldn't be near people like that even with a stick.
What can I say? In my defense, I think this is due to prolonged social isolation.
I don't know r/neet and r/antinatalism are pretty popular
Imagine that you flirt with 10 succubi a day, a month that is 300 succubi, a year that is 3650, now let's suppose that 2% of those succubi are interested in you, That's 72 safe sex partners in less than a year. And taking into account that the month has 30 days, you could have sex twice a day, and taking into account the variable of work days, you could have sex every 2 days with 2 different succubi. That's more than 148 ejaculations per month.
Now imagine that instead of succubi, you are a wholesale beer seller, 10 retail businesses per day, 300 businesses visited per month, 3650 businesses visited in one year. Imagine that each business buys 10% of all of your products, that gives a total of 365 businesses, if on average they buy 10 cases of beer from you, with a profit of 10%, it gives a profit of one case per month, for 365 customers it gives a profit of 365 cases per month.
You have no excuse, if your penis does not enter dozens or hundreds of succubi (depending on your attractiveness), you cannot consider yourself a real man. Either you fuck everything that has an ass and two tits, or you live in celibacy, there is no middle ground here, it's all or nothing, the lukewarm and neutral ones are faggots.
Men can fuck many succubi, our libido and strength allow us to do it, you just have to not be a failure who is afraid of rejection and succubi. Men with determination, perseverance, and self-confidence get the most succubi, while the rest pray 6 Our Fathers daily for God to give them a good succubus. While real men are with all succubi, or settle for celibacy, since it is not worth lifting a finger for purely hedonistic pleasures.
>>218827You forget in this equation the brutal fact that the average or ugly socially inept guy doesn't have a 2% chance of this succeeding.
It is literally zero, because even ugly succubi have choice of the litter to have sex with good looking guys for casual sex only.
Crab sites are full of ugly guys who went mad from thousands of rejections, are still virgins against their will and violently hate succubi now.
>>218827This is top level delusion. Utter dreaming.
An ugly fat nerd who approaches 5000 succubi is going to be rejected harshly 5000 times and most of the time nobody will even want to talk to him.
I don't think you realize the implied difficulty level and the base physical level needed to even elicit a neutral (let alone positive or even sexual) response from random succubi.
Trying to force ugly fat virgins and weirdos into mass approaching succubi will just make them even more bitter and hateful at the end when they realize it was rigged against them from the start.
>>218841It's true that a socially inept guy will have a harder time finding a partner, but when you talk to dozens of people a day, social ineptitude will go away. It's just about not being afraid of rejection and continuing to do the same thing until someone wants to be with you or buy something from you.
>>2188642% is a pittance, you would have to talk to 100 succubi for 2 to be interested in you. Attractive, good-looking men like me might have more than a 20% chance.
>I don't think you realize the implied difficulty level and the base physical level needed to even elicit a neutralA socially inept person stops being a socially inept person when he or she chats with dozens of strangers a day. You also learn to tolerate rejection, and to be more patient.
>>218878PUA's have already tried this with miserable results.
succubi do not want to talk to ugly guys.
No, but doing that to hundreds/thousands of succubi as an ugly guy will only create resentment when it simply doesn't work.
>>218890Only a lesser man would be frustrated by what a lesser being says
>>218888They don't know what they want.
>>218917Pua's and redpillers are the lesser men. The guys whose looks aren't enough for neurotypical dating apps like Tinder, so they resort to following stupid blogs from 2008 like RooshV that have zero relevance to the dating market today.
succubi want casual sex with hot guys just like normie men want it with hot succubi.
There is nothing complicated or mystical about it.
succubi don't even need a huge amount of effort to do it; They can just swipe away 400-500 guys until they find a very hot one then they match them up.
When I was a very young midguided idealistic wizard, I did try. My face results in a grand total of zero matches and results. Guys like me were never meant to have sex. The only reason my dad procreated was money and his job.
>>218929Damn normalfag idiot, 9 out of 10 users on dating apps are men. Only prostitutes would sell themselves like in a wine catalogue to let themselves be penetrated by a stranger.
These sites are made for mentally retarded people to pay.
>>218933Yes, you finally understood. It's a business model where ugly and average men pay money to maintain a service where succubi get to choose from a variety of male models to sleep with for free.
Why these involuntarily celibate men keep being desperate and buying these "gold memberships" despite getting zero sex year after year boggles the mind.
For men, getting with succubi is typically hard until they do it. The hard part is getting out of your own way and letting nature do its work.
All of this crab fantasy bullshit comes from men who waste their time thinking instead of doing. Spending years trying to justify their fears instead of just going out and talking to succubi. Normies have these same fears but they dont let it fester into some big problem where they create some fantasy larp where succubi are some mythical creatures beyond their reach.
From an evolutionary point of view, human beings depend on society, which is why rejection is so painful.
I am a slave to my impulses, and I am afraid of them. That is why my determination and strength are diminished.
Sometimes I wish I could talk to unknown succubi just to add a little spice to life. And in a self-centered way, demonstrate that I am above the average, weak and fearful man. It's not even about sex, attention, or love, if not to remember that I am above these weak beings.
I used to do it before, but for something more useful, like selling to make money, and it worked very well. It was exciting to come home with a wad of money.
>>218943I don't think it will work. Normies and chads may be weak in being consumers and wage slaves but they are good at human relations. A normie can quickly figure out you are a loser just by the topics you mention not being about sports, sex, stinkubi and will start to insert those things into conversations more and more. Chads can tell you are not a long term player of the human relations game and start to instantly neg you and bully you to assert dominance. Even if you are not fat or ugly normies will find some way you are lacking and start to spread rumours and stuff to others around them because you are helpless.
>>218943What kind of place pays cash as a salary after the 1980s? A strip club?
>>218951I'm not yankee, cash is used here.
>>218946The average person doesn't know how to approach succubi, and they spend their life watching sports, social media, video games, and any other screen-related garbage, so their social skills, even when interacting continuously, are low. Still, social skills are things that are learned, either with practice, or with books, and it may be that if you talk to 10 succubi, 9 of them reject you, and one is interested in you, but she's ugly and unpleasant. But if you do it all the time, at some point you will find quality succubi.
It's like selling beer, you go to 10 retail stores, you introduce yourself, and you offer your product, although there is no product here, and you offer yourself, the dynamic is the same. With an extremely high initial embarrassment, but once you start, you realize how easy it is, and when one rejects you, you go to dozens of other stores. The problem is that it doesn't work if you don't go to other places, so you can go to one, and if they reject you, and then you give up, you'll feel miserable, but if you go to 10, 9 reject you, and but only one buys from you, it's enough to go to sleep like a champ.
>>218954I understand what your saying fellow wiz, but I have took this thought experiment further before and have some evidence of those youtube pranker chads coming up to succubi and everything suddenly going wrong, like even these guys who aren't afraid to walk up to niggers and start fooling around and get punched in the face they look like kids or babies when they try to do pick up vids. One shirtless muscle Chad model came up to succubi asking them purely for sex and I think 100 of them rejected him or said something like you have to try a little harder. So I disagree with the 9/10 fails to 1 success sentiment since it can go up to thousands. I think realistically what would happen is each rejection would further push you down the drain until you give up. This is kind of what happened to me, at first I was rejecting from everyone because I was immature but now I can not even obtain sex or a gf if I try my damn hardest. I didn't try in person but even online I couldn't get a nudes or a gf from a succubus, they just stop typing to me.
>>218956Yeah, even for those jacked attractive faced people such a proposition is about 1 in a thousand.
For an ugly guy it's 1 to infinity, meaning you will sooner get a harassment charge and be arrested by the police than ever getting free casual sex from a random succubus on the street.

>>218956You don't understand about perseverance and perseverance. When someone rejects you once, you try dozens more times until they buy from you. It's like this, you can have everything against you, high prices, a product that is difficult to sell, and in a complicated country context, but if you go and really make an effort, someone will buy from you. The problem is accepting being rejected dozens of times until you find someone who will buy from you.
Over time you also realize how to sell, what products sell the most, and the way in which to sell them, but at the beginning it is just you offering something with the price.
>One shirtless muscle Chad model came up to succubi asking them purely for sex and I think 100 of them rejected himIn social relationships it is a little more complicated, since although succubi are attracted to it, it does not mean that they will fuck anyone who offers them sex. Nobody wants to look like a prostitute.
>I didn't try in person but even online I couldn't get a nudes or a gf from a succubus, they just stop typing to me.Imagine that you are selling flowers for stores. Now imagine that the owners of those places receive personalized advertising about flowers, with access to pages specialized in the sale of flowers, where they can choose and buy prices with two clicks. Now if to all of the above, we add that the owner of the flower shop has a blocker, and simply checks the wine pages to buy them, and goes to a guy at his business to offer them flowers at a price equal to or better than that of Internet, where you can smell the flowers and see their quality, and where above all you have a real and direct human contact about the product, then the guy who buys flowers for his business will want to do it in person and not online.
And you may not have roses, sunflowers, orchids, or carnations, and simply have dried flowers to sell, and you will still find a market for them, since the sun rises for everyone.
>>218960what makes things more complicated though is that the internet made everyone aware of absolutely everything at any given time, so having a conversation where it doesn't strike as treating the other as a dumbass is very, very difficult. there is hardly any novelty in what we do and that strikes as even more true with AI
>>218969Read the rose example again. Buying and selling online cannot be compared to in-person sales. Personal selling is extremely effective.
>>218971If you're that guy living in a third world country above, you're deluded by your own living conditions and extrapolating it to the rest of the world.
It is extremely offensive to hit up on random people on the street in wealthy countries like Switzerland or Sweden. It can even get you into trouble with the local police if you keep repeatedly doing it to hundreds of people.
Most people in wealthy western counries also do not want to talk to a random stranger about anything. Even selling phone subscriptions on the street has been made unprofitable a decade ago because people simply do not stop on the street to talk to a stranger for any reason.
>>218976I am as special as the 8 billion people in this world. There are many ways to sell, and you have to see which one best suits your country. I can tell you the way I sold, but if you sell in your country, it may be different. Besides, if you live in Switzerland, Sweden, or in a first world country, it is much easier to earn money, and you have thousands of alternatives to do it.
>can even get you into trouble with the local police if you keep repeatedly doing it to hundreds of people.What you say is ridiculous, no police officer can put a person in prison just for talking to them.
>>218977I've seen a PUA grifter get reported to, and accosted by, police in the UK for asking out succubi in a University.
>>218841cope, its never 0%
>>220127Is there a point where the chance of success is so low that it's not worth trying? If the chance of success is 0.1%, is it still worth making 1000 attempts until you make it with a swamp ass stank whale?
>>218960>When someone rejects you once, you try dozens more times until they buy from you.what a pathetic way to be
>>220128>Is there a point where the chance of success is so low that it's not worth trying? If the chance of success is 0.1%, is it still worth making 1000 attempts until you make it with a swamp ass stank whale?Of course it isnt worth it. Even for normal people the most common outcome is a failed relationship that damages them or costs a massive amount of money, time, suffering. Bad relationships can completely break people, it is very risky, especially for a vulnerable wiz autist
>>220128In this world governed by social networks, it is rare for a man to talk to a succubus irl, the same goes for sales, although this varies from country to country. But out of 10 succubi a normie talks to, it is likely that one will be interested in him, it is a matter of statistics.
>what a pathetic way to beIf a person rejects you, then that person wasn't worth it in the first place.